Top 1200 Immense Love Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Immense Love quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Love is easy, and I love writing. You can't resist love. You get an idea, someone says something, and you're in love.
I love cabdrivers. I love their unpredictable manners. I love the pictures of their families on the visors. I love the fact that most of them think I'm Martha Stewart.
The leadership knows that you cannot solve the issues of China's future with the means of the past. The demographic consequences of the one-child policy, the build-up of the welfare state, the jobs for 7 million university graduates every year, the immense corruption: Even some Western governments would have to scramble to find solutions to such problems.
If you want your life to be a small part of eternity, to be lucid even in the heart of madness, love... Love with all your strength, love as though it is all you know how to do, love enough to make the gods themselves jealous... for it is in love that all ugliness reveals its beauty.
The Cycle of True Love: First I see and think I love, then I say I know I love, today and forever more I decide to love. — © Michael Sweeney
The Cycle of True Love: First I see and think I love, then I say I know I love, today and forever more I decide to love.
I love to win; but I love to lose almost as much. I love the thrill of victory, and I also love the challenge of defeat.
Sahaja Yoga is nothing but love, love, love. How much you love others is the main point.
Love is the feeling we get when we recognize the positive attributes in another. You have to continually and actively watch for the best parts of someone else that will let you experience love. I like this definition of love because it's not just for the romantic lovers out there but the love of a friend, a mother, sibling - all kinds of love.
The face of love is variable. I am able to love without demanding that my relationships assume the structures and forms I might choose for them. My love is fluid, flexible, committed, creative. My love allows people and events to unfold as they need. My love is not controlling. It does not dictate or demand. My love allows those I love the freedom to assume the forms most true to them. I release all those I love from my preconceptions of their path. I allow them the dignity of self-definition while I offer them a constant love that is every variable in shape.
Yes, I'm often reminded of her, and in one of my array of pockets, I have kept her story to retell. It is one of the small legion I carry, each one extraordinary in its own right. Each one an attempt - an immense leap of an attempt - to prove to me that you, and your human existence, are worth it.
I love scripts about relationships, and I love to see puppy love evolving into this mature love and communication.
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love always forgives, trusts, supports, and endures. Love never fails. When every star in the heavens grows cold, and when silence lies once more on the face of the deep, three things will endure: faith, hope, and love.
I love the draft process. I love the regular season. I love preparing for the games. I just love football.
I’ve learned that you can’t predict [love] or plan for it. For someone like me who is obsessed with organization and planning, I love the idea that love is the one exception to that. Love is the one wild card.
Where destruction is the motive, unity is dangerous. For example, if I have evil intent and I galvanize that evil intent with many others, the capacity to destroy is immense. Where goodness is the motive, unity is phenomenal and actually has some good issues to it.
It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit. — © Eartha Kitt
It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.
My desires are simply I love to teach, I love to be in uniform, I love to throw batting practice, I love to be with the kids.
A paradigm shift, where, in addition to physical inputs for farming, a focused emphasis placed on knowledge inputs can be a promising way forward. This knowledge-based approach will bring immense returns, particularly in rain fed and dry land farming areas.
I love Valentine's Day! I love it, I love it, I love it. I like having doors opened for me. My favorite romantic comedy is When Harry Met Sally...
Love songs in particular are so compelling because love is probably the strongest emotion you can have, and I think it's relatable to absolutely everyone, whether it's unrequited love or love.
I love British television. I love the irony, I love the authenticity and I love the roles I get put up for.
Love thyself, so that you can love another. Love thyself so that you cannot project fear. Love thyself so as to let others love you. Love thyself so as to let people near.
Love is more important than what we can take...Please say with me three times-Love! Love! Love!
Love as Thought is Truth. Love as Action is Right Conduct. Love as Understanding is Peace. Love as Feeling is Non-violence.
I love 'Sunset Boulevard.' I love the writing, I love the performances, I love the camera work. I think it's a perfect movie.
O, love, love, love! Love is like a dizziness; It winna let a poor body Gang about his biziness!
Love a man, even in his sin, for that love is a likeness of the divine love, and is the summit of love on earth.
People who love each other don't bargain. Love has no such thing as business. Love has no conditions, because love does not obey time and space.
Love simply is. That is the testament of Athena or Sherine or Hagia Sofia - love is. No definitions. Love and don't ask too many questions. Just love.
