Top 1059 Improvement Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Improvement quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We're supposed to be perfect our first day on the job and then show constant improvement.
There's always room for improvement. We have a nucleus that's pretty good. You want players that will help.
Some players hit the heights straight away, for me it's been gradual improvement. — © Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Some players hit the heights straight away, for me it's been gradual improvement.
Love & kindness have far greater influence than punishment upon the improvement of human character.
If words were invented to conceal thought, newspapers are a great improvement of a bad invention
Dedicate yourself to continuous personal improvement you are your most precious resource
Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures.
We think we can contribute something toward the improvement of public education in our country.
For me, it's just kind of a chase for self-improvement in and out of the water. That's why I do enjoy the sport.
I love practice. It is when a coach exercises the most control over the improvement of his or her team.
The improvement of relations with German is positive, but this does not mean that we no longer have very important problems.
I'm addicted to self-improvement. The thing is, there's so damn much about myself to improve.
In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires. — © Benjamin Franklin
In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires.
I still have a lot of room for improvement. For example, I want to shoot equally well with both feet.
The great improvement of the radio over the telephone is that it may be turned off without offending the speaker.
Just because I accept you as you are does not mean that I have given up all hope of your improvement.
It is the natural effect of improvement, however, to diminish gradually the real price of almost all manufactures.
I remember being 12 or 13 and reading 'Seventeen' and 'CosmoGirl.' They were all about self-improvement.
Once you break someone of the habit of up-talking, they can start to see immediate improvement in their careers.
Let us praise even the slightest improvement. That inspires the other person to keep on improving.
The great object of the institution of civil government is the improvement of those who are parties to the social compact.
A natural parent has only two things principally to consider, the improvement of his son, and the finances to do it with.
Change equals self improvement. Push yourself to places you haven't been before.
If you simply take up the attitude of defending a mistake, there will no hope of improvement.
I admire [Samuel] Beckett, but I am totally against him. He seeks no improvement.
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.
It seems to me nothing man has done or built on this land is an improvement over what was here before.
All skills are perfected through the process of failure. Embrace loss as a necessary part of improvement.
The little religion that I have clung to-that what matters most is the continuity of life, and its improvement from one generation to another.
And to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.
I don't feel like congratulating myself, because I know there's still a lot of room for improvement.
Kaizen means ongoing improvement involving everybody, without spending much money.
A high degree of intellectual refinement in the female is the surest pledge society can have for the improvement of the male.
You cannot tie your fiance to the railroad track of self-reflection and personal improvement.
Here is a language so far ahead of its time, that it was not only an improvement on its predecessors, but also on nearly all its successors.
Social improvement is attained more readily by a concern with the quality of results than with the purity of motives.
I don't want to be skinny. I'm constantly in a state of self-improvement but I don't beat myself up over it.
I don’t mind losing as long as I see improvement or I feel I’ve done as well as I possibly could. — © Carol S. Dweck
I don’t mind losing as long as I see improvement or I feel I’ve done as well as I possibly could.
America is a land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement.
To its great credit, Wimbledon has been a leader in bringing about change and improvement in the sport.
Self-improvement is the name of the game, and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, not to destroy an opponent.
I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals.
I think I still like science and art better, but geometry is a big improvement over algebra.
Refrain from following the example of those whose craving is for attention, not their own improvement.
I've done a lot of self-improvement. I'm always working on being a better person.
Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement.
The only job security you have today os your commitment to continuous personal improvement.
A correct theory is the first step towards improvement, by showing what we need and what we might accomplish. — © William Stanley Jevons
A correct theory is the first step towards improvement, by showing what we need and what we might accomplish.
Ancient Rome was as confident of the immutability of its world and the continual expansion and improvement of the human lot as we are today.
Triumphant capitalism has unleashed a powerful drive toward inequality, not improvement, in the social sphere.
In the decade ahead I can predict that we will provide over twice the productivity improvement that we provided in the '90s.
The improvement of forest trees is the work of centuries. So much more the reason for beginning now.
It is more comfortable to feel that we are a slight improvement on a monkey than such a fallin' off from the angels.
Chaos and intensity are no substitute for lasting love, nor are they necessarily an improvement on real life.
The confounding Political Economy with the Sciences and Arts to which it is subservient, has been one of the principal obstacles to its improvement.
Headlines, in a way, are what mislead you because bad news is a headline, and gradual improvement is not.
Improvement of one's economic position is helped more by cool persistence than by hot enthusiasm.
I feel not unlike a small boy, waking from a bad dream to find reality not much of an improvement
I feel like I have a skill set, but every experience is different and there's always room for improvement.
Practice the philosophy of continuous improvement. Get a little bit better every single day.
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