Top 184 Inanimate Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Inanimate quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
most notable distinction between living and inanimate beings is that the former maintain themselves by renewal.
A large, branching, aged oak is perhaps the most venerable of all inanimate objects.
I've always had a problem with over-identification with inanimate objects. — © Lisa Joy
I've always had a problem with over-identification with inanimate objects.
Thus it seemed to Haeckel that such simple life could easily be produced from inanimate material.
I'm fascinated by the idea that a human connection can be triggered through inanimate devices.
There are no inanimate objects.
It is when my umbrella turns inside out that I am convinced of the total depravity of inanimate things.
there's a natural depravity in inanimate things that's quite shocking, when you think of it.
When I glanced at the chair, it started to shake. I’d like to think it was scared of me, but I rarely invoked that response in living things, let alone inanimate objects.
A book which is left on a shelf is a dead thing but it is also a chrysalis, an inanimate object packed with the potential to burst into new life.
I find it ridiculous to assign a gender to an inanimate object incapable of disrobing and making an occasional fool of itself.
War is not an exercise of the will directed at an inanimate matter.
There are only three pleasures in life pure and lasting, and all derived from inanimate things-books, pictures and the face of nature. — © William Hazlitt
There are only three pleasures in life pure and lasting, and all derived from inanimate things-books, pictures and the face of nature.
Everything in your world is filled with intelligence, even the so-called inanimate objects. Treat them intelligently if you wish to obtain intelligent, harmonious results.
If the technocratic class often invokes technology, it is because these inanimate objects can take on a trajectory of their own and so cover for the manager's inability to give leadership.
No inanimate object is ever fully determined by the laws of physics and chemistry.
To me, respect for human life begins with making it more difficult to obtain an inanimate object that is designed to snuff it out.
Inanimate objects sometimes appear endowed with a strange power of sight. A statue notices, a tower watches, the face of an edifice contemplates.
Farm animals are just as interesting and intelligent as the dogs and cats who we know a bit betterYet they are treated by the meat industry as though they are inanimate objects with no feelings or personalities.
What my work is about is, 'Can something that is not an inanimate object be considered valuable?'
I always liked the challenge of that, how to take an inanimate object and build something around it that's scary.
The true poet is a friendly man. He takes to his arms even cold and inanimate things, and rejoices in his heart.
I do have a tendency to invest inanimate objects with human qualities.
Never fight an inanimate object.
I love bringing the inanimate object to life.
Inanimate objects can be classified scientifically into three major categories: those that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost. The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately to defeat him, and the three major classifications are based on the method each object uses to achieve its purpose. As a general rule, any object capable of breaking down at the moment when it is most needed will do so.
In Tantric Buddhism we call the inherent knowledge that all animate and inanimate objects possess of themselves - their emptiness.
It is certain that the inanimate objects by which you are surrounded have a direct action on the brain.
The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him.
We may say that life has borrowed from inanimate processes the same basic mechanism used in producing those striking structures that are crystals, with their beautiful plane faces.
Grieving, if aught inanimate e'er grieves, Over the unreturning brave.
I own things I like, but nothing inanimate that I treasure in a deeply consuming way.
We take pleasure in truth and it amazes the eye of the viewer to see in stone, in canvas, or in wood an inanimate thing that seems to move.
Activity does not necessarily mean life. Quasars are active. And a monk meditating is not inanimate.
From inanimate object, to microorganism, to plant, to insect, to animal, to human, there is an evolving level of intelligence.
I get in a temper with inanimate objects. I can't bear plastic. I do get in a complete rage with something that's been shrink-wrapped.
Everything in the country, animate and inanimate, seems to whisper, be serene, be kind, be happy. We grow tolerant there unconsciously.
I have found all things thus far, persons and inanimate matter, elements and seasons, strangely adapted to my resources. — © Henry David Thoreau
I have found all things thus far, persons and inanimate matter, elements and seasons, strangely adapted to my resources.
I don't say that bodies like flint, which are commonly called inanimate, have perceptions and appetition; rather they have something of that sort in them, as worms are in cheese.
There's some sort of unspoken license... when outlandish things come out of an inanimate object, somehow it equals humor.
The sceptics assert, though absurdly, that the origin of all religious worship was derived from the utility of inanimate objects,as the sun and moon, to the support and well-being of mankind.
I’ve named everything that I’ve ever owned. Real or inanimate, I have to give it a first and last name. Everything in my apartment comes alive at night.
Unfortunately, computers are?stupid.Unlike human beings, computers possess the truly profound stupidity of the inanimate.
I believe inanimate objects have a spirit.
Fragrance is the voice of inanimate things.
I don't believe in blaming inanimate objects for anything.
Pronouns really don't matter in a song - 'I' or 'he' or 'she' or even subscribing a lyric to an inanimate object.
After the leaves have fallen, we return To a plain sense of things. It is as if We had come to an end of the imagination, Inanimate in an inert savoir. — © Wallace Stevens
After the leaves have fallen, we return To a plain sense of things. It is as if We had come to an end of the imagination, Inanimate in an inert savoir.
There is no such thing as inanimate matter...there is God or divinity in all matter and it is all living energy.
I always design the hat with the wearer in mind; otherwise, it's an inanimate object.
We are all victimized by the natural perversity of inanimate objects...and the assorted human beings who perpetuate and maintain this perversity.
Inanimate objects are harmless indeed, Mr. Mortmain. But one cannot always say the same of the men who use them.
I am intrigued by inanimate objects. They're a piece of history, someone's statement and ideas of life.
Music is one of the only inanimate things we have left. It can still be mystical, magical and awe-inspiring
No doubt, God alone has become all these objects, animate and inanimate, but in the relative world all beings act and suffer according to their past Karma and innate tendencies.
Information wants to be free.' So goes the saying. Stewart Brand, the founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, seems to have said it first.I say that information doesn't deserve to be free.Cybernetic totalists love to think of the stuff as if it were alive and had its own ideas and ambitions. But what if information is inanimate? What if it's even less than inanimate, a mere artifact of human thought? What if only humans are real, and information is not?...Information is alienated experience.
The mortality of all inanimate things is terrible to me, but that of books most of all.
The pleasure to be derived from a chess combination lie in the feeling that a human mind is behind the game, dominating the inanimate pieces ... and giving them breath of life.
When sperm and egg unite, something goes from inanimate to animate. It is life.
There's something about seeing this little inanimate object coming to life that's just very exciting. That's why with 'Nightmare' I held out for so long to do it.
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