Top 1200 I Hope You Dance Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular I Hope You Dance quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
In a recent dream, God revealed to me a door leading us into four new hopes that will prepare us to be like those who were healed and strengthened in hope and able to stand when the lightning bolt hit. We deal with these fissures of hopelessness by stepping into these new hopes. The four new hopes that I saw the Lord giving us in this time are: Hope for the Unseen, Hope Against Hope, Carefree Hope, and Childlike Hope.
I believe in hope, in what is something called ”radical hope.” I believe there is hope for all of us, even amid the suffering. And that’s why I write fiction, probaby. It’s my attempt to keep that fragile strand of radical hope, to buld a fire in the darkness.r
Forget your troubles and dance! Forget your sorrows and dance! Forget your sickness and dance! Forget your weakness and dance! — © Bob Marley
Forget your troubles and dance! Forget your sorrows and dance! Forget your sickness and dance! Forget your weakness and dance!
I refuse to dance. And I can't dance anyway. I'm not in a band for that.
Dance is my passion, and I feel so strongly about it that just watching people dance lights up my face and makes me come alive.
Background vocals during her song "I Hope You Dance" .....'Time is a wheel in constant motion always, rolling us along. Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder, where those years have gone.'
World is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.
People ask if I had hope of becoming a champion. I had hope. Hope was the only thing I had. Hope pushed me.
In our religion, there are people who might be conservative about practicing dance after marriage, but I don't want anything or anyone to come between me and my dance.
My background is in modern dance. I was a dancer and a choreographer before I was a director, and in dance, you can't cheat. Your leg goes up in the air, or it doesn't. So when I direct, I'm a big preparer.
There are those who dance to the rhythm that is played to them, those who only dance to their own rhythm, and those who don't dance at all.
We Indians are musical- and dance-minded people. If a child is born or on a wedding, birthday, we dance. But when a song starts unreasonably, it irritates me.
I hope I haven't maxed out, because I'm not satisfied. I hope I can be a better ball player, and I hope I'm on my way. — © Scott Rolen
I hope I haven't maxed out, because I'm not satisfied. I hope I can be a better ball player, and I hope I'm on my way.
The tango is a very interior dance. It's not an exterior - it's not flashy and all over the floor. It's a very interior dance when you see the old guys dance in the clubs. I learned everything from the old guys in the clubs.
Women, as well as men, in all ages and in all places, have danced on the earth, danced the life dance, danced joy, danced grief, danced despair, and danced hope. Literally and metaphorically, by their very lives.
'The Dance Scene' is basically the most amazing dance show in the world, and it follows me as a creative director. You see how I maintain that creativity.
I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope, For hope would be hope for the wrong thing.
I do 5Rhythms a lot. It's like dance meditation. You go into a room and there's a DJ and it's in the evening, completely sober, and it's spiritual. You can just move and dance however you want.
For an actor, one doesn't have to be a dancer. But because our Hindi movies have so many song and dance sequences, it is preferred if they are good dancers. It's always advantageous to know dance. But if you don't, it's okay.
Mentors and apprentices are partners in an ancient human dance, and one of teaching's great rewards is the daily chance it gives us to get back on the dance floor. It is the dance of the spiraling generations, in which the old empower the young with their experience and the young empower the old with new life, reweaving the fabric of the human community as they touch and turn.
I love to dance, but the flip side is that I can't dance.
When I am dancing, it feels like my prayer. It's like an offering. I offer my head back to the dance, I offer my shoulders back to the dance, my elbows, my hands, my spine, my knees, my feet, my whole self, my bones, my blood, my experience, my suffering... I offer it all back to the dance and I say: take it, do whatever you want with me. Release me.
I was told that I was good in my dance movement classes and that I should concentrate on dance because it would enhance my ability to get acting work.
Dance in your dream. Go out into the street and hug everyone you meet. Tell them how beautiful they are. Dance together.
I love to dance. I have always been the first on the dance floor, but I'm not teachable. I couldn't learn 'five, six, seven, eight' if my life depended on it.
Hope -- Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God’s greatest gift to us...A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead.
I have not worked out my poems with a careful will, falling rather on haphazard and blind formulation of wordage, a more flowing concept, in a hope for a more new and lively path. I do personalize at times, but this only for the grace and elan of the dance.
Oh, I got totally misquoted saying I can dance like Rihanna. I can't! What I did say is that I enjoy a dance-off with my stepdaughter and her friends.
