Top 1200 Ice Storm Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Ice Storm quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Examples are cited by soldiers, of men who have seen the cannon pointed, and the fire given to it, and who have stepped aside from he path of the ball. The terrors of the storm are chiefly confined to the parlour and the cabin.
Just as a very little fresh water is blown away by a storm of wind and dust, in like manner the good deeds, that we think we do in this life, are overwhelmed by the multitude of evils.
Ours is the wild tumult of the unchained storm, the tumult of the army on the march, clashing its cymbals, rioting with excess of energy. Need we be ashamed of it? — © Liam O'Flaherty
Ours is the wild tumult of the unchained storm, the tumult of the army on the march, clashing its cymbals, rioting with excess of energy. Need we be ashamed of it?
At Poltersberg, there is a lake similarly cursed. If you throw a stone into it, a dreadful storm immediately arises, and the whole neighboring district quakes to its centre. 'Tis the devils kept prisoner there.
Can we just call them storm spirits?” Leo asked. “Venti makes them sound like evil espresso drinks.
Angry and choleric men are as ungrateful and unsociable as thunder and lightning, being in themselves all storm and tempest; but quiet and easy natures are like fair weather, welcome to all.
I can't overrule gravity or turn away an approaching hurricane. I'm powerless over those things, yet this doesn't mean that I can't act with responsibility. I can pack provisions and head to my cellar as a storm approaches.
Towns and cities throughout the United States have opened their hearts and homes to thousands of families displaced from their homes as a result of this horrific storm.
When a skater steps on the ice to compete, the nerves, the tension, and sheer suspense of that moment make for great drama.
In those days the best painkiller was ice; it wasn't addictive and it was particularly effective if you poured some whiskey over it.
Through wind, and tempest, storm, and rain; The calm shall be buried inside of me; A warm stone, heavy and dry; The root, the source, a weapon against pain
Writers cannot choose their own mood: with them it is not always hide-tide, nor --thank Heaven!--always Storm.
They have demons on Antarctica?” “Yeah,” Ash breathed. “It wasn’t always covered by ice, that was just a precaution when they buried them.
Ice cream, I can't pass a gelateria without going in. Italy is a nightmare place for me to stay in shape. — © Toni Garrn
Ice cream, I can't pass a gelateria without going in. Italy is a nightmare place for me to stay in shape.
If you like ice cream, why stop at one scoop? Have two, have three. Too much is never enough.
yes, Wagner and the storm intermix with the wine as nights like this run up my wrists and up into my head and back down into the gut
Umpiring is best described as the profession of standing between two seven-year olds with one ice cream cone.
I was cold and you were fire, and I never knew how the pyre could be burning on the edge of an ice field.
Winter horseshoes are equipped with little spikes that give a horse traction on snow and ice and prevent it from slipping.
The melody faded like a rainbow after a storm, or like winds calming down at last; and what was left was calm, and possibility, and relief.
Why should we not recognize in the lightning, the thunder, and the storm wind, the approach of an overwhelming Power, and in the scent of flowers and the gently rustling zephyr the presence of a Being full of love?
Ice cream was my undoing, and six chocolate milk shakes in a row were nothing to me at one time.
It's never fun when we're in the midst of the storm. But when we land someplace we know we never could have found on our own, it is a beautiful thing.
I have faith the men and women of the Coast Guard will immediately rise to the challenge and see the people hit by Katrina through until the storm has truly calmed.
After every storm the sun will smile; for every problem there is a solution, and the soul's indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer.
Though I carry enough electronics to get nervous in a lightning storm, I love paper and I always have a Moleskine journal with me to capture notes, conversations and ideas.
On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale; Nor God alone in the still calm we find, He mounts the storm, and walks upon the wind.
Without haste! without rest! Bind the motto to thy breast! Bear it with thee as a spell; Storm or sunshine , guard it well.
The media agency model has been hit by a perfect storm ... We are chasing share in a broken system, rather than changing the system.
