Top 1200 If You Like Me Quotes & Sayings - Page 10

Explore popular If You Like Me quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
Growing up in Iowa, there weren't many people who looked like me. And then when I moved out to L.A., every guy in comedy looked like me.
Fans, when they see me, they're like, 'Rah, he's a real funny person,' but everyone who grew up with me is like, 'Rah, that's Fat Tyrone.'
I don't want to be like anyone else or do what someone else did. I want to be like me and do what's best for me. I can't go do stuff Cardi B did - that may not work for me. — © Danielle Bregoli
I don't want to be like anyone else or do what someone else did. I want to be like me and do what's best for me. I can't go do stuff Cardi B did - that may not work for me.
Jones looks like he wants to slug me, which is only subtly different from his usual way of looking at me like I'm a slug.
I like all types of women. I accept them as they are when they come into my life... But I'm not a romantic. I'm just up-front. I like to be a part of something real, not make-believe. I tell women to tell me the truth, to just lay it out. Let me be the judge and decide if I want you around or not. Let me have my choice.
I really needed a show like 'Jane' when I was growing up, so being able to portray a positive Latina character means a lot to me because I feel like it's helping me to contribute to someone's dreams.
There is a segment of people who like me and I am very happy to get the love and support from them. There is some segment which doesn't like me and that is okay.
It's not like I want someone to treat me badly. I want somebody who looks like they could treat me badly, but then really treats me good.
I grew up in musicals, and if you looked like me and sounded like me, you were the character; you were never at the center of the story.
Tell me what you'd like to hear me sing. I'll sing whatever you like, after which I'll take up a collection, if you don't mind.
I know what it's like to lose your home. I know what it's like to be hungry. I know what it's like to lose a family member because of a lack of health care. So all of these things aren't just political issues for me. All of these things are personal to me.
I was a bartender in New York and I overheard this girl saying she made $3000 doing a commercial. A kid at work told me, 'Hey, I know this director and he'd really like you!'. So I walked into this guy's office and was like 'I was thinking maybe I could make $3000' and he hired me for commercials, short films, like 15 jobs in a row.
A lot of people I've played with see me as a scorer and a shooter. I'm still fast and everything like that, but then, when they see me dunk, it's like 'Oh, damn.'
Tell me what it is like to die," I answered. He dismounted from his horse, looking at me strangely the whole while. "You experience something similar every day," he said softly. "It is as familiar to you as bread and butter." "Yes," I said. "It is like every night when I fall asleep." "No. It is like every morning when you wake up.
He said, You're so tiny, like a doll, you look like you might break. I wanted him to break me. Part of me did. — © Francesca Lia Block
He said, You're so tiny, like a doll, you look like you might break. I wanted him to break me. Part of me did.
I like to keep people around me like the guys I have on the road with me, three of them were childhood friends of mine when I was growing up in Scotland. They don't look at me any different than when we were in primary school. So it's good to keep people like that around you. I think if you surround yourself with good honest people, they will tell you what to hear when you need to hear it.
I've given up trying to understand what people think about me. It seems like a lot of people don't like the music we make and don't know me, or something.
I think it's something much bigger than just pro wrestling and the industry I work in. It's across all media. You look at Hollywood movies: there's not the Muslim hero or the guy who looks like me and has a name like mine who is portrayed in a positive manner or in a leading role. So, growing up, I didn't have a role model that looks like me.
When did you get all insightful?" he asked. "I have no idea," Josh admitted. "I don't like it." "Me, either. Makes me feel like a girl. Don't tell anyone." (Ethan and Josh)
Now, all writing - all the arts - are a form of 'Pay attention to me,' but there's also the flip side. Like, I want to give something. Let me entertain you, let me amuse you, let me try to please you with this thing I've made. And then pay attention to me.
I feel like my life has been very serendipitous and really kind of humorous. Everything that's happened to me has been like an, 'Omigod, are you kidding me?'
I don't know the reasons why something is intimidating to me or disgusting to me and I don't like feeling that way, either. I don't like it when something turns me off, on any level. So, its a matter of saying: Well, I can either sit here and reject, or I can do double-time embracing of something else just to reassure myself that I'm not against the world.
I've always been a fan of AXE and when I heard about their new product and they sent it out to me for me to try and smell and I was like, oh man. It's hard for me to talk about something I don't care about or I'm not really into but once I tried it out for myself I was like, wow okay I can get into this [ collaboration].
I've never worked with a co-author before [Alison McGhee]. Writing for me is a pretty scary thing, so it was a huge comfort to have someone in the room working with me. It became less like work and more like play.
A lot of people in the art world hate to use the word "Photoshop", like it's cheating or easy or something. I say bollocks to that - for me, it's my tool, my paintbrush if you like, and lets me create my own visual language.
When my parents were like, 'We're going to the Northwest,' I thought, 'You've gotta be kidding me.' I was so depressed. The cold weather really did not agree with me. When I moved back down to L.A. at 16, I felt like it was home - it was where I belonged.
I have to get the whole sense of the guy for me to be turned on by him, for me to actually like him. I like someone that has motivation and is really dedicated to something.
I can't watch myself in interviews. I feel like I look like a wreck. My mom is always calling me and going, 'Stop fidgeting,' and it's like, 'You have no idea what it's like, Mom.'
If you've got people around you that are like, 'Oh, you're so good,' this and that, it becomes unhealthy. My friends are like, 'You look like a doofus.' I'm like, 'Thank you. Thank you for that.' It keeps me grounded.
I like men with quick wit, good conversation and a great sense of humour. I love banter. I want a man to like me for me - I want him to be authentic.
