Top 1200 I Love You Too Much Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular I Love You Too Much quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The problem with America today is that too many people know too much about not enough.
The number one mistake people make in attraction is either doing too much or too little.
... people misunderstood death, they died not of too little life but of too much life, that as the skin withered and the future grew short it was the past that took on flesh, until ultimately the sheer accumulation of experience and memory became too heavy to carry.
I remain very much connected to my childhood... I have never been too jaded or too sophisticated. — © Hugh Hefner
I remain very much connected to my childhood... I have never been too jaded or too sophisticated.
The biggest mistake people make is to try to lose too much weight too fast.
Falling in love, although it resulted in altered body chemistry and was therefore real, was a hormonally induced delusional state, according to him. In addition it was humiliating, because it put you at a disadvantage, it gave the love object too much power. As for sex per se, it lacked both challenge and novelty, and was on the whole a deeply imperfect solution to the problem of intergenerational genetic transfer.
Crimes sometimes shock us too much; vices almost always too little.
We can use doubt to self analyze. A measure of doubt can help us to attain self-honesty. But, like too much water, too much doubt will also destroy us.
When I know too much I get bored too fast.
Simplicity is an exact mediumbetween too little and too much.
What I love about Salman bhai is that he's one superstar minus any ego. And you see people around, who haven't achieved much in life, yet their ego is too strong.
There is too much bad news to justify complacency. There is too much good news to justify despair.
I know too much to be a sceptic and too little to be a dogmatist.
...weary of k knowing too much and understanding too little. — © Jan Karon
...weary of k knowing too much and understanding too little.
Better too much form than too little.
If you try to pull too much power through too soon, you will injure yourself.
Our problem is not that we desire too much but too little.
People calculate too much and think too little.
The one word love means too little for what it is. It doesn't communicate even a fraction of the feelings involved. Love. The word is not enough for what it is. Love. Love.
Since you know the means of getting better, in the name of God, make use of them. Do not take on anything beyond your strength, do not be anxious, do not take things too much to heart, go gently, do not work too long or too hard.
Progressivism is the belief that we have too much freedom with which to make too many stupid choices.
Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us. The important thing is not to think much but to love much and so do that which best stirs you to love. Love is not great delight but desire to please God in everything.
I suppose everyone is looking for love, and we live in a culture where we have opportunities to fall in love far more than once. A person might go through the dissolution of a major love or a minor love, but the frictions and feelings are very primal - heartbreak, longing, jealousy, anger - etc. People often say love is universal - which it is - so the loss of love naturally is too.
Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless.
I love my husband so much. I love our family. I love our dynamic. I'm proud to be in the relationship that I am because it's based on love. Pure love.
There are lots of ways to make money in venture capital, and there are even more ways to be mediocre. The industry has too much money and too many smart people chasing too few great entrepreneurs.
What connects two thousand years of genocide? Too much power in too few hands.
Sometimes a piece of music in the score isn't effective. When a score is too well finished with too many elements, sometimes it's too much.
You know, I said I have this problem that I need to more carefully read Akron's text because it's too much, too much fantasy, and so I am busy with other stuff - it's funny, it's nice to hear that someone is studying that carefully and now I know a little bit more about that.
I always laugh when I listen to my old stuff. I was just trying way too much back then. Doing too many harmonies and too many runs and all the crazy stuff. Rapping all funny and animated.
For a comedienne, you have to have a little tragedy or a dark side, just not too much. Otherwise it's too disruptive.
Sometimes I think I'm put on too high a pedestal and get thrown under the bus too much.
It is unwise to feel too much if we think too little.
I had done either too much coke or too little, a constant problem in my life.
Vice, virtue - it's best not to be too moral. You'll cheat yourself out of too much life.
They were nice enough people and all, but there wasn't much love in them. Because they were too busy being afraid. Love didn't grow very well in a place where there was only fear, just as plants didn't grow very well in a place where it was always dark.
If you're bringing up kids, you just want to smother them with love and praise and enthusiasm. So I don't think you can mollycoddle your kids too much really.
I needed to step back from cricket, international cricket in particular, just to get away from the scrutiny and intensity of everything. I love it but it was too much for me.
Too few accomplish twice as much as too many. — © Malcolm Forbes
Too few accomplish twice as much as too many.
In Dubai, we spend too much of our lives in cars; we shouldn't be wasting it in something boring, but rather enjoy every minute in something we love and appreciate.
You can give the Devil too much or too little attention.
I had this thing about not giving too much of myself away, so I thought, if I sang lyrics, that's giving too much away. You know, I really didn't want to give myself away.
Don't rely too much on labels, for too often they are fables
I lacked some essential skill for attracting people, for giving and receiving love easily. It meant too much to me. I seemed to be driving away the people I most wanted. Finally I had realized that getting someone to love you was like trying to coax a bird to perch on your finger . . . it wouldn't happen unless you stopped trying so hard.
Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It's not 'I love you' for this or that reason, not 'I love you if you love me.' It's love for no reason, love without an object.
He smiled his dimpled smile. "Well, I've found something in my heart, my love, and it's you. You fill it up so completely that I don't need anything else." His gaze turned solemn. "I don't want to be the river anymore. I want to be the earth that the tree roots in. And I believe that I can, if you'll be my tree. Will you?" It was too much. She began to cry, though she smiled so he'd know that they were happy tears. "That vastly your last one," she choked out between sobs. "I would very much love to be your tree." -Jarret and Annabel
You've got to have as many good times as bad, or it all becomes too painful and too much work.
One can never study nature too much and too hard
Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little. — © Edna Ferber
Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
We demand too much of life, too little of ourselves.
Promising too much can be as cruel as caring too little.
If the storm within gets too loud, I take a glass too much to stun myself.
Whether we give away too much or too little of ourselves, our vitality dwindles.
The wretched reflect either too much or too little.
I love acting. I love singing. Eventually, I'd love to go on Broadway. I love New York so much.
The truth now.He was disappointed in human beings.He had seen too many betrayals,too many pitiful weaknesses,too much greed for money and fame.The falseness between lovers,husbands and wifes,fathers,sons,mothers,daughters
You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
I feel like I'm being too Zen. I'm inhaling too much patchouli and incense. It's embarrassing.
I'm not too proud to change. I like to win too much.
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