Top 1200 Ill Tempered Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Ill Tempered quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Ungoverned spaces in the Islamic world will be exploited by people who wish us ill. They will not be contained.
If the person who can effectively sanction ill-conceived wars can play the electric guitar, which is a symbol of rebellion, then that whole worldview becomes confused.
All we need is a meteorologist who has once been soaked to the skin without ill effect. No one can write knowingly of the weather who walks bent over on wet days. — © E. B. White
All we need is a meteorologist who has once been soaked to the skin without ill effect. No one can write knowingly of the weather who walks bent over on wet days.
I think of stress as the creator of cancer and heart attacks, like a tiny little ball you feed. I believe that one of the reasons I've never got ill is that I'm not stressed.
The mentally ill may have shattered lives, but how that is different than the way sin distorts our ability to comprehend who we are as God's creatures is not clear.
I guess my claustrophobia is incurable - feeling, as I tend to, ill at ease in any closed room, and always tempted to find out what is on the other side of the door.
Ill-health, of body or of mind, is defeat. Health alone is victory. Let all men, if they can manage it, contrive to be healthy!
American ladies are known abroad for two distinguishing traits (besides, possibly, their beauty and self-reliance), and these are their ill-health and their extravagant devotion to dress.
It's not anthrax or terrorism or AIDS that is the worst ill in our world: The most horrible disease in the world is hate.
People with good intentions but limited understanding are more dangerous than people with total ill will.
The difficult thing with mental illness is that there's no one to blame. You can't blame a person who's mentally ill, because they didn't ask for it! There's no choice to it.
Humour is the making others act or talk absurdly and unconsciously; wit is the pointing out and ridiculing that absurdity consciously, and with more or less ill-nature.
The choir always tittered and whispered all through the service. There was once a church choir that was not ill-bred, but I have forgotten where it was. — © Mark Twain
The choir always tittered and whispered all through the service. There was once a church choir that was not ill-bred, but I have forgotten where it was.
Where reverence is, there is fear; for he who has a feeling of reverence and shame about the commission of any action, fears and is afraid of an ill reputation.
It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.
When I was a boy in the late 1950s, the public library refused to stock books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. They were regarded as vulgar, ill-written potboilers.
The more able a man is, if he make ill use of his abilities, the more dangerous will he be to the commonwealth.
I follow my own head. And if Im determined to do something, then Ill make sure that I make it happen.
The books - the generous friends who met me without suspicion - the merciful masters who never used me ill!
Each waking day is a stage dominated for good or ill, comedy, farce, or tragedy, by a dramatis personae, the 'self', and so it will be until the curtain drops.
Constant rhythmical movement is necessary to health and harmony. Much ill health is due to emotional congestion.
The politicians are no prizes, but the people are even worse, they're so ill-informed. I never understand the pushback when I say people are stupid.
The world is so full of ill-nature that I have lampoons sent me by people who cannot spell, and satires composed by those who scarce know how to write.
The man who eats to live, who is friends with the five powers - earth, water, ether, sun and air - who is a servant of God, the Creator of all these, ought not to fall ill.
My new catchphrase is: 'Pull yourself together.' I've done the inner child, I've had analysis, I've decided that unless you're mentally ill and need support, it's up to you.
One of the most important factors in life, politics and war, to which historians tend to devote too little attention, is sheer luck, good or ill.
Scar Tissue is the only book Ive ever written when Ive felt completely toxic, ill.
For many children, it's seeing a beloved relative ill and in pain that leads them to want to become doctors. But, for me, it was watching my grandma get better.
Disease and ill health are caused largely by damage at the molecular and cellular level, yet today's surgical tools are too large to deal with that kind of problem.
We have so much ill fortune as inconstancy, or so much bad purpose as folly, we are not so full of evil as we are of inanity; we are not so wretched as we are base
My old school hip-hop would probably consist of Bad N-Fluenz, The Dangerous Crew, Seagrams, Mr. ILL, RBL Posse, Rappin' 4-Tay.