I know first hand what its like to be called names and to be affected by things. They would call me fat, they would call me promiscuous in different words. At the time, when I was 12-years-old, that was like the end of the world. To me, bullying is one of my biggest platforms. Lets change the world.
I don’t like boys who are mean to their mommies. That’s a real turn off for me. And I don’t like boys who aren’t chivalrous. To me, not being respectful is a big deal.
Whoopi Goldberg looked like me, she had hair like mine, she was dark like me. I'd been starved for images of myself. I'd grown up watching a lot of American TV. There was very little Kenyan material, because we had an autocratic ruler who stifled our creative expression.
In fights when I've had the odds stacked against me, I definitely perform better because it's like a challenge to me - and I always like a challenge.
I like that conventions want me to appear and festivals want me to come speak because they like the climate I attract. It's a good feeling.
When it’s quiet in my head like this, that’s when the voice doesn’t need to tell me how pathetic I am. I know it in the deepest part of me. When it’s quiet like this, that’s when I truly hate myself.
I always train like a family. Antonio Rodrigo is like my mentor. He helped me a lot. He's always there with me. My coaches and I have made a strategy for this fight.
I don't even think about having a "rock-star profile." But sure, I always think, "Wouldn't it be great to have your friends along for the ride?" I just feel like me, you know? I've always been me, and I feel like the same guy. It surprises me when people expect me to be anything other than just a dude. I'm just a dude.
People can call me what they like - fat, ugly, sour - but tell me I'm not fair, tell me I'm not ethical, those are the things that bother me. — © Deborah Meaden
People can call me what they like - fat, ugly, sour - but tell me I'm not fair, tell me I'm not ethical, those are the things that bother me.
It's so funny: at 'SNL,' Bill Hader always kind of treated me like his little sister and would kind of, like, lovingly bully me.
I read the reviews sometimes, but I don't let it really affect the next album because, for me, when I approach an album, it's usually coming to me pretty naturally. It's not like I set out, like, "Okay, I'm going to write an album this month." It's more like I'm just always writing songs and eventually I start to realize that a group of songs sort of fits together, and I go from there in putting together the album and themes and artwork and things like that.
Everything in me feels fluttering and free, like I could take off from the ground at any second. Music, I think, he makes me feel like music.
Being a mom has made me feel more like a grown-up. I was always a kid at heart. It makes me feel like I did my purpose in life.
Sometimes I feel like a human pin cushion. Every painful emotion hits me with ridiculously exaggerated force. And the anxiety feels like hands inside of me, squeezing my guts really hard.
I like it better that people aren't throwing stuff at my face and trying to fight me on stage. Like in the '80s, it was just aggravating all the time... I have scars from cigars and cigarettes on me, Bic pens, burns from cigarette lighters, all that.
I don't follow anybody. I just flip through whatever Instagram sends me. I like to keep my algorithm pure, so I only ever like pictures of art. It's a rabbit hole for me because I'm a total voyeur.
Whether I like them or I don't like them, it makes no difference for me. Whoever is standing across the cage from me, that's who is going to go down.
You once said to me that I talk like a man in a book. I not only talk, but think and feel like one. I have spent my life in books; literature has deeply dyed my brain its own colour. This literary colouring is a protective one--like the brown of the rabbit or the checks of the quail--making it impossible for me to tell where literature ends and I begin.
I've tried singing like somebody else, and it never worked for me. The only thing that has ever worked for me was me being me, so either you love it or not.
I like a lot of talk in a book and I don't like to have nobody tell me what the guy that's talking looks like. I want to figure out what he looks like from the way he talks. — © John Steinbeck
I like a lot of talk in a book and I don't like to have nobody tell me what the guy that's talking looks like. I want to figure out what he looks like from the way he talks.
No, my dog used to gaze at me, paying me the attention I need, the attention required to make a vain person like me understand that, being a dog, he was wasting time, but, with those eyes so much purer than mine, he’d keep on gazing at me with a look that reserved for me alone all his sweet and shaggy life, always near me, never troubling me, and asking nothing.
People like 'Crank,' some people like 'Redemption.' I'm just happy to do things that satiate a different part of me, that test me a little bit.
Are you keeping anything else from me?” “I’m keeping a lot of things from you.” “Like?” “Like the way I feel about being locked up in here with you. You have no idea what you do to me.
Today I saw a guy who looked like me in a funhouse mirror. He looked at me like, Hey, that's how I look reflected in the pond!
Dear Lord,' he said. 'let me be like Aron. Don’t make me mean. I don’t want to be. If you will let everybody like me, why, I’ll give you anything in the world, and if I haven’t got it, why, I’ll go for to get it. I don’t want to be mean. I don’t want to be lonely. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.
I like wearing beautiful clothes, but that does not translate into my work. People don't like to see me as a glam doll in my movies. My audience and the media love me with two different perceptions. It's a strange, crazy situation.
What I try to do often when I'm acting and what I like when I'm seeing good acting is how authentic it is. How true is this to what I know of the world that's been created for me? The ultimate test for me is, like, if I heard a clip of it on the radio, I'd like the audience not to know if I'm acting.
Music is first for me. How the music makes me feel, it's like energy. It has to match my life. What's happening around me or to me. That's where it comes from.
I often feel like I could fall off the face of the Earth. As long as 'Mama' was around, nobody would really miss me. People really think of her as an actual person. People all the time see me and ask, 'Where's Mama?' Like she should be with me.
Goodbye, Papa, you saved me. You taught me to read. No one can play like you. I'll never drink champagne. No one can play like you." -Liesel
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