Top 1200 Impartial Justice Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Impartial Justice quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
It's the latest trendy thinking by the Ministry of Justice... Restorative justice is a fad.
Social justice is collectivism. Social justice is the rights of a group. It denies individual responsibility. It's a negation of individual responsibility, so social justice is totally contrary to the Word of God.
Pale death with an impartial foot knocks at the hovels of the poor and the palaces of king. — © Horace
Pale death with an impartial foot knocks at the hovels of the poor and the palaces of king.
Partial justice may exist with hatred; full justice requires charity.
Every improvement in our conceptions of justice, as well as in the machinery for the administration of justice, whereby a closer approximation to exact justice may be secured, will make for social peace, though the mere adjudication of conflicting interests will not remove the conflicts themselves nor their cause. That lies deeper than legislatures or courts can probe.
You'll find that my coquetry is quite impartial, which allows me to keep my friends.
The modern military justice system is by design a body incapable of blind justice.
I don't think anyone at Fox believes they are producing even-handed, impartial coverage.
It is essential that justice be done, and it is equally vital that justice not be confused with revenge, for the two are wholly different.
If justice is supposed to be fair, than any justice system you would hope is based on fairness.
Men are always invoking justice; yet it is justice which should make them tremble.
My passion today is not only justice for the Black man and woman of America, but for all those who cry out to the Supreme Being for justice in their lives - and that's Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and White, for the whole of humanity has been deprived of that which The Creator has ordered for us, and that is freedom, justice, equality, and submission to the Will of Allah.
Those are ever the most ready to do justice to others, who feel that the world has done them justice. — © William Hazlitt
Those are ever the most ready to do justice to others, who feel that the world has done them justice.
Dude, got eyes? I'm collecting evidence." [...] "In Ziploc bags." "I think they're Glad." "They look impartial to me.
Lenity is a part of justice; but she must not speak too loud for fear of waking justice.
All judges have cases that touch our passions deeply, but we all struggle constantly with remaining impartial.
Martin Luther King Jr. was an impassioned advocate of economic justice as well as social justice.
One of the hallmarks of the sign of Aquarius is the campaign for justice. Everybody is my brother. Justice is very important to me.
Travel should rub off Local Prejudices and provide an enlarged and impartial view of Men and Things.
I was confident that it [would] not in any way affect my ability to be impartial, objective and non-partisan.
We desire justice, and justice has never been obtained in haste and strong feeling.
Restorative justice is not a replacement of retributive justice, but a complement. It seeks the rehabilitation of the wrongdoer and the repair of the victim's injury.
Economic issues are a subset of social justice. Social justice is unimaginable without economic justice. Isn't that obvious?
I believe that an independent and impartial judiciary is essential to our constitutional republic.
The doctrine of equality! ... But there is no more venomous poison in existence: for it appears to be preached by justice itself, when it is actually the end of justice ... "Equality to the equal; inequality to the unequal" that would be true justice speaking: and its corollary, "never make the unequal equal".
Social justice is a cancer. Social justice means you are ruled by whatever the mob does. What social justice does is destroy individual responsibility.
Justice is justice though it's always delayed and finally done only by mistake.
I`m 100 percent impartial. I`m - my responsibility is to manage this primary nominating contest neutrally and fairly.
A traveler who looks at things with an impartial eye may see what the oldest inhabitant has not observed.
We must come to see with the distinguished jurist of yesterday that "justice too long delayed is justice denied."
A mediator is an impartial outsider who tries to aid the negotiators in their quest to find a compromise agreement.
The whole essence of humanitarian work and the Geneva Convention is that neutral, impartial organisations can operate during war.
There is no justice. There are occasional acts of vengeance, or regret, but there's no real justice. In the natural scheme of things, it is not possible.
The time is not come for impartial history. If the truth were told just now, it would not be credited.
When you talk to family and friends, they can't tell you anything from an impartial point of view because they have a vested interest in you.
Anytime emotions are involved, you cannot come up with an impartial and objective assessment of any given problem.
The education justice movement and the prison justice movement have been operating separately in many places as though they're in silos. But the reality is we're not going to provide meaningful education opportunities to poor kids, kids of color, until and unless we recognize that we're wasting trillions of dollars on a failed criminal justice system.
Justice is the most "political" or institutional of the virtues. The legitimacy of a state rests upon its claim to do justice. — © Alan Ryan
Justice is the most "political" or institutional of the virtues. The legitimacy of a state rests upon its claim to do justice.
Justice is juxtaposition in us Justice for all just ain't specific enough.
We love to talk about justice. It's the doing of justice that's hard...I believe it is work we are called to do
None can be an impartial or wise observer of human life but from the vantage ground of what we should call voluntary poverty.
Let me tell you what justice is. Justice is the law. And that man's feeble attempt to lay down the principles of deceny.
I cannot pretend to be impartial about the colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones, and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.
In my capacity as a board member of the OfS, I hope to be impartial, objective, and fair.
With equal pace, impartial Fate Knocks at the palace, as the cottage gate.
You cannot do justice to the dead. When we talk about doing justice to the dead we are talking about retribution for the harm done to them. But retribution and justice are two different things.
There are still personalities that you bond with or a fighting spirit that you connect with, but as a host you have to stay impartial and root for all of them.
The Law is a grim, unsmiling thing. Not Justice, though. Justice is witty and whimsical and kind and caring. — © Rohinton Mistry
The Law is a grim, unsmiling thing. Not Justice, though. Justice is witty and whimsical and kind and caring.
We win justice quickest by rendering justice to the other party.
Pale death knocks with impartial foot at poor men's hovels and king's palaces.
There may be more poetry than justice in poetic justice.
I probably would have voted against Justice Thomas, and, and, and I've been disappointed by what Justice Roberts has done.
But men often mistake killing and revenge for justice. They seldom have the stomach for justice.
Impartial - unable to perceive any promise of personal advantage from espousing either side of a controversy.
Justice, and only justice, shall always be our motto.
Intuitively we all like to seek the things that are comfortable rather than uncomfortable. But I do think there is a way of saying that if I believe in justice and I believe that justice is a constant struggle, and if I want to create justice, then I have to get comfortable with struggle.
Pale death, with impartial step, knocks at the hut of the poor and the towers of kings.
Justice is not cheap. Justice is not quick. It is not ever finally achieved.
I know I've erred in the past putting too much of my social justice sentiments in comics, but hopefully not too much, and I tried to only do that with characters that it made sense with it. These days, with the 'social justice' aspects of the two books I write, 'Catwoman' and 'Katana,' the concerns are more about moral justice.
Justice that is not rooted in equity, in social welfare, and in community is not justice at all.
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