The number of possible "on-off" patterns of neuronal firing is immense, estimated as a staggering ten times ten one million times (ten to the millionth power). The brain is obviously capable of an imponderably huge variety of activity; the fact that it is often organized and functional is quite an accomplishment!
I love being at Kentucky. I love the fan base. I love the community. I love the people there. So it's like, why not stay until they make you leave?
Love is such an objective thing. I mean, I can say I love my family, or I love my Diet Coke. So I guess, in different ways, yeah, I do believe in love.
Love is patient. Love is kind. It bears all things. Love never fails. Love is as strong as death.
I've learned that 'love' is used a lot in the States for everything: 'I love that burger,' 'I love my shoes,' 'I love a friend.' To me, if it's overused, it loses meaning.
To love blindly is to love selfishly, because the goal of such love is not the real advantage of the beloved but only the exercise of love in our own souls.
I love Australia. I love coming here, I love playing here and I love the support. It's my passion to hopefully one day be able to represent the green and gold. That's the ultimate goal.
I love acting. I love singing. Eventually, I'd love to go on Broadway. I love New York so much.
I love horror, I love scary movies, I love thrillers. If things creep you out and spook you? I love it.
Healthy children are born from healthy, respected, well-nourished and educated mothers and it is imperative that they have a voice in the decisions which affect them. If you empower a mother and let her have her say towards a poverty-free future, the positive impact this would have on ending hunger will be immense.
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity. — © Elizabeth Barrett Browning
But love me for love's sake, that evermore Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity.
What is love? From the spiritual and inner point of view, love is self-expansion. Human love binds and is bound. Divine Love expands, enlarges itself.
Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.
I love Valentine's Day! I love it, I love it, I love it. I like having doors opened for me. My favorite romantic comedy is 'When Harry Met Sally.'
My thing is that I'm in love with love. Actually, I'm in love with the possibility of true love. Which could be considered a major problem.
I love fantasy. I love thrillers. I love action. I'm all over the place. As long as the story and characters are good, I'll love it.
It is love; love, the comfort of the human species, the preserver of the universe, the soul of all sentient beings, love, tender love.
I love working on films and I'd love to do some interesting work, but if somebody asked me, 'Would you like 'Human Target' to continue to be picked up?' The answer is 'Absolutely!' I love working on this show. I love playing Guerrero. I love seeing where it's going.
Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
We lie in the lap of immense intelligence, which makes us receivers of its truth and organ of its activity. When we discern justice, when we discern truth, we do nothing by ourselves, but allow a passage to its beams. If we ask whence this comes, if we seek to pry into the soul that causes, all philosophy is at fault. Its presence or its absence is all we can affirm.
I love making the big play. I love being out there with my teammates. I love the camaraderie. I can't say I always love practice. But it's a means to an end.
You cannot change someone using fear, degradation, humiliation, or by comparing them to others. It can only be done through love, with love, for love. Love. — © Suzy Kassem
You cannot change someone using fear, degradation, humiliation, or by comparing them to others. It can only be done through love, with love, for love. Love.
Human love serves to love those dear to us but to love one's enemies we need divine love.
I'm a huge nerd, I admit to that. I love to play video games, I love to read, and of course, I've gotta still get my studies in and all. I love to learn. But I also love to do stop motion animation with my little Lego figures. I love to play around on the computer with that.
love is a hawk with velvet claws love is a rock with heart and veins love is a lion with satin jaws love is a storm with silken reins
Pure love ... knows that only one thing is needed to please God: to do even the smallest things out of great love - love, and always love.
Nothing is my guiltiest pleasure. I love it. I love doing it. I love planning to do it, I love loafing and pottering and chilling and daydreaming.
You must realise now, more clearly than ever, that God is calling you to serve Him in and from the ordinary, secular and civil activities of human life. He waits for us everyday, in the laboratory, in the operating theatre, in the army barracks, in the university chair, in the factory, in the workshop, in the fileds, in the home and in all the immense panorama of work.
Love says: I've seen the ugly parts of you, and I'm staying. Our culture doesn't love love; It loves the idea of love. It wants the emotion without the sacrifice.
I just love life. I love people. I love to write, that's my gift. I love to sing. I have a good attitude. I like to think I shine from the inside.
I love Thanksgiving. I truly do. Every last thing about it is wonderful. I love getting together with family and friends. I love the meal. I love the football. I love the four-day weekend without having anything that particularly has to get done. And of course, I love the fundamental idea behind it-giving thanks for all the good people and good things in your life.
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