Top 1200 I Hate People Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular I Hate People quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Hate demands existence, and he who hates has to show his hate in appropriate actions and behaviors; in a sense, he has to become hate. That is why the Americans have substituted discrimination for lynching.
They say that oppression engenders hate. They are heard on all sides crying hate hate.
You can go out and hate everybody, hate your age, and hate all the things you don't have but it will show; you have the face you deserve. — © Ines de La Fressange
You can go out and hate everybody, hate your age, and hate all the things you don't have but it will show; you have the face you deserve.
I have seen hate born of fear, hate speaking in the name of God and truth, hate holding up a distorting mirror to fellow human beings.
Don't hate the black, don't hate the white. If you get bit, just hate the bite.
One cricket said to another - come, let us be ridiculous, and say love! love love love love love let us be absurd, woman, and say hate! hate hate hate hate hate and then let us be angelic and say nothing.
I hate jump scares. I really hate them. I think there's nothing special about being able to startle someone - that's an involuntary reflex, and it makes people laugh.
I love informality. I hate dressing up. I hate to be conventional - and I hate every kind of snob.
People are always looking for something to hate on. If this is something for them to target and hate on, that's their thing. I look at it as satire.
You may hate the war, but never hate the ones that fight. For they do not choose when or where to fight. All they chose was to protect who they love and even the people they don't know.
Those who hate Israel hate America. Those who hate Jews hate Christians.
I have three phobias ...: I hate going to bed, get up and hate hate being alone.
I got into music by happenchance and luck and wearing a t-shirt with "I hate Pink Floyd" on it. The irony has never failed to amuse me ever since because I didn't hate Pink Floyd at all! And yet you have an entire range of people out there believing that the best thing you can do in life is to hate Pink Floyd. Come on, It's because it's the world I live in!
People hate us for showing stuff, and they hate us when we say, 'Fine, we won't show it anymore.' — © Khloe Kardashian
People hate us for showing stuff, and they hate us when we say, 'Fine, we won't show it anymore.'
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
People who hate what I make hate me, too. They must think I am a demon or some kind of evil sorcerer. Those who understand what I do appreciate the determination, love, and courage it takes to find wonder and beauty in people who are considered by society to be damaged, unclean, dysfunctional, or wretched.
The Britain I know is the Britain of Jo Cox. The Britain where people are tolerant and not prejudiced, and where people hate hate.
The tea baggers. The one thing they hate is when you call them racist. The other thing they hate is black people. But they won't say it.
Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Everything with me is either worship and passion or pity and understanding. I hate rarely, though when I hate. I hate murderously.
They shouldn't hate each other . . . I don't hate the Socs any more . . . they shouldn't hate . . .
Don't boo people! Don't boo! Be more specific! Like, 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?! I HATE THAT! I HATE IT!'
In this world Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible.
Ever, if I’ve learned nothing else in my six hundred years of living, it’s that people hate change almost as much as they hate for their beliefs to be challenged.
As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.
People love to hate. I have a love-hate relationship with the world. The world loves to hate me.
One of the things I hate about politicians, I shouldn't say I hate things, but one of the things I hate about politics is people who repeat the same talking point over and over and over again.
People who don't understand fighting think you need to hate somebody to beat them. But I keep hate and anger out of boxing, because it causes mistakes.
Always remember that others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
I'm a very private person. I like staying home and doing my stuff. I hate people invading on my privacy. I hate talking about my private life.
I actually hate when people open my gifts, and I hate opening gifts in front of people.
After 'Kelis Was Here,' I was done. I was like, 'I will never put out another record again; I hate this business; I hate all these people.' I was in this race that I didn't even realise that I was in.
I can't stand when people say, 'Don't hate me because I'm beautiful'. OK, how about I hate you because you said that.
I hate it when people lose it, there's nothing left because they're not interesting, they're boring, I hate it, and especially smack, people on smack are the most boring in the world.
My hands tend to be full enough dealing with people who hate me for who I am. Concentrate too hard on the millions of people who hate you for what you are and you're likely to turn into one of those unkempt, sloppy dressers who sag beneath the weight of the two hundred political buttons they wear pinned to their coats and knapsacks.
