Top 1200 Important Issues Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Important Issues quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Toni Morrison is challenged regularly because she is a black author who writes about the real world. She speaks with so much knowledge about black issues she can't be accused of creating these (issues). People find these issues threatening.
A more just world is possible. In most of the global issues, and also in so many of the development issues I'm involved in in our region, the young people that I am working with are seizing the tools at their disposal and trying to use them well, for issues far larger than their immediate personal benefit and concerns. That's what gives me hope.
Are your people uncomfortable during meetings and tired at the end? If not, they're probably not mixing it up enough and getting to the bottom of important issues. — © Patrick Lencioni
Are your people uncomfortable during meetings and tired at the end? If not, they're probably not mixing it up enough and getting to the bottom of important issues.
It's an artist's choice to speak up about social issues, but I think it's really important, and my favorite artists have spoken out.
I believe that sensitivity to issues of race and ethnicity is important, and nuanced, even more so when it intersects with the issue of free speech.
It's important to be honest with and respectful of each other and deal with issues as they arrive, as opposed to letting them simmer.
One of the issues I think is very important, in many communities of color, there's a stigma about mental health. We find that the shaming that comes from acknowledging that one may have some issues that may relate to mental health, often people are not willing to go and seek additional help because of that shaming or that cultural stigma that's associated with it. And I think that we need to make this change in how people approach mental health.
I've been around racing a fairly long time, but when it comes to the important issues, I'm happy to let others make the big decisions.
I have traveled around Minnesota and addressed many issues, and immigration is one of those issues.
The authorities should stipulate what issues people can protest over and on what issues it is not allowed.
The good life for me always meant connecting with those big, important issues that grown-ups get so excited about.
Issues to do with corruption, issues of how we can straighten out our state-owned enterprises, and how we deal with 'state capture' are issues that are on our radar screen.
Economics is a strange science. Our subject deals with some of the most important as well as mundane issues that impinge on the human condition. — © Dale T. Mortensen
Economics is a strange science. Our subject deals with some of the most important as well as mundane issues that impinge on the human condition.
While I hold my own views, it's important not to get too wrapped up in individual candidates and personalities, but instead to focus on the real issues
When you've dealt with real-life issues, dealing with business issues is not that hard.
Often times, political games prevent senators from even beginning to debate some of the most important issues.
Intellectual property is an important legal and cultural issue. Society as a whole has complex issues to face here: private ownership vs. open source, and so on.
We question these issues of race and struggle and white privilege because we know that those issues are real and because those issues have real implications in black communities. And white supremacy is not only dangerous, but it is deadly.
I'm involved in issues, and issues are about grass-roots politics.
People who purposefully mislead the public about issues as important as our kids' education have absolutely no place at the table.
I greatly appreciate that people would like to see me have one more match or comeback or, 'Daniel Bryan got cleared, so why can't you?' I will never be cleared. Mine is a completely different injury. He had neck issues, but it wasn't his neck issues that retired him, actually. It was the concussion issues.
I don't run against Hillary Clinton. I run on the most important issues facing America.
One of the hardest things for the president is to distinguish the routine issues that come through from the essential issues that affect the long term, and not to let himself get sucked into the battles of the bureaucracy for marginal issues, and to keep them focused and to keep his mind clear on what the fundamental things are that he has to accomplish.
Some of the issues with identity politics are critical moral issues. But we've got to show America that we don't have a plan just on these so-called identity politics issues, but that we have a plan for the economy, that we know how to provide for a strong national defense.
The sad reality is that there are no purely domestic issues in Israel. Issues that would be dealt with by municipalities in other countries - such as how to deal with a dangerous bridge or how to resolve conflicts between religious and secular bus riders - become major international issues when they occur in Israel.
Access to basic quality health care is one of the most important domestic issues facing our nation.
Carolyn Maloney is very, very comfortable with a whole host of issues, but on women's issues, she is really just one of the few people who understands that women are not only half of the world and half of the United States, but they need an advocate; that they have to have advocacy; that our issues cannot be ignored.
I want to spend time sitting down with as many people as possible and learn the important issues before us.
It's my feeling that on sensitive, localized issues like our schools, it's important to lead with the carrot and not force peoples' hands.
My province needs to understand that Alberta's issues are national issues.
Government officials should recognize that the files in front of them represent very important issues in the lives of people.
