Top 116 Immersion Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Immersion quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I encourage the study of music. And the immersion. 'Cause my life has been so enriched by being involved in music as I have.
There is space for a different kind of investigative reporting that's about immersion and obsessive attention to detail and deep listening.
What the psychedelic thing can be seen as, when it's done with plants, as a return to Gaia, an immersion in the feminine. — © Terence McKenna
What the psychedelic thing can be seen as, when it's done with plants, as a return to Gaia, an immersion in the feminine.
I think that people who don't mind reading find the immersion and their ability to get into a deeper place with the story to be satisfying. That's the kind of reader I want.
For me, chess is a language, and if it's not my native tongue, it is one I learned via the immersion method at a young age.
The acme of faith is... immersion of the mind in God.
This is what love was supposed to feel like.This perfect immersion of two people who were ready and willing to become a part of each other.
When I am performing ice immersion, actually I do not think very much. It is all before.
The true inner self must be drawn up like a jewel from the bottom of the sea, rescued from confusion, from indistinction, from immersion in the common, the nondescript, the trivial, the sordid, the evanescent.
It is the greatest feeling in the world. When we shine, we defy death for the moment. We enter into a state of immersion in the craft we ply, a state in which we become one with what we do.
If, by deferring or maybe even skipping college entirely, students were foregoing their one hope for immersion in Western civilization, there would indeed be grounds for regret.
TooDamn-Funky: It's a start, ok. Been thinking bout the boyz. 'member last year my bro did that immersion thing in Venezuela? Kciker5525: Where he learned to speak Spanish??? TooDamn-Funky: Yeah! u go for 2 weeks talk nothing but Spanish u come back fluent. Kicker5535: ...???? TooDamn-Funky: Well this is like a guy immersion program! Kicker5525: So...what. I'm going 2 b fluent in GUY? TooDamn-Funky: Exactly! u will c what they talk about alone. U will c how they r with each other. U will c how they THINK!! AND WHEN IT'S DONE YOU'LL BE ABLE TO WRITE A GUY GUIDE BOOK!! Kicker5525: U r deranged.
Each spine was an encapsulated memory, each book represented hours, days of pleasure, of immersion into words. — © Audrey Niffenegger
Each spine was an encapsulated memory, each book represented hours, days of pleasure, of immersion into words.
Sometimes I go outside after a long stretch of writing and I'm surprised it's not raining. Or that it's daylight. Or that it's not the middle of winter. I don't know if that level of immersion is normal, but it's now I do things. I like it. It works well for me.
The boy was beginning to understand that intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything, because it's all written there.
The very word baptizé, however, signifies to immerse; and it is certain that immersion was the practice of the ancient Church.
I would love to travel around the world working for a travel company taking students abroad on cultural immersion trips.
A critical lesson I learned is that we have to make sure all our employees, particularly new hires, have a full immersion in our culture.
To achieve contact with reality is not to transport oneself elsewhere, it is not transcendence but thorough immersion in one's surroundings. A reality which is neither purely physical nor metaphysical, but both at once.
Spirit of immersion and curiosity and awe and participation is something which Timothy Treadwell and I have in common.
Which is one of the dangers of immersion journalism: you can find yourself getting sucked into battles you have nothing to do with, in this case an ongoing battle between Muslims.
We want to continue to explore new possibilities regarding interface and interaction. We experiment different solutions to make interface an important component for immersion rather than just a remote control.
Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.
For me, every character takes the same amount of immersion.
A total immersion in life offers the best classroom for learning to love.
Fishing is my therapy. Its such a great immersion into life.
And it has become a kind of a truism in the study of creativity that you can't be creating anything with less than 10 years of technical knowledge immersion in a particular field.
It is a long baptism into the seas of humankind, my daughter. Better immersion than to live untouched.
My Master used to say, when a pitcher is being filled (by immersion), it gurgles, but when full, it is noiseless.
