Top 1200 I Adore Him Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular I Adore Him quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I adore [my son]. I wouldn't trade him in for a Pulitzer - unless someone actually offered that as an option.
I adore him I have never been so happy. I have real love.
Henry is a beautiful player and has got complete technique, I adore watching him. I respect him very much as a man and as a footballer. He reminds me of myself. — © Ronaldinho
Henry is a beautiful player and has got complete technique, I adore watching him. I respect him very much as a man and as a footballer. He reminds me of myself.
I adore this adventure, I adore working with youth. For me it's a daily challenge, working to help these youths realize their dreams.
Shakespeare is where I live. I adore him.
I am addicted to 'Vogue' magazines, be they French, British - I adore, adore, adore.
I adore film, and I adore music.
And yet I adore him. I think he's quite crazy, and with no place or occupation in life, and far from happy, and philosophically irresponsible – and there is absolutely nobody like him.
Every now and then you run across radiantly attractive people and you're delighted to find they adore you, till you realize that they adore just about everybody - and that's what's made them radiantly attractive.
Freaks was a thing I photographed a lot. It was one of the first things I photographed, and it had a terrific kind of excitement for me. I just used to adore them. I still do adore some of them.
I adore you, mon petit, and would never allow him to hurt you, no matter how gently or madly.
The key, then, to loving God is to see Jesus, to hold him before the mind with as much fullness and clarity as possible. It is to adore him.
Lots of African-American people really so adore Barack Obama that they're unwilling to even be mildly critical of him.
I love life and I love that about people... I adore the human experience, I really adore the ... I love the contradictions of people... I don't mind being sexy and girlish and womanly, and all those things at the same time... smart and very
Each morning at Holy Mass, the Bread of Life will help the body as well as the soul, if we have faith. If we but touch the hem of His garment...and how much more have we than that! We can find Him, at every moment, on the altar. Be with Him there. Better than all books! Thank the Trinity over and over again for this Gift. Rest in His presence, and my guardian angel will adore Him for me. Silence.
When you have a popular hero in your film, you have to think of what the masses expect from him. You have to portray the hero in such a way that they should adore him.
There aren't many people in the world that are as respected and loved when it comes to entertainment and as big as Pac. But the greatness that I adore the most is him as a man.
I literally have zero friends. So I like people to adore me, but I never had a talent that made people adore me. — © Trisha Paytas
I literally have zero friends. So I like people to adore me, but I never had a talent that made people adore me.
I love and adore Salman Khan. Every year I see him on Bigg Boss' and I just freeze. I'm head over heels with his eyes and smile. He is a very charming personality.
I adore being with Roberta. I adore being in her spiritual light. I adore being close to her talent and gifts.
I just adore being on set. I adore storytelling. I can be on a set 70 hours a week and on those weekends, I'll still want to watch movies.
If I am in fashion, it is really due to very few designers that I admire - not because I don't like the rest, or that the rest are not beautiful, but because I am very selective. I adore Versace. I adore Helmut Lang, despite the fact that it's over.
I adore Vetri's work since 'Polladhavan;' I have even called him in the middle of the night to tell him what an amazing film he has made.
I do not sing nor play, but I adore music, particularly Chopin. I like him because I cannot understand him.
It is out of love and not duress that I look after Dilip saab. I am not looking for praises to be called a devoted wife. Just to touch him and cuddle him is the world's best thing that's happening to me. I adore him and he is my breath itself.
O Come All Ye Faithful, Joyful and triumphant. O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.
You silly Arthur! If you knew anything about...anything, which you don't, you would know that I adore you. Everyone in London knows it except you. It is a public scandal the way I adore you. I have been going about for the last six months telling the whole of society that I adore you. I wonder you consent to have anything to say to me. I have no character left at all. At least, I feel so happy that I am quite sure I have no character left at all.
I adore the struggle you carry in yourself. I adore your terrifying sincerity.
I adore clothes, I adore drinking. I just don't have the time or the inclination to totally indulge in it.
Shah Rukh Khan is an institution in himself. Like me, there are millions who adore and worship the Badshah of Bollywood. I've been a huge fan of him even before I decided to become an actor.
There are only two kinds of Wodehouse readers, those who adore him and those who have never read him.
