Top 1200 Importance Of Reading Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Importance Of Reading quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I spent my childhood in the country and started reading even before going to school. There was nothing else in my life but sketching and reading.
Every single case of inherited defect, every malformed child, every congenitally tainted human being brought into this world is of infinite importance to that poor individual; but it is of scarcely less importance to the rest of us and to all of our children who must pay in one way or another for these biological and racial mistakes.
The pleasure of reading biography, like that of reading letters, derives from the universal hunger to penetrate other lives. — © Patricia Ann Meyer Spacks
The pleasure of reading biography, like that of reading letters, derives from the universal hunger to penetrate other lives.
Reading something from beginning to end. That is reading with love.
I suppose I could read more fiction, but I haven't moved in that direction. I'd like more time even though I spend six hours a day reading. People say their eyes get tired, but I've never experienced that. In college I used to read 10 hours a day. My wife says I'm obsessive compulsive. She might have a point because when I was an undergrad student we had the required reading list and the suggested reading list. I always read all the suggested reading too.
You become a reader by reading the literature, not by reading the handbooks about it.
I am always reading or thinking about reading.
I think, when you reach the top level, it is less about the money itself; it is important only because the level of earning shows the importance of the player or the manager. I don't think people want to have the money just to spend it. It is a reflection of your importance in football.
I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated.
The art of not reading is a very important one. It consists in not taking an interest in whatever may be engaging the attention of the general public at any particular time. When some political or ecclesiastical pamphlet, or novel, or poem is making a great commotion, you should remember that he who writes for fools always finds a large public. A precondition for reading good books is not reading bad ones: for life is short.
As a cognitive neuroscientist and scholar of reading, I am particularly concerned with the plight of the reading brain as it encounters this technologically rich society.
It is no accident that you are reading this. I am making black marks on white paper. These marks are my thoughts, and although I do not know who you are reading this...the lines of our lives have intersected. For the length of these few sentences, we meet here. It is no accident that you are reading this. This moment has been waiting for you, I have been waiting for you. Remember me.
I loved reading. I was one of those kids who was supposed to go to bed but had a torch under the duvet. That love of reading stayed with me.
If anyone's reading this waiting for some type of full-on, flat apology for anything, they should just stop reading right now.
As an element in human progress, the right of private property, in importance, has taken first and almost only place in the current systems of law and of political economy. While admitting its great importance, we cannot conceal the fact that the writers on those subjects have wholly failed to distinguish between its use and its abuse, or to recognize its rational and equitable limits.
Read anything I write for the pleasure of reading it. Whatever else you find will be the measure of what you brought to the reading. — © Ernest Hemingway
Read anything I write for the pleasure of reading it. Whatever else you find will be the measure of what you brought to the reading.
I have always had someone in my life that I consider my reading mentor because I come from a family where reading was not emphasized or even approved of.
The same plasticity that allows us to form a reading circuit to begin with, and short-circuit the development of deep reading if we allow it, also allows us to learn how to duplicate deep reading in a new environment. We cannot go backwards. As children move more toward an immersion in digital media, we have to figure out ways to read deeply there.
Reading a script is usually as exciting as reading a boilerplate legal document, so when you read one that makes you feel as if you're seeing the movie, you know it's something different.
One performs a very different act when reading a movie and when reading a novel. Your attention behaves differently.
I think seriousness is a mask of self-importance and self-importance in turn is a mask for self-pity. So if you're really going to pursue a spiritual way of living in the world, you must be lighthearted and carefree, have humor, be able to tolerate ambiguity and embrace uncertainty, and be forgiving of yourself and everybody else.
Reading can be just feeding, but smart reading takes us further. The classroom is one way to go deeper, but we can't stay in school forever.
I think the act of reading imbues the reader with a sensitivity toward the outside world that people who don't read can sometimes lack. I know it seems like a contradiction in terms; after all reading is such a solitary, internalizing act that it appears to represent a disengagement from day-to-day life. But reading, and particularly the reading of fiction, encourages us to view the world in new and challenging ways...It allows us to inhabit the consciousness of another which is a precursor to empathy, and empathy is, for me, one of the marks of a decent human being.
Reading to kids is to ordinary reading what jazz is to a string quartet.
