Top 36 Impressionist Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Impressionist quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I was never really an impressionist. If there was somebody within my range, maybe I could work on it and do a little exaggeration of them - which I think is really the way to do an impression.
I started out as an impressionist and that's all about observing - how people move, their voice quality, their attitudes and quirks.
I went out with a promiscuous impressionist - she did everybody. — © Jay London
I went out with a promiscuous impressionist - she did everybody.
I started out as an impressionist and that’s all about observing, how people move, their voice quality, their attitudes and quirks.
By the beginning of the 20th Century, Cannes and the coastal strip that winds its rocky way to Monaco was the winter resort for the rich, the Royals and a few well-heeled writers and artists, such as the impressionist painter Auguste Renoir.
The great French Impressionist painter Renoir, right at the end of his very long life, said to a friend, "I am just now learning to paint." Renoir carried his gift with a humility which realized how much he still had to learn. Anyone who goes deeply into a field in life and realizes this, gains a sense of proportion that can only make you humble.
Anyone who calls my music "impressionist" is an imbecile.
Ninety per cent of the theory of Impressionist painting is in . . . Ruskin's Elements.
A really good impressionist, even if they don't look at all like the person they're impersonating, it's a weird thing where they start to look like that person. It's kind of odd.
I wasn't really qualified to be on Saturday Night Live - I'm not like an impressionist or anything.
I'm quite a precious painter; my style is a messy fine art - sort of impressionist. I do portraits, I love painting other artists, but recently, I've been playing around with self portraits, putting on different characters.
I think my comedy's probably the same as my art, which is kind of abstract, impressionist, emotional. You create an emotion and then you knock it down. You take something the way people are expecting it to go, and then give it a different conclusion.
I don't know if I'm an impressionist or an expressionist. You can call me an American first... I've been labeled doing neimanism, so that's what it is, I guess.
I absorbed as many Impressionist paintings as I could, in Parisian museums and in many museums in the United States and in books, looking for clues to architecture, clothing, settings.
I didn't set out to be a Trump impressionist at all. It wasn't that I wanted to be Trump. It's that I was asking, 'What if Trump was me?'
I loved pretending to be a middle-aged Jewish woman. I just wanted to do what I saw Gilda Radner and Carol Burnett doing. But I'm not a particularly good impressionist. It was never my strong suit.
In his lifetime the great French impressionist painter Corot painted 2000 canvases. Of that number, 3000 are in the United States.
I'm not an impressionist as such, and I never will be, so the sketches where I was supposed to be a famous person probably weren't my best work.
I'm not an impressionist, per se, but if you do any kind of comedy - and they ask you to do that, most of the time - there's some degree of appreciation, I think, involving somebody you like.
I am an anarchist in politics and an impressionist in art as well as a symbolist in literature. Not that I understand what these terms mean, but I take them to be all merely synonyms of pessimist.
I thought we had opposite visions of electronic music. Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk had a very robotic, mechanical approach. I had a more impressionist vision - a Ravel/Debussy approach.
My father, Fukujuro, drove a cab and my mother, Itsuko, was a homemaker. My parents often took me to see Impressionist exhibits. At home, I would paint pictures in a similar style.
I've never been an impressionist. I was doing Sofia Vergara and Elizabeth Dole. I'm sometimes so low-confidence and self-aware, so characters that are confident and ignorant and wrong are my favorite.
After being an Impressionist, Cubist, and an Abstract Expressionist, I was influenced by realistic artists, including Andrew Wyeth in the late '50s, and I haven't changed my style since.
For an Impressionist to paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.
I can go to a country song, go right into it and make it sound authentic. And I think that's because of my ear as an impressionist. — © Eddie Murphy
I can go to a country song, go right into it and make it sound authentic. And I think that's because of my ear as an impressionist.
I don't even consider myself an impressionist, really.
I didn't become an impressionist. As long as I can remember I always have been one.
I never thought of myself as an impressionist, so when I do audition for voice-matching things, I have to work really hard and do a lot of listening and trial-and-error.
I don't really consider myself an impressionist.
It took some time before the public learned that to appreciate an Impressionist painting one has to step back a few yards, and enjoy the miracle of seeing these puzzling patches suddenly fall into one place and come to life before our eyes.
I also became inspired by impressionist painters such as Renoir, and wanted to do the same sort of thing with music-portray whatever mood strikes me the way Keith Jarrett does on piano.
I was hoping to do an impressionist painting, but I wanted a good likeness and I wanted to create a feeling of the lady as a person, as a human being rather than as a figurehead for the monarchy and a pomp-and-circumstance sort of formal portrait. I wanted more of a relaxed portrait.
How many impressionist painters painted the same damned thing? How many actors have played the same part in renditions of a play or dancers do the same dances.
I went out with a promiscuous impressionist. She did everybody.
All those crazy Impressionist painters in France were friends but they would write about how jealous and competitive they were. That's what makes good art.
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