Chuck Cooper is a friend, and I adore him. He can do so many things.
My mother loved Gene Wilder when I was growing up, so I used to watch all his movies with her. I just adore him.
Friends, do not be afraid of silence or stillness. Listen to God. Adore Him in the Eucharist.
Dallas Austin... where do I begin? I adore him - he is one of the kindest people I know.
Tastes are varied, man, so much in this music world. Look, I adore the bands that I adore. On the flipside, as much as you love a 100 different genres of bands, there are another 100 I can easily say I dislike, too.
United with the angels and saints of the heavenly Church, let us adore the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. Prostrate, we adore this great mystery that contains God's new and definitive covenant with humankind in Christ.
Praise consists in the love of God, in wonder at the goodness of God, in recognition of the gifts of God, in seeing God in all things He gives us, ay, and even in the things that He refuses to us; so as to see our whole life in the light of God; and seeing this, to bless Him, adore Him, and glorify Him.
When I had my Comedy Central roast, David [Spade] was my first choice to be roastmaster, because I adore him. He's funny as hell, and nobody is meaner. — © Rob Lowe
When I had my Comedy Central roast, David [Spade] was my first choice to be roastmaster, because I adore him. He's funny as hell, and nobody is meaner.
Man is made to adore and to obey: but if you will not command him, if you give him nothing to worship, he will fashion his own divinities, and find a chieftain in his own passions.
He is scary as the butcher, but you will not meet a lovelier, more interesting guy than Danny Huston. His stories leave me spellbound. I adore him.
Freaks was a thing I photographed a lot. It was one of the first things I photographed and it had a terrific kind of excitement for me. I just used to adore them. I still do adore some of them. I don't quite mean they're my best friends but they made me feel a mixture of shame and awe.
On Christmas day you can't get sore, your fellow man you must adore. There's time to cheat him all the more the other three hundred and sixty-four
Do not forget Him but think on Him often. Adore Him continually. Live and die with Him. This is the glorious work of a Christian; in a word, this is our profession. If we do not know it, we must learn it.
We magnify Him who is worthy above all others and adore Him simply because of who He is.
We had a great connection with Pedro Almodovar from the beginning. Even before I met him, it was so strange. I felt like I already knew him. I loved him even before I met him. It was so powerful. And when I looked at him in the eyes, this was the feeling that I knew I was going to have with him. It gets bigger and bigger every day. I adore him. It's much more than working together. He's a really special person in my life.
Shah Rukh is an amazing person. I really adore him. He's such a thorough gentleman.
I got divorced on February 14, 2003, and got engaged on February 14, 2019. I have had relationships in between and my kids have liked every person that I have been with. But it is very different with Maneck - they adore him and want him in our lives forever.
I understand from those who adore him, he [Julian Assange] has a great sense of humor which rarely gets an airing because he's dealing with such serious issues.
It is strange, is it not, how a person can adore one's soul so much that they adore one's body also?
God's Word calls His people to adore Him exclusively and completely and to love people as themselves.
Being converted to Jesus is learning to so adore God that we would gladly renounce everything we have to follow Him.
When we do not adore God, we adore something else. Money and power are false idols which often take the place of God. — © Pope Francis
When we do not adore God, we adore something else. Money and power are false idols which often take the place of God.
The Beatles gave me everything. Especially Paul McCartney. I adore him.
I adore not being me. I'm not very good at being me. That's why I adore acting so much.
I would never butt heads with Rob Zombie. I don't know anybody that's in acting that ever butted heads with Rob Zombie. I adore Rob. I adore him. I adore working with him. I adore knowing him. I'm happy to consider myself a friend and someone who he hires. I just think he's great.
We praise Him, we bless Him, we adore Him, we glorify Him, and we wonder who is that baritone across the aisle and that pretty woman on our right who smells of apple blossoms. Our bowels stir and our cod itches and we amend our prayers for the spiritual life with the hope that it will not be too spiritual.
I have a beautiful stepson in my life who lives with us and I am eternally grateful that he's come into my life, I just adore him.
They were soul mates, my mother and father. They claimed to adore each other, as if the word 'adore' meant 'argue with ceaselessly.
Through all of our various Christmas traditions, I hope that we are focused first upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Wise men still adore Him.
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