I'm bringing reading back. I'm making reading great again!
Reading is a dissuasion from immorality. Reading stands in the place of company.
THE WRITER can get free of his writing only by using it, that is, by reading oneself. As if the aim of writing were to use what is already written as a launching pad for reading the writing to come. Moreover, what he has written is read in the process, hence constantly modified by his reading. The book is an unbearable totality. I write against a background of facets.
It is not the reading of many books which is necessary to make a man wise or good; but well reading of a few.
With plays that require any kind of reading program, I'm reading for a couple of years before using the material.
Reading takes me to a different place than my everyday life. I usually get fully involved in what I'm reading about, so it's a great escape.
In the act of reading, especially reading fiction, where a world is being created, all kinds of matters of belief come into play.
Free voluntary reading results in better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical development
You are not a man anymore. You are a soldier. Your comfort is of no importance and your life isn't of much importance. Most of your orders will be unpleasant, but that's not your business. They should've trained you for this, and not for flower-strewn streets. They should have built your soul with truth, not led along with lies.
Reading activates and exercises the mind. Reading forces the mind to discriminate. From the beginning, readers have to recognize letters printed on the page, make them into words, the words into sentences, and the sentences into concepts. Reading pushes us to use our imagination and makes us more creatively inclined.
The older I've got the less I find myself going back and re-reading or really reading new fiction or poetry.
If I'm reading a book and it seems truly interesting, I tend to start reading back to front in order not to be too deeply under the sway of progress.
Playing football helped me a lot. Just reading the quarterback's eyes and reading receivers, figuring out what they want to do.
I want my students to love to read. Reading is not a subject. Reading is a foundation of life, an activity that people who are engaged with the world do all the time
Sometimes you're reading something, and you don't know it will be important in your life. You're reading this script, and you start to get involved. It's not an intellectual experience.
I don't cry too often reading books, but I did reading Francisco Goldman's autobiographical novel, 'Say Her Name.' — © David Grann
I don't cry too often reading books, but I did reading Francisco Goldman's autobiographical novel, 'Say Her Name.'
My earliest memory of books is not of reading but of being read to. I spent hours listening, watching the face of the person reading aloud to me.
People feel compelled to continue reading and hearing the news. Sometimes, you just want somebody to be yelling at it with you as you're reading it. I think of that as my function.
My grandparents - both of my mother's parents - were actors, and they ran the Reading Repertory Theatre Company, through the town of Reading, where I come from.
In antiquity and the Middle Ages reading was necessarily reading aloud.
Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.
When I read, I'm either reading to learn, or I'm reading to switch off.
Building a habit of reading leads to all sorts of reading.
I always say that, to me, it starts with reading. This is something I tell high school kids, college kids, people trying to get into the business, that it's just so much about reading. Read, read, read. So much of everything else falls into place when you just do a ton of reading.
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.
Well, I'm reading about the battle of New Orleans right now. I've got an eclectic reading list.
People looking at advertisements or reading their local newspapers would have had no idea that what they were reading was bought and paid for with their tax dollars. — © George Miller
People looking at advertisements or reading their local newspapers would have had no idea that what they were reading was bought and paid for with their tax dollars.
I didn't want to be an author; I wanted to be a scientist. Not that I didn't love literature, but I couldn't distinguish it from reading, and reading was already my default activity, almost like breathing.
Magazine reading appears to promote more reading.
I will say the most raw joy I've experienced reading has probably come from the times I've been reading with my little boys.
The honor of being able to play Maura is transformative. I'm 70 years old. I should be in a reading room, reading Dickens or something.
And you can't make a mistake when you are reading the Torah, so you have men standing around who will correct you if you are reading it incorrectly.
My parents tolerated me reading comics because they knew I was also reading 'proper' books, too.
Reading is very creative - it's not just a passive thing. I write a story; it goes out into the world; somebody reads it and, by reading it, completes it.
I have a mathematical certainty that the future will confirm my assertion that aerial warfare will be the most important element in future wars, and that in consequence not only will the importance of the Independent Air Force rapidly increase, but the importance of the army and navy will decrease in proportion.
Reading groups, readings, breakdowns of book sales all tell the same story: when women stop reading, the novel will be dead.
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