Top 105 Imports Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Imports quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
What is doing the damage is the fact that the U.K. is pulling in more imports, which shows the continued strength of the economy and the strength of sterling.
I grew up obsessively collecting Queen T-shirts and concert posters and rare U.K. imports of their CDs.
The nobler the truth or sentiment, the less imports the question of authorship. — © Ralph Waldo Emerson
The nobler the truth or sentiment, the less imports the question of authorship.
If we had continued making progress at the rate we were during the Carter administration, we would be free of oil imports from Saudi Arabia today.
The CAFTA region currently imports $15 billion annually of U.S. agriculture and manufactured goods.
You cannot artificially curb gold imports beyond a point. But I am hopeful it will happen because the rupee depreciation should by itself lead to a large growth in exports and some compression of imports.
Our foreign-exchange reserves when I took over were no more than a billion dollars; that is, roughly equal to two weeks' imports.
It is the quality of the moment, not the number of days, or events, or of actors, that imports.
Diplomacy in a sense is the opposite of writing. You have to disperse yourself so much: the lady who comes in crying because shes had a fight with the secretary; exports and imports; students in trouble; thumbtacks for the embassy.
Our strategy should be based on indigenisation and import substitution. The government must provide opportunities for domestic companies to participate in sectors in which the country continues to depend on imports.
As the global expansion of Indian and Chinese restaurants suggests, xenophobia is directed against foreign people, not foreign cultural imports.
The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country.
India must achieve the real goal?that is energy independence or an economy which will function well within total freedom from oil, gas or coal imports.
I know that there is a great diversity of opinion as to who, in fact, pays the duties on imports. I do not intend to discuss that point. We of the staple and exporting States have long settled the question for ourselves, almost unanimously, from sad experience.
In this 21st century world, some of our country's most significant exports and imports extend beyond goods and services: They also include innovation, knowledge, discovery, and healing.
Russian cars are silly. They look like imports drawn by a cartoonist for a UAW newsletter. — © P. J. O'Rourke
Russian cars are silly. They look like imports drawn by a cartoonist for a UAW newsletter.
We all have to draw some lines. To preserve my sanity, I steer clear of cooking, professional sports and most imports, unless imported to us via PBS, Sundance, etc.
Diplomacy in a sense is the opposite of writing. You have to disperse yourself so much: the lady who comes in crying because she's had a fight with the secretary; exports and imports; students in trouble; thumbtacks for the embassy.
Often motivated by a desire to maintain the existing status quo, sloth almost cost the U.S. its auto industry, as it refused for decades to build fuel-efficient cars to compete with Japanese, Korean and European imports.
As a continent, I think there are opportunities for Asia to accept imports of Wyoming coal.
The rise of populism is in part a response to stagnating incomes and job loss, owing mostly to new technologies but widely attributed to imports and immigrants.
It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas.
Fortunately for England, all her imports are raw materials.
It is not good to cut exports or imports.
Most of our imports come from other countries
Growth in U.S. real imports slowed to about 3 percent in 2006, in part reflecting a drop in real terms in imports of crude oil and petroleum products.
If any vestige of the American automobile industry is to survive, it must involve state-of-the-art vehicles that are not equal to but surpass the best imports in every way.
The notion dies hard that in some sort of way exports are patriotic but imports are immoral.
We have to learn to live with fewer imports and more exports, promoting national production.
To assert, as some have, that illegal immigrants do not depress wages because they do the jobs Americans refuse is the kind of nonsense economists speak when they strain to be counterintuitive. It is similar to saying that cheap imports do not hold down prices.
America today has insufficient savings to finance both crucial investment and its consumption of imports.
We entered the global market only in the end-'80s, and that was because imports became more liberal.
We are getting more and more imports from abroad.
Imports remain a concern with the currency holding at $US0.75 cents and cost pressures persist, in particular for power and transport.
TARIFF, n. A scale of taxes on imports, designed to protect the domestic producer against the greed of his consumer.
If there is any action that punishes imports to the North American market and encourages U.S. exports, you have to reflect it in a mirror action to counteract the change of incentives that this would make for activity and investment in Mexico.
More and more of our imports are coming from overseas
China is the world's biggest exporter, but they're also the people with one of the highest tariffs on imports in the whole world. That seems a little bit oxymoronic.
Simply raising fuel economy standards for passenger cars and light trucks to 33 miles per gallon would eliminate our oil imports from the Persian Gulf. — © Jan Schakowsky
Simply raising fuel economy standards for passenger cars and light trucks to 33 miles per gallon would eliminate our oil imports from the Persian Gulf.
The foreign accent was a promise, and indeed, all over the country, European imports added spice to the sciences, the arts, and other areas. What one had to give was not considered inferior to what one received.
There are people with vested interest who do not want us to reform our energy sector so that we remain dependent on imports. All reform moves are resisted. Bureaucrats are hesitant to take bold decisions.
Renaming a class at one level is really easy; you just change the name. But how do you change all the references to that class and all the imports?
We ask our companies to restructure; we ask employees to work more for less money because there is overproduction, but then we're unable to defend them from cheaper Chinese imports. We are insane.
Here`s what the rest of the world does that we don`t do. They take the tax off of their exports and place a tax on their imports. We do the opposite. We tax our exports and don`t tax our imports.
Clearly, there needs to be an increase in the capacity of the railway system. That's why there are these projections of increasing the capacity to carry freight on the railways by 30% over the next five years or so, because the volume of goods moved up and down, imports, exports, and within the country, has grown much larger than the capacity. And this is part of the higher costs to business, because charges, for instance, at the ports become too high and they put up the prices of these goods, whether they are imports or exports. You want to reduce that.
The prices of all imports would rise if the dollar depreciates.
I think all countries need to aim to cut the CO2 emissions per person, taking account of externalities like imports and exports.
I've always considered making it legal for Americans to import their prescription drugs a free-trade issue. Imports create competition and keep domestic industry more responsive to consumers.
The working out of a balanced economy throughout Germany to provide the necessary means to pay for approved imports has not been accomplished, although that too is expressly required by the Potsdam Agreement.
If you get made fun of working at Pier One Imports, you can't pelt them with poop.
Imports create competition and keep domestic industry more responsive to consumers. In the United States, we import everything consumers want. So why not pharmaceuticals? — © Chuck Grassley
Imports create competition and keep domestic industry more responsive to consumers. In the United States, we import everything consumers want. So why not pharmaceuticals?
We've had a long wrangle with the pharmaceutical industry about parallel imports, and what we were saying is we want to make medicines and drugs as affordable as a possible to what is largely a poor population.
The U.S. now imports over half of its oil supply from the Middle East. This dangerous dependence on foreign energy sources is an issue of national security.
The E.U. imports more agricultural goods from developing countries around the world than does the U.S., Canada and Japan, combined.
Turkeys energy bill due to imports will fall with the increase in use of renewable energy sources. We have no control over the prices of petroleum and natural gas.
Import and substituting imports with domestic production are a big opportunity. With a devaluation of the rupee, imports get expensive, and for Indian manufacturers, this creates a huge opportunity.
We can't have our industry progressively destroyed by cheap Chinese imports.
Turkey's energy bill due to imports will fall with the increase in use of renewable energy sources. We have no control over the prices of petroleum and natural gas.
Our goal as a nation must be to rely less on imports and more on products made here in the USA.
The United States has means to wound Latin American countries deeply, chiefly by altering trade policies to cut imports in ways that would throw thousands out of work.
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