Top 1200 Hunting Season Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Hunting Season quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
I just watched the entire season of 'Louie' in one flight. What an amazing show.
The hounding of a dog pursuing a fox or other animal in the horizon may have first suggested the notes of the hunting-horn to alternate with and relieve the lungs of the dog. This natural bugle long resounded in the woods of the ancient world before the horn was invented.
My main aim is getting set up so that when I do quit, I can step away and re-evaluate what I want to do in life. Do I want to get to 50 years old and come back? Or will I just want to go home and be fishing, hunting, and working around the house?
These two clubs had a monopoly of the domestic honours last season. — © Tony Gubba
These two clubs had a monopoly of the domestic honours last season.
I have discovered that our great favourite, Miss Austen, is my countrywoman...with whom mamma before her marriage was acquainted. Mamma says that she was then the prettiest, silliest, most affected, husband-hunting butterfly she ever remembers...
A season with Fiorentina in Serie A? I could certainly try again.
I am a huge 'Bigg Boss' fan, and I have watched every season.
My main aim is getting set up so that when I do quit, I can step away and re-evaluate what I want to do in life. Do I want to get to 50 years old and come back? Or will I just want to go home and be fishing, hunting and working around the house?
Wisdom is like the rain. Its source is limitless, but it comes down according to the season.
A fit player has good and bad times during a season, and you have that in rehab, too.
I work all summer and throughout the whole season to be prepared for the challenges that I have to face.
In the Second Amendment, it's not about hunting, it's not about target shooting, it's about protecting your home and your family and your life.
The fact I've played well means that on a personal level I have enjoyed the season.
When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old. — © Lady Bird Johnson
When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I'll know I'm growing old.
I pray this winter be gentle and kind - a season of rest from the wheel of the mind.
Human beings were human beings anatomically for several hundred thousand years, wandering around, hunting and gathering. And then suddenly, at the same time they started painting in caves they started multiplying.
There's not many TV series that do that, that focus on different characters every season.
In this autumn of 1919, in which I write, we are at the dead season of our fortunes.
Ordinarily, players fine-tune their match-fitness during the pre-season.
I had one of those light bulb 'a ha' moments while screening 'Good Will Hunting' in Camp David in 1998 - Madeleine Albright and the Clintons were there, and I just became really inspired by all of these amazing people. I left the screening asking myself what I could do.
I worked a lot on my ball-handling and outside shooting during the off season.
You work all season to earn the trust of your teammates and the coaching staff.
A hunter archer can also be out to shock by taking crazy shots. What makes his shots "crazy" is set by excessive risk, judged by hunting-archery standards, which would tend to draw agreement from knowledgeable observers.
John Kerry went duck hunting and he's doing that to fulfill his campaign pledge to hunt down the ducks and kill them wherever they are! Kerry did pretty well; he came back with four ducks and three Purple Hearts.
A lot of people are thanking me for standing up, but I don't want to be the only one standing up. Our political leaders are important. But I don't see anyone hunting down these guys setting refugee camps on fire or sending them to jail.
We can't make or break our whole season on the first game.
I make more money in the off-season than I do playing football.
Dealing with uncertainty is always a key challenge for investors. But dealing with uncertainty doesn't mean avoiding it - on the contrary, it is often fuzziness about a company's future that creates the type of opportunity bargain-hunting investors cherish.
The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting, and I know I'm not going to make very many friends saying this, but it's about our right, all of our right to be able to protect ourselves from all of you guys [politicians] up there.
The good thing is we got the Yankees three times at the end of the season.
The media has outright lied on me. They reported that I called myself Osama's [Bin Laden] 'sex slave,' apparently unaware that sex slaves aren't allowed to look their master in the eye, write poetry with him or go on hunting excursions with him.
Homo Sapiens is a frontier creature. It is what we do; it defines what we are. This has been true from our very beginnings. It is the core reason our progenitors wandered forth from the first primordial valleys in search of more room, better hunting, or more fertile soil.
I directed an early episode of 'Supernatural' the first season called 'Skin.'
I'm looking forward to Phoenix. I ran well there last year in the Nationwide Series, and it was one of the tracks I made four Sprint Cup starts at last season. In the Cup race last year, I had a good run going for it being my first time there in a Cup car, and unfortunately got damage from an accident. It's not a restrictor plate race, so this will be the first time this season that I will run a lot of laps in practice. It's also the first race for the new qualifying format, so it will be interesting to see how that works out. Overall, I just want to have a solid run in the BRANDT Chevy.
Just a few thousand Hezbollah fighters set two countries on fire all by themselves. Don't discount what bloody mayhem and hell a few thousand armed Druze, Christians, and Sunni can do if they decide to go hunting Shia in revenge for destroying their country.
The expectations were low for 'Castle;' people thought we'd be one season and done.
I want to show I can play at my best for a whole Premier League season.
I remember that in 2017, when we won everything, we started the pre-season badly, with defeats.
Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech. — © Plutarch
Silence at the proper season is wisdom, and better than any speech.
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
The first season in a new country like England is very difficult.
Every season challenges me to approach styling in a different way.
If it's attention you want, don't get involved with a man during play-off season.
It's nice to get comfortable with the plays before the season starts.
I was so happy to finish my first season in England with two trophies.
Hi! handsome hunting man Fire your little gun. Bang! Now the animal is dead and dumb and done. Nevermore to peep again, creep again, leap again, Eat or sleep or drink again. Oh, what fun!
October, November, December is a huge selling season globally for Nintendo.
I read a lot of Socrates in the off-season. Don't print that, or it'll ruin my rep.
Youth's the season made for joys, Love is then our duty. — © John Gay
Youth's the season made for joys, Love is then our duty.
Just about every weekend when I was growing up, we would throw rods and rifles and tents and shovels and pickaxes into the back of the truck and then head off to the side of a mountain or the bottom of a canyon. Hiking, fishing, hunting, rock-hounding: this is how my parents passed the time.
I like dressing in all seasons. Every season has its own character and charm.
I don't like running that much, and during the off-season, I have to do it, but if I can replace it with tennis, it is better.
2010 was my best season so far but I think I can get better at everything.
You see the standard hunting show; it's an outdoor television show. A lot of times, it's just a guy sitting in a tree, waiting on an animal. I don't think it does it justice, and I don't think it captures the enjoyment and the splendor of the incredible outdoors and the feeling of being out there.
The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.
This is a dream for me, it really is, to be the leader of a staff going into the season.
Mahmoud Darwish wrote that "extreme clarity is a mystery." That sounds right to me. I don't want anyone hunting for anything ancillary to the true mystery. If that means risking being thought of as glib or dull or banal or stupid or whatever, I guess that will just have to be the way it is.
Each season was different and presented its own set of circumstances and challenges.
I was traveling down the road with a buddy and there's a guy driving around in a jeep with a dead deer strapped to the hood. My buddy says to me you think he's been hunting? Nope, They're probably giving them away with the purchase of every jeep. Here's your sign!
It's very difficult to have the same motivation in the season after you've won two trophies.
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