A young woman hiking alone in the mountains sounds dangerous. In the pre-cell phone era maybe it was, but Ill stop short of calling it foolish.
Ill husbandry braggeth To go with the best: Good husbandry baggeth Up gold in his chest.
I'm wary when legislators say the solution to school shootings is mental health care, because it suggests that people who are mentally ill are violent, and that's just not true.
As far as I was concerned, the Depression was an ill wind that blew some good. If it hadn't occurred, my parents would have given me my college education. As it was, I had to scrabble for it.
I'm quite bingey; I'll be really healthy for two weeks, but then I'll be really crap for a week. I don't get ill, though.
Nonviolence and cowardice go ill together. True nonviolence is an impossibility without the possession of unadulterated fearlessness.
First guitars tend to be like first loves: ill-chosen, unsuitable, short-lived and unforgettable. — © Tim Brookes
First guitars tend to be like first loves: ill-chosen, unsuitable, short-lived and unforgettable.
The only real experiences I've had with therapists were the ones who were working with me and my family when my mother was ill.
Nothing is a greater impediment to being on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself.
Ill watch the highlights every now and then but, as far as watching the game, I feel like I am the game.
So much of adolescence is an ill-defined dying, An intolerable waiting, A longing for another place and time, Another condition.
I would never have looked at cycling as something I could do had I not got ill and lived in Manchester where British Cycling is.
Wine had such ill effects on Noah's health that it was all he could do to live 950 years. Show me a total abstainer that ever lived that long.
Admire and adore the Author of the telescopic universe, love and esteem the work, do all in your power to lessen ill, and increase good, but never assume to comprehend.
It will generally be found that men who are constantly lamenting their ill luck are only reaping the consequences of their own neglect, mismanagement, and improvidence, or want of application.
Psychologically, it's difficult to ever shrug off the effects of extreme hardship or poverty, family bereavement, chronic ill health or the memory of violent conflict.
A great fear, when it is ill-managed, is the parent of superstition; but a discreet and well-guided fear produces religion. — © Jeremy Taylor
A great fear, when it is ill-managed, is the parent of superstition; but a discreet and well-guided fear produces religion.
There is a worse tyranny than that of ill-treatment. It is the tyranny of tears, vapours, appeals to feelings of affection and of gratitude!
To be a Christian is to be obligated to be charitable. This is true whether you are rich or poor, healthy or ill, old or young, male or female, oppressed or free, established or disestablished.
Arms are instruments of ill omen, not the instruments of the gentleman. When one is compelled to use them, it is best to do so without relish.
Labeling a child as mentally ill is stigmatization, not diagnosis. Giving a child a psychiatric drug is poisoning, not treatment.
You are never so alone as when you are ill on stage. The most nightmarish feeling in the world is suddenly to feel like throwing up in front of four thousand people.
I would get ill before going onstage - something about getting in front of people, and if they don't laugh, I'm a bomb. I got over it when somebody laughed.
The sunbeams are welcome now. They seem like pure electricity—like friendly and recuperating lightning. Are we led to think electricity abounds only in summer, when we see in the storm-clouds as it were, the veins and ore-beds of it? I imagine it is equally abundant in winter, and more equable and better tempered. Who ever breasted a snowstorm without being excited and exhilarated, as if this meteor had come charged with latent auroræ of the North, as doubtless it has? It is like being pelted with sparks from a battery.
When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape.
I pray that politicians, lawmakers and religious leaders have the courage to support the choices terminally ill citizens make in departing Mother Earth with dignity and love.
Those who write ill, and they who ne'er durst write, Turn critics out of mere revenge and spite.
If a man suffers ill, let it be without shame; for this is the only profit when we are dead. You will never say a good word about deeds that are evil and disgraceful.
I don't think BitCoin has ever been anything but a legitimate enterprise. Currency is currency, it's used for good and ill.
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