What many fans don't realize with fighters, this is our job. But at the same time outside of this, we have regular lives where we do the same things that everybody else does. We have the problems. We get speeding tickets, we get pulled over, we have family issues, we have girlfriend issues, we have issues amongst ourselves, self doubt.
From this experience we have learned that in a big party it is important to have the necessary and often controversial discussions on policy issues such as the health system while in opposition.
I happened to have the privilege of serving in Congress. It will be 16 years at the end of this term. And I think I made a difference here on important issues.
It is important to recognise that, alongside the huge benefits that artificial intelligence offers, there are potential ethical issues associated with some uses.
I'm not an advocate for disability issues. Human issues are what interest me.
I love the church. And the church is flawed. I think it's important that the issues of justice become important to the church. A lot of these churches don't necessarily take on justice because it affects dollars that come in. We need to start and assess the areas that we're in and not be so obsessed with becoming this big, huge church where everybody's pointing at one leader! We all should be pointing at Jesus, and if that's true we got to get to a place where the people become important to us. It kills me! It hurts me! Jesus has set the example. It's very clear!
One important part of scientific training is that scientists learn the boundaries, the safety issues, how to properly deal with and dispose of chemicals and reagents. — © Craig Venter
One important part of scientific training is that scientists learn the boundaries, the safety issues, how to properly deal with and dispose of chemicals and reagents.
'Green' issues at last are attracting serious attention, owing to critically important links between the environment and the economy, health, and our security.
I think you need people of principle, of character, that are leaders, that take stands on important tough issues that will affect the future of this country.
I deeply wish to help move Kentucky and our country forward and I can assure you that I will continue to speak out on the important issues of the day.
The philosophy of the club, the structure of the club, the core values for me are very important issues.
Overstating America's issues doesn't make us relatable; it makes others' issues easily dismissable.
The most important thing about an astronaut is you have to take for a given a person's done pretty well in school, has the intelligence and all of that to learn new systems and new things. But after that, the most important thing I think is being able to get along with others. Flexibility and teamwork, those issues because as we fly longer and longer in space, those are really important factors, even on short shuttle missions, those are important factors, to put a crew together that can work together effectively as a team, that can get along.
Do we have hospital capacity issues? We do. But the reality is in our state and virtually ever other rural state across America, we have ICU bed issues and hospital capacity issues even when there's not COVID-19.
I think it's really, really important to grow the consensus and to realize that there is always some value that can be shared with another American, on any issue. Starting from those points of common belief and shared values is very, I think, important to forging the consensus that allows these issues to more forward.
Celebrities who lend their names to causes to raise lot of money for important issues should be admired and not marginalized and made fun of.
I don't want to be involved with just the environment because I think other issues tie so much into the environment, like native issues, children's issues, women's rights - I think they all completely tie into each other, even the economy.
It's important for us to fight for certain changes that need to happen. And one of those issues that I really care about is education. But also another one is incarceration.
It's important to be informed about issues like usability, reliability, security, privacy, and some of the inherent limitations of computers. — © Brian Kernighan
It's important to be informed about issues like usability, reliability, security, privacy, and some of the inherent limitations of computers.
I will always stand firm to protect the sanctity of marriage. I believe it is important to work with people to find common ground on difficult issues.
If the president of the United States says that attacks on civilians, starvation, and denial of religious freedom in Sudan are important international issues, they become so.
Very important, the President must be seen not as a figurehead but as somebody the people can look to for support for some of the issues, national problems and so on.
I think that on the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders talks about income inequality and poverty alleviation, and those issues are so important.
I feel privileged to be a U.N. ambassador. It gives me an opportunity to use my voice to help raise awareness about important social and environmental issues.
It's very important that the issues that Bernie is talking about are carried forward and he is intending to do that. Winning the presidency is not enough.
The important thing to understand about legislators is that there are dozens of competing interests and issues that occupy them. They are stretched thin.
Kids instinctively know - although they will argue to the contrary - that they really are not mature enough to make good decisions on some important issues.
We need to start identifying the triggers that aggravate mental health issues in our society - bullying, social media negativity and anxiety, gender based violence, substance abuse, stigma around issues such as maternal issues, etc., and we need to speak up about these more and get to the source of the problems.
Many great stories are father issues, mother issues or death.
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