Top 1200 I Hope You Dance Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular I Hope You Dance quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
I should hope I dress differently at 25 than I did when I graduated high school. I hope I never stop changing.
You can get somebody to dance and make them jump in the club, but your feet gonna get tired. So when you put it in somebody's heart, it stick with 'em. That's what I come with it. And I can make your feet dance, too. I think that's what separates me from a lot of artists.
I hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return. — © Frida Kahlo
I hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return.
If someone said, "Here, you have your pick, you can do either a musical, Moulin Rouge type of movie, where you sing and dance, or an action movie, or a Shakespearian or Elizabethan movie," I would definitely love to do a movie that was based on a musical, where I would get to sing, dance and act, all at the same time.
Hope transforms pessimism into optimism. Hope is invincible.
I had learned that every patient has the right to hope, despite long odds, and it was my role to help nurture that hope.
Participation in the dance was entirely voluntary, a mental vow to worship the Mystery in this manner being expressed by a man ardently desiring the recovery of a sick relative; or surrounded by an enemy with escape apparently impossible; or, it might be, dying of hunger … since some inscrutable power had swept all game from forest and prairie. Others joined in the ceremony in the hope and firm belief that the Mystery …would grant them successes against the enemy and consequent eminence at home.
Irony is the attendant of hope and the fuel of hope is innocence.
Fandango was around before the Internet. Fandango is a Spanish-American dance. It's a lively tempo dance. It's almost like the tango. That's what it says in the Merriam-Webster [dictionary]. The second entry is [defined as] 'tomfoolery.' That's what it says in the dictionary, that's what I go by. I remember Queen saying it too on 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' When I was little I never understood what they meant by 'do the fandango.
Una Salus Victis Nullam Sperare Salutem - (Latin - written 19 BC) The only hope for the doomed, is no hope at all.
Making ziti for the Chicago Fire Department! I hope they're not too busy today, but this should fill their bellies I hope they like it!
Of course, the humans in Haiti have hope. They hope to leave.
O Hope! Dazzling, radiant Hope! What a change thou bringest to the hopeless; brightening the darkened paths, and cheering the lonely way. — © Aimee Semple McPherson
O Hope! Dazzling, radiant Hope! What a change thou bringest to the hopeless; brightening the darkened paths, and cheering the lonely way.
Whom are you going to dance with?' asked Mr. Knightley. She hesitated a moment and then replied, 'With you, if you will ask me.' Will you?' said he, offering his hand. Indeed I will. You have shown that you can dance, and you know we are not really so much brother and sister as to make it at all improper.' Brother and sister! no, indeed.
In the Ramtops village where they dance the real Morris dance, for example, they believe that no-one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away - until the clock he wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence.
To act as though we have hope is to keep hope alive
Gangs are born of a lethal absence of hope, and hope has an address: 130 W. Bruno St. in Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Today too, amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others.
I would love to make Madhuri Dixit dance. If I do a film with her, it definitely has to be a 'Madhuri Dixit film'. I don't want to cast her in a small role. I will do a full- fledged dance film with her.
If you feel positive, you have a sense of hope. If you have hope, you can have courage.
Pessimists fear becoming the dupes of Hope. Optimists enjoy Hope's company, and consider being duped no great matter.
Hope is the destination that we seek. Love is the road that leads to hope. Courage is the motor that drives us. We travel out of darkness into faith.
When the end comes, I hope it’s as strange as that. I hope that the sky tears open and the world is washed with colors that we’ve never seen before.
When you've been living in hope for a long time as I have, suddenly you realize that certainty is far more desirable than hope.
I try to be rational and suppress the hope that this is for real, but hope has a way of closing its eyes to reason and it just keeps growing.
An IVF patient is - is living and breathing hope. It's... it's, um... it's - You wouldn't do it if you didn't have a sense of hope. Why would you put yourself through it?
I might be a touch of a sadist and a little bit jejune... but at least I'm not a victim, not any longer. I hope. I hope, therefore I am.
Maybe I’ll never be able to do what I hope to, but at least I have hope.
I hope I have a child with flair on my hands. That's all you can hope, right?
Girls love guys who dance, and I'm definitely going to be the first one on the dance floor. Usually, you just see guys sitting around, but I definitely don't hold back when it comes to dancing. I like to keep [my dancing] toned down initially. It's a lot of snapping first off, just to get a feeling.
Whatever I do, I hope it's quality, I hope it's something that's class.
I'm a bad walker but I can dance tango. You know why? Put your hand up. Push on my fingertips and just hold it. In tango, your feet are free but the top of your body pushes, so if I feel like I'm gonna fall, my partner can catch me. So I walk with a stick but I can totally dance the tango. It's a romantic kind of thing.
She knew that what Marianne and her mother conjectured one moment, they believed the next: that with them, to wish was to hope, and to hope was to expect.
I used to be on dance team in high school; it was called drill team in Texas. And when I started doing theater sophomore year, I had to make a decision which thing I was gonna follow. It was a big shift because I sort of had all these friends on dance squad, and when I started to do theater, my whole identity shifted.