I don't hate journalists. You can't hate a class of people. It's wrong to say that. But I do think they're a bit like poison. Never trust them. You can't trust them as a class of people. It's their job not to be trusted.
How does fear become so powerful? We can’t see it. We can’t touch it, yet it gets its claws in us and begins to control us. Sigh. I hate feeling afraid, and I hate, hate, HATE feeling out of control.
No one could really hate a saint, could they? They can't really hate God either. When they want to Hate Him and His saints they have to find something like themselves and pretends it's God and hate that.
I'm sick of people saying I hate blacks, women, and gays. It's false and slanderous. Everyone who knows me knows I hate the Chinese. — © Zach Braff
I'm sick of people saying I hate blacks, women, and gays. It's false and slanderous. Everyone who knows me knows I hate the Chinese.
I don't like Utah. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, their fans. I hate everything
We are one people with one family. We all live in the same house... and through books, through information, we must find a way to say to people that we must lay down the burden of hate. For hate is too heavy a burden to bear.
Art is so personal. I'm very comforted by the fact that certain movies that I love, other people hate. Certain books that I love, other people hate. You can't please everybody.
People feel the worst film I made was 'Jack.' But to this day, when I get checks from old movies I've made, 'Jack' is one of the biggest ones. No one knows that. If people hate the movie, they hate the movie. I just wanted to work with Robin Williams.
I hate the world and almost all the people in it. I hate the Labour Congress and the journalists who send men to be slaughtered, and the fathers who feel a smug pride when their sons are killed, and even the pacifists who keep saying human nature is essentially good, in spite of all the daily proofs to the contrary. I hate the planet and the human race—I am ashamed to belong to such a species.
You know I never hate anyone in my life. I don't think I have many enemies but I hate Samir Khan because you can't treat people like he has done.
Why do I hate people? Who else is there to hate?
Suggesting I hate people with religion because I hate religion is like suggesting I hate people with cancer because I hate cancer.
I can't stand when people say, Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. OK, how about I hate you because you said that
War is wicked, beause it is murder and hate. And it is foolish, because hate and murder can only destroy people's bodies, not change their minds. — © Margaret Deland
War is wicked, beause it is murder and hate. And it is foolish, because hate and murder can only destroy people's bodies, not change their minds.
I hate politics, hate deals, and deal-making, hate meeting with attorneys and agents.
Some people will find any reason to hate. Don’t waste ur time. Lighten up! It takes so much less energy to smile than to hate. Enjoy life.
I hate it when people talk about Buffy as being campy... I hate camp, I don't enjoy dumb TV. I believe Aaron Spelling has single-handedly lowered SAT scores.
I don't throw the word hate around much, but I have to say that I truly hate seeing people physically fight each other. It actually makes me sick to my stomach.
if you hated white people, they would just hate you back, and nothing would change in the world; and if you didn't hate them after the way they treated you, you would end up hating yourself, and nothing would change that way, either. So it was no good to hate them, and it was no good not to hate them. So nothing changed.
I try to be happy as much as I can. I'm really not a downer; I hate victims. I hate needy people. I'm that person who always tries to make the best of any situation. I'm probably happiest when I'm with my kids or with a gaggle of gays.
I can't take it anymore. The waiting. The wanting. Something inside me snaps. I hate myself. I hate that I have to deal with this. I hate my life. And I hate how I can't count on anyone to be completely there when I need them, exactly the way I need them to be.
Already Roland feels his limbs starting to go numb. He swallows hard. "I hate this. I hate you. I hate all of you." "I understand.
I'm a music lover and I hate to hate on any music because people are just doing their best.
I don't have hate in my heart. I don't hate any person, place or thing...but I hate the Yankees.
...I thought how I hate any kind of mob - I hate mobs of sports fans, mobs of environmental demonstrators, I even hate mobs of super-models, that's how much I hate mobs. I tell you, mankind is bearable only when you get him on his own.
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