Top 1200 Important Thing Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Important Thing quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Is safety a business imperative? Yes. But is it also the right thing to do? Yes. And it's important for companies to increasingly find that by doing the right thing, they're fulfilling their business imperative.
A big upper body is not a great thing for tennis, and for me, flexibility is important.
For dreams to come true, it requires diligence. Believing is the most important thing! — © Yunho
For dreams to come true, it requires diligence. Believing is the most important thing!
I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.
[In many circumstances,] the most important thing about a proposition is not that it be true, but that it be interesting.
When the day is done the most important thing is loving people and sharing love.
I think the most important thing is authenticity, just being as real as I can be. But also flexible and open to change and other ideas and thought processes. Back when you and I last talked, I was at a turning point in my life, and I was having a tough time. I was hiding it, but I had a really hard time just being me. So now it's important that I'm just me.
The music is the last thing I'm thinking about right now, in order of what's important.
The most important thing with children is to give them your time. Actually, that's all that matters.
It's been my belief that learning how to do something in your hometown is the most important thing.
To have something which one particularly wants to do is more important than anything else. It is even more important than succeeding in that thing you want to do. In fact it does not matter if you fail, but it does matter that you do or do not want to do something.
Respect was one thing. Survival was another. It was important that I kept my priorities in the right order.
I think the Congress will do the right thing. I think that they've - you know, they got into certain arguments and they start worrying about assessing blame, and there is a little demagoguery, but in the end, something this important, they'll do the right thing. So this really is an economic Pearl Harbor. That sounds melodramatic, but I've never used that phrase before. And this really is one.
The most important thing is to stay humble because there are always people telling you that you're this and that you're going to do that. — © Shanice Williams
The most important thing is to stay humble because there are always people telling you that you're this and that you're going to do that.
It's doesn't just come overnight, you've got to train for it and believe in yourself; that's the most important thing.
Usually I'm traveling for tennis, so the most important thing for me is to not get jet lag.
The most important thing in the kitchen is the waste paper basket and it needs to be centrally located.
Clarity is the most important thing to me - in thinking - and so I try in the books to be as clear as possible.
Now, if you ask me, what’s going on is that we’re all up to here in it, and probably the most important thing is that we not yell at one another.
The most important thing is that we're impacting people for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ... that's why we're here.
When someone speaks we ought to get three things out of the message. First and least important (but still very important), we ought to get what is said. Second, and more important, we ought to have a spiritual experience. Third, and most important, we should keep the commitments we make to ourselves.
Teaching music to children is the most important thing in life, next to parenting, that a person can do.
The most important thing for a good marriage is to learn how to argue peaceably.
Attitude is an inner concept. It is the most important thing you can develop in your life.
The most important thing about a fighter is something you can't see, and that's his heart.
Usually step one in a recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I think that's an important thing for the Republican Party to do.
When it comes to public policy, doing the right thing is more important than doing it for the right reason. The best way to get people to do what's right collectively is to make it the best thing for them to do individually. You have to give individuals a personal incentive to do what's right for society.
The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity.
The most important thing is you have to want to do something for somebody other than yourself.
I always say to myself, what is the most important thing we can think about at this extraordinary moment.
As a queen I speak about unity and respect. I think that is the most important thing.
Love is the most important thing in the world. Hate, we should remove from the dictionary.
I think that the most important thing we have is our ability communicate and love other humans.
The important thing is to not walk alone, but to rely on each other as brothers and sisters
The one thing more important to my parents than my career is that I am happily married.
The most important thing in my father's life? World peace. Me and my brother. My mom.
The minute I understand a man, he is no longer exciting and a challenge to me. And the last thing in the world I want is for a man to understand me and know what's always going on inside my head. It takes away from all my mystery, which, as I've told you before, is the most important thing between a man and a woman.
The thing I always tell my writing students - I'm not a full-time instructor, by any means, but periodically I've taught writing students - what I always tell them is that the most important thing in narrative nonfiction is that you not only have to have all the research; you have to have about 100% more than you need.
The most important thing for me is health - you wake up in the morning, you can breathe, and you can walk. — © Mohamed Al-Fayed
The most important thing for me is health - you wake up in the morning, you can breathe, and you can walk.
The most important thing is being genuine, and real, and not getting caught up in the "Star-Ness" of it. You don't want to act like a star around other people. You have to watch it, and you want to stay grounded, it's very important, and that's probably what I have learned most because you definitely have opportunities to let your ego run wild and you have to keep your ego in check.
Deep within, you know that the only thing that is truly important is being in alignment with spirit.
I've come to realize that the thing in life that's important, the reason we're all here, is to love and do well for each other.
Whatever the outcome may be, the important thing is to step forward on the path that you believe is right.
What people think and believe and plan are all very important, but what they do is the thing that counts most.
The single most important thing that I feel responsible for is that the company cherishes the work.
Only those in comfortable circumstances think love is the most important thing.
I learnt to read when I was five, and I think that is the most important thing that happened to me.
Making my family, friends, and close peers proud of me is the most important thing.
The single most important thing for any processor is getting adoption by software developers. — © Jensen Huang
The single most important thing for any processor is getting adoption by software developers.
The most important thing about Spaceship Earth - an instruction book didn't come with it.
To adjust your philosophy and creativity in fashion to the time you're living in is the most important thing.
People say you have to know when to retire, which is a dumb thing to say. If you want to go out on top, yeah, it becomes important when you quit. But I wasn't afraid of that. And I wasn't worried about getting fired. I knew the risk. To me, it's not an ego thing. I enjoy coaching. I enjoy helping people achieve something.
It's very important when you are young you don't take sides; you look at everything fresh and see, what is the best thing we can do? For ourselves, for the society in which we live, the country in which we live, the world in which we live, what's the best thing we can do?
First thing in the morning, it's very important to eat quickly. So I'm reaching for eggs.
When you're talking about the thing that is most important to someone, they're liable to feel something strong.
the most important thing one can do for children is not accept the limitations they are so willing to impose on themselves.
People say the most important thing is building a world-class team.
I think that the most important thing a woman can have - next to talent, of course - is her hairdresser.
The most important thing for me is that I get regular first team action.
I've had some very strong female role models, so I think that's an important thing.
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