It is the element I miss in electronic music - no performance, no loving immersion. Maybe that is why I was never particularly drawn to electronic music.
Total immersion in and saturation with the Savior's gospel are essential steps in the process of being born again.
Preparation for becoming attentive to Christianity does not consist in reading many books ... but in fuller immersion in existence.
I like to think traditional narrative can be subverted by an experiential narrative, by an immersion in the temporal event of the film and a a play with our expectations of that.
Without immersion in God's words, our prayers may not be merely limited and shallow but also untethered from reality.
Is there a word more passionate than passion? Obsession, total immersion, the feeling that everything else doesn't matter.
The process with the play, obviously, it belongs to you by the time you're stepping on stage in front of that audience for the first time. You can change it by just a look or things you're not even conscious of, but it's such a full immersion.
The places chosen for the administration of the ordinance, and the circumstances attending those instances, in which the act of baptizing is particularly described in the New Testament, plainly indicate immersion.
People of color grow up steeped in 'white' culture. The reverse is not true. And, no, listening to hip-hop on the way to work does not count as immersion. — © John Ridley
People of color grow up steeped in 'white' culture. The reverse is not true. And, no, listening to hip-hop on the way to work does not count as immersion.
BOLD Immersion was about exposing students to a talented and diverse community, learning about the technology industry from a non-technical point of view, and growing my skills.
Gardening is not a rational act. What matters is the immersion of the hands in the earth, that ancient ceremony of which the Pope kissingthe tarmac is merely a pallid vestigial remnant.
I wanted to work with somebody who seemed like he came from the same place that I did, which is that total immersion and learning about the world around, from this very gritty, dark side, and had access to that.
I don't have a cellphone or a computer. I deliberately circumscribe my mental life within the periods that I write about, and the power of Perfidia is that it's the result of complete immersion. I was there for the two years that it took me to write that book.
I think each of my books attempts to create its own voice so I'm not even sure I have a signature style, other than certain descriptive tendencies, an interest in the sound of language. Maybe an immersion in place.
Better immersion than to live untouched.
Immersion in the scriptures is essential for spiritual nourishment
Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.
The word which denotes the act of baptizing, according to the usage of Greek writers, uniformly signifies or implies immersion.
There's a level of immersion that is perfect and there's a level that, for my taste, starts to actually exceed what the screen can provide. At that point, you're kind of overexceeding yourself.
What happiness is, no person can say for another. But no one, I am convinced, can be happy who lives only for himself. The joy of living comes from immersion in something that we know to be bigger, better, more enduring and worthier than we are.
My mom taught me German before I knew English. And I went to French immersion school. — © Tatiana Maslany
My mom taught me German before I knew English. And I went to French immersion school.
Every human being's essential nature is perfect and faultless, but after years of immersion in the world we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature.
May each of you live lives of immersion. They won't necessarily be easy lives. But in the end, it is all that will sustain us.
I don't know any architects that I respect who don't have their own voice. I think the difference between architecture and the other arts is your immersion in reality.
For me, part of the fascination with making animation is you go to a place; it's a complete immersion in someone else's fantasy.
April 27. Incapable of living with people, of speaking. Complete immersion in myself, thinking of myself. Apathetic, witless, fearful. I have nothing to say to anyone - never.
I have no doubt that the digital immersion of our children will provide a rich life of entertainment and information and knowledge. My concern is that they will not learn, with their passive immersion, the joy and the effort of the third life, of thinking one's own thoughts and going beyond what is given.
Take time everyday to shift from immersion in human-centric thinking to ecoexperience.
My father's an opera nut, and my stepmother used to work at the Metropolitan Opera, so I had a lot of opera immersion. I like the grandness and pretention of it.
Our prayers should arise out of immersion in the Scripture. [We] speak only to the degree we are spoken to.
There’s no denying the benefits of the Internet. But electronic immersion, without a force to balance it, creates the hole in the boat — draining our ability to pay attention, to think clearly, to be productive and creative.
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