I do really silly dancing. I love dancing, but I'm not cool when I dance. It's not about my moves, it's not about how cool I am, it's not about how slick I look on the dance floor, it's about having a great time.
There can be no freedom of the individual, no democracy, without the capital system, the profit system, the private enterprise system. These are, in the end, inseparable. Those who would destroy freedom have only first to destroy the hope of gain, the profit of enterprise and risk-taking, the hope of accumulating capital, the hope to save something for one's old age and for one's children. For a community of men without property, and without the hope of getting it by honest effort, is a community of slaves of a despotic State.
I realised that if I wished to write about the dark and not allow for hope, people would recognise it as false - because hope is the nub of what we are.
The fact of the matter is that hope comes from many sources. I think depending on the federal government to be some sort of a savior is false hope. — © Tim Scott
The fact of the matter is that hope comes from many sources. I think depending on the federal government to be some sort of a savior is false hope.
Every Christian who struggles with depression struggles to keep their hope clear. There is nothing wrong with the object of their hope - Jesus Christ is not defective in any way whatsoever. But the view from the struggling Christian's heart of their objective hope could be obscured by disease and pain, the pressures of life, and by Satanic fiery darts shot against them... All discouragement and depression is related to the obscuring of our hope, and we need to get those clouds out of the way and fight like crazy to see clearly how precious Christ is.
I hope that it can relate to and be a blessing to anybody, with the hope that someday they will find Jesus Christ to be the same God that I've found Him to be.
Every city is different for playing, actually. That's one of the hardest things: to play abroad. Because sometimes you know your city and your audience and you know what to play and what people will dance to. And later, you go to a place and you think this thing will work and you start playing and it doesn't work, and you have to be able to go to another side just to try to find what people like or whatever, or, like, try to make people dance as they are more used to. I don't know, it's quite strange - people dance in different parts of Europe in a different way.
Hope radiates outward from the center of our concerns. Hope dares us to stare the miraculous in the eye and have the courage not to look away.
I grew up on rap and hip-hop and fell into dance music. Hip-hop died down, and I moved more into dance music, disco and house. It feels very natural. My rhythm growing up on hip-hop and R&B was cool, fresh, and I feel comfortable with it.
True counselors of despair are those who hope against hope—and historical experience—that the government can and will act constructively.
Any fool can hope when success lies plainly in view. It wants genuine strength to hope when matters are hopeless.
Hope is the anchor of our souls. I know of no one who is not in need of hope - young or old, strong or weak, rich or poor.
The dilemma of the eighth-grade dance is that boys and girls use music in different ways. Girls enjoy music they can dance to, music with strong vocals and catchy melodies. Boys, on the other hand, enjoy music they can improve by making up filthy new lyrics.
Man is able, and has the duty, to reach the furthest point on the road he has chosen. Only by means of hope can we attain what is beyond hope. — © Nikos Kazantzakis
Man is able, and has the duty, to reach the furthest point on the road he has chosen. Only by means of hope can we attain what is beyond hope.
If you really want a woman to love you, then you have to dance. And if you don’t want to dance, then you’re going to have to work extra hard to make a woman love you forever, and you will always run the risk that she will leave you at any second for a man who knows how to tango.
Hope's interesting, isn't it? I can't turn hope off, it's hopeless.
To understand the culture, study the dance. To understand the dance, study the people.
Hope is not just one single quality or promise. Hope has to do with believing beyond today— knowing there’s a garden of beauty that awaits me.
When I dance, I dance; when I sleep, I sleep; yes, and when I walk alone in a beautiful orchard, if my thoughts drift to far-off matters for some part of the time for some other part I lead them back again to the walk, the orchard, to the sweetness of this solitude, to myself.
Music is great; it all depends on what mood you're in, what you want to listen to. If it's party time, you listen to, you know, party music, if you want to dance with somebody. But then again, if it's a slow dance, you need something slow.
When I hit the dance floor, I hit the dance floor pretty hard!
We really feel happier when things look bleak. Hope is endurance. Hope is holding on and going on and trusting in the Lord.
It is only for those without hope that hope is given.
The first expression of religion was the dance, and the first motive of the dance was religion.
Advertising doesn't cause addictions. But it does create a climate of denial and it contributes mightily to a belief in the quick fix, instant gratification, the dreamworld, and escape from all pain and boredom. All of this is part of what addicts believe and what we hope for when we reach for our particular substance.... Addiction begins with the hope that something "out there" can instantly fill up the emptiness inside. Advertising is all about this false hope.
The mobility of the eye is such a fundamental treasure that we have, and that coexists with sensation. On the dance floor, you are totally in reality, while also experiencing this dream imagery of changing colors and wet surfaces of skin. Sometimes it's the shadow outline in the strobe light, and in another moment it's the closeup of an armpit that you're looking into. I'm not photographing all the time, but it's something that I actually see all the time, and not just on the dance floor.
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