Top 1200 Imitating Others Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Imitating Others quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
After two takes you're imitating yourself.
I seek out hard things. I tried to imitate other singers. It was a self-discovery for me to move from imitating others to me growing to sing in my own voice. The opera was difficult and it felt like a personal conquest.
Salvation lies in imitating Christ, in other words, in imitating the 'withdrawal relationship' that links him with his Father... To listen to the Father's silence is to abandon oneself to his withdrawal, to conform to it.
We don't need to shift our responsibilities onto the shoulders of some deified Spiritual Superman, or sit around and wait for Fate to come knocking at the door. We simply need to believe in the power that's within us, and use it. When we do that, and stop imitating others and competing against them, things begin to work for us.
Because of jealousy you are in constant suffering; you become mean to others. And because of jealousy you start becoming phony, because you start pretending. You start pretending things that you don't have, you start pretending things which you CAN'T have, which are not natural to you. You become more and more artificial. Imitating others, competing with others, what else can you do? If somebody has something and you don't have it, and you don't have a natural possibility of having it, the only way is to have some cheap substitute for it.
The original writer is not he who refrains from imitating others, but he who can be imitated by none. — © François-René de Chateaubriand
The original writer is not he who refrains from imitating others, but he who can be imitated by none.
I have never been convinced throughout my life that one needs to be imitating others. I even tell my daughters not to look at me as a model. Everyone's condition is different, and the way that each person lives his or her life is different. What is important is that one utilizes one's intellect and not to be 100 percent sure about one's convictions. One should always leave room for doubt.
Buddhism is all about finding your own way, not imitating the ways of others or even the ways of Buddha himself.
There is much difference between imitating a good man and counterfeiting him.
I used to try to bully my friends into imitating the Spice Girls on the playground.
What works for the person you're imitating may not work for you.
Being an actor, imitating to the point of inhabiting the lives of others, may simply be a way of continuing to do what I learned to do as a boy - to travel, mentally and physically.
We need to stop imitating the West and looking there for inspiration.
No one repeats a word I say without imitating my voice; it drives me out of my... mind.
In observing the Sabbath, one is both giving a gift to God and imitating Him.
Man's natural character is to imitate; that of the sensitive man is to resemble as closely as possible the person whom he loves. It is only by imitating the vices of others that I have earned my misfortunes.
I loved old movies. And I like imitating people. — © Julia Garner
I loved old movies. And I like imitating people.
Nobody has ever built a brand by imitating somebody else's advertising.
Everyone has a different appearance, so blindly imitating fashion trends does not make you look better.
When I was very young, I started trying to sing like the great tenor Mario Lanza; my family used to play his records. We all learn best by imitating others.
Now life is imitating art.
My parents had a pub and each Sunday there was an accordionist. They have told me that when I was in my cradle, I already was imitating the gestures of the musician.
If you find yourself imitating another writer, that doesn't have to be a bad thing, especially if you are a young or a new writer. However, you should be conscious of exactly how you are imitating him - word choice, sentence structure, motifs? - and think about why you're doing it.
A lot of things you just stumble into: relationships or ways of putting characters opposite one another that really worked. So then it's not always so much about imitating other people, but imitating yourself, at least in your thinking.
I guess historically, drag queens were imitating movie stars and luminaries. It's kind of nice to have a movie star imitating a drag queen.
The paperless office is possible, but not by imitating paper. Note that the horseless carriage did not work by imitating horses.
They're stealing my ideas. They're imitating my shots.
I was an only child and was obviously really bored, so I would entertain my parents by imitating cartoon voices like Scooby Doo, Boo Boo and others.
Art imitating life and life imitating art, and it's beyond the job - it will always be a marked period in my life.
I used to limp around my neighborhood imitating him. I did my Bar Mitzvah with an Oklahoma drawl.
When you're learning, especially to write, unless you're some incredibly gifted writer, a young Malcom Gladwell, say, you need to be imitating people. You need to be imitating how they make their work, how they structure it, how they design the pieces. It gives you chops; it gives you moves.
The challenge of manners is not so much to be nice to someone whose favor and/or person you covet (although more people need to be reminded of that necessity than one would suppose) as to be exposed to the bad manners of others without imitating them.
One learns about painting by looking at and imitating other painters.
Contrary to the popular misconception, the actor is not necessarily a specialist in imitating or portraying what he knows about other people. On the contrary, the actor may simply be a person who's more willing than others to reveal some truths about himself.
Black musicians were imitating speech cadences, and Kerouac was imitating the black musicians' breath cadences on their horns and brought it back to speech. It always was speech rhythms or cadences as far as the ear that Kerouac was developing. All passed through black music.
You don't want to be imitating his style. Every anime-maker is thinking, 'I can't be too like Miyazaki.'
The true smoker abstains from imitating Vesuvius.
It's not imitating anything; it has become a better version of itself.
Everybody starts by imitating their heroes. For me it was Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters.
A sequel is an admission that you've been reduced to imitating yourself.
When you use a dialect, you worry that the people you're imitating will think you're making fun of them. — © Jack Nicholson
When you use a dialect, you worry that the people you're imitating will think you're making fun of them.
A person who respects others is respected by others in return. Those who treat others with compassion and concern are protected and supported by others. Our environment is essentially a reflection of ourselves
People are in a hurry to magnify themselves by imitating what is popular- and too lazy to think of anything better.
The more time we invest imitating others, the less that's available to discover and be ourselves.
I have good pronunciation no matter what language I speak. Maybe it’s because my specialties are rapping and imitating others
I have never been convinced throughout my life that one needs to be imitating others. I even tell my daughters not to look at me as a model.
A Winner's Blueprint for Achievement BELIEVE while others are doubting. PLAN while others are playing. STUDY while others are sleeping. DECIDE while others are delaying. PREPARE while others are daydreaming. BEGIN while others are procrastinating. WORK while others are wishing. SAVE while others are wasting. LISTEN while others are talking. SMILE while others are frowning. COMMEND while others are criticizing. PERSIST while others are quitting.
Who would dare assign to art the sterile function of imitating nature?
I think when people talk about art imitating life, you're in real time.
After some time passed in studying - and even imitating - the works of others, I would recommend the student to endeavour to be original, and to remember that originality should not be undiscovered plagiarism.
Kids will use their own system at the stage that they are, they're not (learning merely by) imitating you.
You must understand the feeling of originating as opposed to imitating. — © Sailor Jerry
You must understand the feeling of originating as opposed to imitating.
Miley is always on, she’s always funny, she’s always writing songs, she’s always making music. The parallel of the film is like Miley says, going back to her home, going back to her roots. Getting back to Tennessee was art imitating life imitating art.
Whenever we show others the goodness of God, whenever we follow our Teacher by imitating His posture of humble and ready service, our actions are sacred and ministerial. To be called into the priesthood, as all of us are, is to be called to a life of presence, of kindness.
I have been a racist since 1921. I don't know how they can think I'm imitating Hitler.
Now, we're just imitating and imitating and imitating what we've done before. The real revolution on how we make clothes and how we wear clothes is about to come. I don't know if we should be afraid or not. That's when we're going to see a Steve Jobs in the industry.
Art comes out of art; it begins with imitation, often in the form of parody, and it's in the process of imitating the voice of others that one comes to learn the sound of one's own.
So while you're imitating Al Capone, I'll be Nina Simone And defecating on your microphone.
My advice to any budding artist is never to be satisfied with imitating others. This is but a means to an end. A serious artist will work with intensity to discover themselves, their own personal vision. I believe this is a fundamental aspect of the creative path.
Be creative. Men only learnt how to fly when they stopped imitating birds.
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