There are lots of things I won't eat but would like to, such as croissants or ice cream - if I started, I'd scoff the whole tub.
A minister of state is excusable for the harm he does when the helm of government has forced his hand in a storm; but in the calm he is guilty of all the good he does not do.
. . . And so Charlie Asher . . . led an army of fourteen-inch-tall bundles of animal bits, armed with everything from knitting needles to a spork, into the storm sewers of San Fransciso.
Hope not ever to see heaven. I come to lead you to the other shore; into the eternal darkness; into fire and ice.
I'm no reformer; for I see more lightThan darkness in the world; mine eyes are quickTo catch the first dim radiance of the dawn,And slow to note the cloud that threatens storm.
You will never find Jesus so precious as when the world is one vast howling wilderness. Then he is like a rose blooming in the midst of the desolation, a rock rising above the storm.
I was happy to ski and play a lot of ice hockey. But I've come back because I was - and am - a racing driver. This is what I do.
The change from storm and winter to serene and mild weather, from dark and sluggish hours to bright and elastic ones, is a memorable crisis which all things proclaim. It is seemingly instantaneous at last.
I'm not a really big comic book person. I know the typical ones - 'Spider-Man' and 'Wonder Woman' and 'Storm' and that stuff. But don't quiz me, because I'm not good at things like that.
I'd never gone as a kid to an ice rink. There was always that fear that I'd break my leg and it would affect my career. — © Bonnie Langford
I'd never gone as a kid to an ice rink. There was always that fear that I'd break my leg and it would affect my career.
Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm.
When I'm not on the ice, I do interval work on the bike or the elliptical, trying to mimic a four-minute routine. But it doesn't come close.
Henry nodded, thinking, 'If you were any more whipped, little brother, they'd serve you on ice cream.
I love Ice Cube and Charlie Day. They're brilliant men, great actors and very funny people.
The only thing that I can say with any degree of commitment is a reason to he happy is... moderate weather. But then even that gets boring and I find myself wanting a storm.
When Nirvana became popular, you could very easily slip and get lost during that storm. I fortunately had really heavy anchors - old friends, family.
You know that Vince Russo... when Russo and I agreed to work together, one of his big ideas was that he wanted Lance Storm to be my son.
And we didn't have cell phones. If you made plans to meet someone in a snow storm, and they didn't show up, you just had to assume they were devoured by wolves and go on with your life.
Nothing's a better cure for writer's block than to eat ice cream right out of the carton.
The last thing I have to say is that ice is the past tense of water. I've always wanted to write that sentence and now I have. — © Rita Mae Brown
The last thing I have to say is that ice is the past tense of water. I've always wanted to write that sentence and now I have.
I'm not trying to take New York by storm. I just want to sneak in there, keep my head down, batten down the hatches and cook.
Like ice beneath the sun's rays - to such poverty did he fall...his fortune melted to water.
If Fox Mulder discovered that Larry Sanders was a clone? I think he would stab him . . . but it wouldn't be with an ice pick.
That is why Bias jested with those who were going through the perils of a great storm with him and calling on the gods for help: "Shut up," he said, "so that they do not realize that you are here with me.
The brash unbridled tongue, the lawless folly of fools, will end in pain. But the life of wise content is blest with quietness, escapes the storm and keeps its house secure.
I'm not planning a career change - not unless they need someone who constantly falls on the ice and is out of breath all the time.
The key thing to understand is that solar activity causes shifts in the jet stream with consequent changes in weather patterns and triggers processes that lead to storm formation.
Those who want to row on the ocean of human knowledge do not get far, and the storm drives those out of their course who set sail.
Hell would freeze over before I saw my parents happily holding hands and ice skating.
I believe above the storm, the smallest prayer will still be heard. I believe that someone in that great somewhere hears every word.
If you go in in the morning and have had a rough night, dunking your face in ice water is really good.
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