Top 321 Hyper Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hyper quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I have never felt the need to get agitated or hyper about anything in life.
My London is racy. Hyper. Unpredictable. Uncontrollable. Er. Intense.
There are always a few people who are hyper-normal. — © Howard Rheingold
There are always a few people who are hyper-normal.
I'm hyper light-sensitive and must sleep in the equivalent of a sealed tomb.
I'm hyper-focused on loss. But I know it's just the impermanence of being here.
I actually think acting is a form of self-hypnosis. You have to be hyper, hyper aware of what's going on around you. You have to know where the lens is, what the shot is, and where you're moving. And then you have to trick yourself into an emotional state where you believe this stuff is actually happening.
I would say that the pharmaceutical industry is hyper-competitive from a global perspective.
I'm so hyper. (said with a very dull voice>
When I was little, I wasn't allowed to put sugar on my breakfast cereal because it made me so hyper.
Fantasy is hard to do when it comes to making it look good compared to something that's a documentary or hyper-realism.
I am a very hyper person and always get pre-occupied with something.
I was a hyper little kid.
I'm a really goofy person most of the time, and I have to sometimes temper my hyper self on set. — © Lauren Cohan
I'm a really goofy person most of the time, and I have to sometimes temper my hyper self on set.
I kinda have the opposite of ADD. I have a hyper-focused disorder, where if there's a given task in front of me I really concentrate on that.
As a child, I was hyper, I was a clown and I was sensitive. Today I'm all of the above, except I've refrained from bouncing off the walls.
I'm hyper, goofy. I always have to be moving, doing something.
I've always had this hyper kinetic energy, so I don't really need much sleep at night.
I'm not hyper-opinionated, but when I do have an opinion, I'm very stubborn, and I want to persuade everyone to my point of view.
I have been a very 'hyper boy' right from childhood. And while many liked that trait of mine, my friends didn't.
I have a problem sometimes with being too hyper.
Humans are incredibly selfish. And in parents, flaws become hyper focused.
China's hyper-growth is causing the world's most populous nation to spin out of the control of its leaders.
I'm a very hyper person.
I think I'm quite up and down, I'm quite hyper. Either hyper up or down.
What we're doing now, is to try to eradicate the limited notion of how people are interacting with each other through hyper-racialized ideas. A lot of it deal with, as an example, genre. If I ask you to visualize a trap musician or a hip-hop musician, you'll see one thing. If I say visualize a western classical musician, you'll see a very different thing. A lot of how music is disseminated to us is hyper-racialized. It's not something that we think about all the time, but if you take a minute to look back, it's why you get this argument when there's a white rapper.
I'm the most organised person in the world. Apparently, I'm just like Monica from 'Friends' because I am hyper, hyper organised. It's probably bordering on OCD.
There is nothing about a bad situation that fourteen hyper cheerleaders can't worsen.
I love Nelly. He's such a great performer. He's so hyper and so am I.
We've made hyper motherhood a measure of female success.
In a hyper-capitalist environment dominated by media giants, the means available to independent journalism have narrowed considerably.
I think we still live in this era of hyper-masculinity.
If I could have any superpower, I would want hyper-intelligence.
I was a hyper kid in school and the teacher suggested to my mom she needed to do something with me.
All of my songs are so hyper-specific - that they can seem universal is a beautiful thing.
I was a kind of hyper-intense person in my twenties and very impatient.
When elected officials and others contribute to a climate and culture that fosters hyper-partisanship, we've got to blow the whistle.
You can't satirise darts, because it's hyper-real as it is; there's already enough over-the-top madness to it.
I’m quite hyper, and my wife would prefer it if I sat down and read a book. — © Jamie Dornan
I’m quite hyper, and my wife would prefer it if I sat down and read a book.
Most of the myths that we carry about spirituality are because we have been dominated by this hyper-masculine trance.
Emotional scenes can be especially difficult because I'm such a hyper, excited person, so sometimes that can be hard.
Hyper-parenting has many pitfalls. Overprotected and overpraised children may develop an inflated sense of entitlement.
I drink maple syrup. Then I'm hyper so I just run around like crazy and work it all off.
I'm a professional hanger outer. I'm a super liability, too. I joke around and I'm like a hyper-active child.
A lot of people my age are so hyper. I like hyper people.
I've struggled so much, growing up, with just feeling that my life is valid because it's not filled with these hyper-dramatic moments, and I think a lot of people of my generation feel that way. We're so inundated with hyper-drama that people crave everyday life.
I have a hyper personality.
Hyper-aggressive poker works best in deep-stack tournaments.
I'm not an extroverted person, nor am I hyper-confident in my point of view. I just don't have that personality. — © Maria Bamford
I'm not an extroverted person, nor am I hyper-confident in my point of view. I just don't have that personality.
Sometimes I'm really communicating with the audience and I'm hyper-engaged. Other times my eyes are closed and I just let it be what it is.
The 'Police Academy' stuff was all hyper-slapsticky.
Becoming a model was very counter-culture for my background, which is hyper-liberal, academic and feminist.
I wasn't shy, but I was really hyper. Nobody got my sense of humor. I was a black skater kid.
I was a very hyper-active child and my parents just didn't know what to do with me.
You need to be hyper-aware because it's your survival at stake.
Cocooning is about insulation and avoidance, peace and protection, coziness and control - a sort of hyper-nesting.
He said I was the most sensitive person he had ever seen- that I belonged to the hyper-hyper type and we rarely survive!
L.A. is conventional to a hyper-real degree. It's plastic.
I love coffee, but I have to make sure I don't have more than one cup a day because I'm already a little hyper.
I love to listen to talkative girls. I like 'hyper' types.
Dad was hyper-furious about money all the time and we didn't mix with high-flying or media families.
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