Top 299 Imply Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Imply quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I hate the words 'handicapped' and 'disabled'. They imply that you are less than whole. I don't see myself that way at all.
A competent portraitist knows how to imply the profile in the full face.
There are circumstances in which despair does not imply inactivity. — © Edmund Burke
There are circumstances in which despair does not imply inactivity.
For, usually and fitly, the presence of an introduction is held to imply that there is something of consequence and importance to be introduced.
Established is a dangerous word for me. It could imply a modicum of complacency.
Kind thoughts are rarer than either kind words or deeds. They imply a great deal of thinking about others. This in itself is rare. But they also imply a great deal of thinking about others without the thoughts being criticisms. This is rarer still.
I don't mean to imply that I'm afraid of Death. I'm just not ready to go out on a date with him.
Universal silence is taken to imply the consent of the people.
To say that I'm healed, uh, would be to imply that there's an endpoint. And I think healing is something that we all do, that we'll all continually do, for the rest of our lives.
The fact I myself do not understand what my paintings mean while I am painting them does not imply that they are meaningless.
The idea of retirement seems to imply that you stop doing what you always did. Why would you do that? I don't get that.
Vanity, right?" Nash reappeared in the living room with an open bag of potato chips. "I nominate my venerable brother. He likes to play hero, and one look at him should establish the vanity angle." "Nash!" I really shouldn't have been surprised by the dig. But I was. "What?" He raised one brow at me in challenge. "It's okay to call me jealous, but not to call him vain?" "Awareness of one's obvious advantages doesn't imply vanity," Tod insisted calmly. Nash turned on him. "Does it imply narcissism?" Tod huffed. "This coming from the guy who owns more hair products than his girlfriend.
All my lyrics are open to interpretation by the individual and imply many different meanings, therefore their relevance is purely  subjective. — © Ian Curtis
All my lyrics are open to interpretation by the individual and imply many different meanings, therefore their relevance is purely subjective.
I hate the word 'rendering,' as it equates to 'pouring concrete' on ideas that demand continuing dialog. 'Trade secrets' imply hoarding of knowledge.
Correlation doesn’t imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing ‘look over there.’
Falling in love with landscapes is what L.A. women do. It doesn't necessarily imply betrothal or marriage.
Why should the idea of Western liberal democracy automatically imply unregulated free-market capitalism?
Beethoven, Schubert, Schoenberg, Berg imply a type of pianist who is intellectual. That's not always associated with female soloists.
If we fall into the trap of painting all Muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists' work for them.
The existence of tricks does not imply the absence of magic.
To say that what a planet is doesn't matter would be to imply that a planetary scientist couldn't explain to someone what the field is about.
The role of science is to be systematic, to be accurate, to be orderly, but it certainly is not to imply that the aggregated, successful hypotheses of the past have the kind of truth that goes into a number system.
Limitations imply possibilities. A problem is a challenge.
Transgender doesn't need to imply loud.
Love does not imply pacifism.
Whenever the powers of government are placed in any hands other than those of the community, whether those of one man, of a few, or of several, those principles of human nature which imply that government is at all necessary, imply that those persons will make use of them to defeat the very end for which government exists.
Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is ... a normal and healthy sentiment.
Novelisation doesn't imply the truth. Readers are sophisticated enough to know that.
Every profession does imply a trust for the service of the public.
We refuse love, and reject society, in so far as it seems, in our own perverse imagination, to imply some obscure kind of humiliation
'Milk' doesn't imply that all gay men who stayed in the closet were cowards.
That faith be analyzable does not necessarily imply a method for getting by without it. . . .
As a house implies a builder, and a garment a weaver, and a door a carpenter, so does the existence of the Universe imply a Creator.
My father had no influence on my political beliefs, and to imply otherwise is wrong and irresponsible.
I'd hate to imply that it's your civic duty to see The House I Live In, but guess what it is.
If the term discussion has always seemed to me to imply mild warnings of wasted time, workshop sets off a clangorous alarm.
I do not imply that this philosophy of land was always clear to me. It is rather the end result of a life journey.
What libertarians assert is simply that differences among normal adults do not imply different fundamental rights. — © Tom G. Palmer
What libertarians assert is simply that differences among normal adults do not imply different fundamental rights.
Just because there's one Asian American superhero in the MCU, it does not by any means imply that our fight is finished right there.
To do what you imply would require nothing short of divine intervention. You must change man, not systems.
Although the outlook is clouded by a number of uncertainties, the central tendencies of the projections .. imply continued good economic performance in the United States.
When you go to a Japense wedding, make sure that you tie the ribbon on the present tightly because if you don't, you may imply that you don't think the marriage will last.
We must be willing to learn the lesson that cooperation may imply compromise, but if it brings a world advance it is a gain for each individual nation.
Convictions do not imply reasons.
Doesn't becoming imply time?
Poverty doesn't imply necessarily violence.
Being a team player should not imply a demand for simple obedience and conformity.
Whether I praise or criticize someone's action, I imply that I am their judge, that I'm engaged in rating them or what they have done. — © Marshall B. Rosenberg
Whether I praise or criticize someone's action, I imply that I am their judge, that I'm engaged in rating them or what they have done.
The march of science and technology does not imply growing intellectual complexity in the lives of most people. It often means the opposite.
To air one's views gratuitously, is to imply that the demand for them is brisk.
I would not wish to imply that most industrial accidents are due to intemperance. But, certainly, temperance has never failed to reduce their number.
Self-awareness is value-free. It isn't scary. It doesn't imply that you will subject yourself to needless pain.
Seedy wasn't a fair description for the place, because seeds imply eventual regrowth and renewal.
Unity, I thought, implies the possibility of disunity. Beginnings imply and require endings.
In speaking, for convenience, of devices and expedients, I did not intend to imply that Shakespeare always deliberately aimed at the effects which he produced.
Vice and virtue chiefly imply the relation of our actions to men in this world; sin and holiness rather imply their relation to God and the other world.
I don't like when I say 'honestly' - not to imply that I'm otherwise not honest.
Self-government does not and should not imply the use of political agencies alone. Progress is born of cooperation in the community - not from governmental restraints.
What is a rebel? A man who says no: but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation.
Contrary to what many writers imply about the process, nobody forces a writer to sell his work to the film industry.
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