Sometimes, when I'm alone, I put on six inch heels and wear nothing else and dance around in front of the mirror and do my little stripper dance.
I'm not naturally a gifted dancer, and I don't enjoy it. I didn't go to any of those classes in drama school 'cause I was like, "I'm not going to dance. I don't need to learn to dance." I regret that.
I was very personable and outgoing and was friends with most everybody in my class but I was a diehard dancer so I was constantly at dance classes and working toward my passion of dance.
Take a chance on faith - not religion, but faith. Not hope, but faith. I don’t believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire. Faith leaps over it.
Hope is cruel. Hope reminds me of what almost was. Hope makes the physical ache return.
F**king dance whenever you want to dance.
The dancing style in Bollywood has changed a lot after 2000, mainly because of the dance-based reality TV shows. Everyone knows about the varied dance styles nowadays. The actors are also quick to pick up dance forms such as locking, popping, breaking and hip-hop. So, this factor has changed the industry's dancing style as a whole.
I'm probably the most uncool guy that [my daughters] know-as far as they are concerned anyway-'cause I'm Dad. I mean dads just aren't cool-especially when I dance! They don't want me to dance.
As I was always busy with dance, acting, giving performances on stage, and even studies, I had no time for other hobbies and I hope to make more time for other things once I am settled.
Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. — © Suzanne Collins
Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous.
And as far as false hope, there is no such thing. There is only hope or the absence of hope - nothing else.
When there's no sign of hope in the desert, so much hope still lives inside despair. Heart, don't kill that hope.
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. Hope is one of those things that you can't buy, but that will be freely given to you if you ask. Hope is the one thing people cannot live without. Hope is a thing of beauty.
There are very few video games where there are - like, completely pacifistic - and if there are, I tend to play them - 'Dance Dance Revolution,' there was a game called 'Flower' that I really enjoy.
For me, it's like biking around the neighborhood, the walks and stuff, because I have never enjoyed the gym. Or I'll do, since I used to dance a lot, all the old dance exercises.
Although the circle dance is known throughout the entire world, the front dance is limited to the cultures of which the rectangular hut is a part.
I haven't had any formal training, but I guess dance comes naturally to us - people from the north. See how much we dance at weddings.
Reincarnation is a dance. It is a movement of life to the rhythm of the universe. Spirit and matter join together as one dancing partner. They dance and it goes on forever.
And dance is wonderful because dance is so immediate.
Man is, properly speaking, based upon hope, he has no other possession but hope; this world of his is emphatically the place of hope. — © Thomas Carlyle
Man is, properly speaking, based upon hope, he has no other possession but hope; this world of his is emphatically the place of hope.
This thing, reconciliation, isn't perfect, but we also must have hope. Without hope, there is nothing. So let's hope.
While I love dancing and I am trained in certain forms, I can tell you that I dance better with my daughter because we dance like there is no one watching us.
I'm not trying to compete with any other revival soul acts. It's just Leon Bridges, a kid from Fort Worth trying to be himself and give people hope. It's great music to dance to and just love.
Medicine comes with hope: the hope of having a healthy child, the hope of being able to raise your family.
Everybody can learn to dance. If they can walk, they can dance.
I love to dance and dance all night long.
Movement has the capacity to take us to the home of the soul, the world within for which we have no name. Movement reaches our deepest nature, and dance creatively expresses it. Through dance, we gain new insights into the mystery of our lives. When brought forth from the inside and forged by the desire to create personal change, dance has the profound power to heal the body, psyche and soul.
She belongs to the winter that is past, to the darkness that is over, and has no part or lot in the life I shall lead for the next six months. Oh, I could dance and sing for joy that the spring is here! What a ressurection of beauty there is in my garden, and of brightest hope in my heart.
O, Love's but a dance, Where Time plays the fiddle! See the couples advance - O, Love's but a dance! A whisper, a glance, "Shall we twirl down the middle?" O, Love's but a dance, Where Time plays the fiddle!
Hope knows no fear. Hope dares to blossom even inside the abysmal abyss. Hope secretly feeds and strengthens promise.
Very honest, I hope. God, I don't know. I hope I'm fun, I hope I am a good time. Spontaneous, surprising, affectionate? I hope, kind. Dancing a lot of dancing. I insist upon dancing. Anywhere. Anytime. The more dancing, the better
And as far as false hope, there is no such thing. There is only hope or the absence of hope-nothing else.
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