Top 1200 Independent Country Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Independent Country quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I would prefer to be a citizen of an independent country rather than Emperor of an enslaved one.
Henceforth, we shall be happy to be a free citizen in an independent country.
The 1960s and 1970s were the real years for independent film, because they were really independent. Plus, there were hundreds of distributors. There were all these companies that basically did exploitation, but they were independent. Now, there are very few independent distributors.
Israel is an independent country with a large army, and it has the ability to do what it thinks is right. — © Ariel Sharon
Israel is an independent country with a large army, and it has the ability to do what it thinks is right.
My focus as part of the leadership is to keep talking about the independent voters, independent voters - how do we get the independent voters back?
I would especially like to appeal to my country's media that we should stop looking at everything in India from the prism of Pakistan. India is an independent country. It is a country of 125 crore people. Whenever it approaches any country, it will only be concerned about its own interests. It has been our biggest shortcoming and mistake that we have been tagging ourselves with another country and trying to do things.
No country without an atom bomb could properly consider itself independent.
I should say that being independent in the modern model means independent in a very interdependent world. An independent Scotland is not apart from the rest of the United Kingdom.
I have an independent streak. You know, it's kind of hard to tell a independent woman what to do.
My view of journalism is that it needs to be independent but it's not independent when someone is paying the bills for you.
It is very nearly impossible... to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind.
An independent judiciary does not mean judges independent of the Constitution from which they derive their power or independent of the laws that they are sworn to uphold.
I just want to be a free writer. I think I am serving my country and my people by providing an independent narrative.
My ardent desire is... to keep the United States free from political connexions with every other Country. To see that they may be independent of all, and under the influence of none.
Being independent caused us nothing but trouble. I do not want Chechnya to be independent from Russia. — © Ramzan Kadyrov
Being independent caused us nothing but trouble. I do not want Chechnya to be independent from Russia.
We're an independent sovereign country and that's very important to Monaco.
There is a great tradition of independent filmmaking in the U.S. that I absolutely respect. There's some wonderful stuff that comes out in this country against all the odds.
I love the life I live. The Lord blessed me to be independent. I am independent.
We should trust judges to be independent, investigators to be independent.
Taiwan is an independent sovereign country.
It would be wrong to suggest that Scotland could not be another such successful, independent country.
I think it's particularly a distinctively American concept that resonates with American culture through biker culture. A motorcycle is an independent thing. You're like, 'I don't want to ride in a car with this person. I want to be independent and ride by myself. But, let's ride in a group. Let's be independent, together.'
You have independent films and independent music, but you don't have independent theme parks - I think, in a way, Burning Man is as close, probably, as you get.
As the great advocates of trade and liberal markets, Conservatives should guide our country through the transition from being one of twenty-eight in the E.U. to a strong, sovereign and independent country.
I argue that for every country to have an independent fuel cycle is the wrong way to go. Because any country which has a complete fuel cycle is a latent nuclear weapons country, in the sense that it is not far from making a nuclear weapon.
Independent films in this country are in the same position. Miramax and Fine Line are not independent - they're with Disney! Come on. Or they're with Warner Brothers. They're all with somebody.
I welcome the Independent Group as it is committed to saving the country from a catastrophic hard Brexit.
Newspapers in this country are famously independent of politics.
Independent films, for the most part, to me, are not so independent. They often feel like people auditioning for a big commercial career. They often do not have independent spirit to them.
A damn independent boy; independent as a hog on ice.
Astana has been the capital of Kazakhstan only since 1997, three years after Nazarbayev told a stunned parliament that a prosperous, independent country like Kazakhstan ought to have its capital 'in the center' of the country, rather than on the border.
If Scotland was independent, we'd be the 14th richest country in the developed world.
Going forward, I would love to work with directors like Rian Johnson and Joss Whedon; people like that who are doing big films but do have really independent voices. That's kind of what I want to focus on, is always working with people with at least an independent point of view, even if it's not an independent film.
We can be a free and independent country and will prosper if given a proper chance.
Trade wars aren't started by countries appealing to respected, independent trade authorities. Rather, trade wars begin when one country decides to violate international trade rules to undercut another country's industries.
Sometimes the characters I find the most compelling are in independent movies. With independent scripts people can take more challenges.
There's not really the appetite in Wales at the moment to become an independent country. Scotland is in a different place.
We are willing to form an army like every independent country though we are still under occupation.
There's plenty of great independent films to do, but you can't support yourself making independent film as an actress. — © Gaby Hoffmann
There's plenty of great independent films to do, but you can't support yourself making independent film as an actress.
I've been sort of traveling around the country for ten years talking about independent features.
A free and truly independent press - fiercely independent when necessary - is the red beating heart of freedom and democracy.
I never wanted an independent Bosnia. I wanted Yugoslavia. That is my country.
in today's world no country can be absolutely independent of another. It is a world of interdependence.
I think every American has a role in saving this country. Whether you're Democrat, Republican, independent, it doesn't matter. We all know the country's in trouble. We may disagree on how to solve it, but we all know the country's in trouble.
[United States] are sovereign country, they are an independent country, but this is their limit; they don't have to interfere in any other country. Because of this interference for the last fifty years, that's why they are very good only in creating problems, not in solving problems. That's the problem with the American role.
I don't know anybody who doesn't hate being called It just sounds like a website. I don't mind being called Americana, I don't mind being called country noir, or independent country is fine, but the words make me insane.
I feel incredibly passionate about Scotland not becoming an independent country.
The writer is the person who stands outside society, independent of affiliation and independent of influence.
Theres plenty of great independent films to do, but you cant support yourself making independent film as an actress.
Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country. — © Chen Shui-bian
Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country.
I was making a lot of independent movies before the independent movement.
The Kurds will not be allowed to have an independent country because Turkey wouldn't stand for it; they have their own Kurdish population.
My victory is your victory. My victory is the victory of a unified party, a party that wants to propose to the Quebec people a country that is free and a country that is independent.
We are a free and independent country and will prosper if given a proper chance.
I'm an independent thinker and independent leader. I have been my whole life.
That DMC Act is a disgrace. And the problem with independent art in this country is that independent artists have been economically blacklisted.
While General Howe with a Large Armament is advancing towards New York, our Congress resolved to Declare the United Colonies free and Independent States. A Declaration for this Purpose, I expect, will this day pass Congress...It is gone so far that we must now be a free independent State, or a Conquered Country.
Because we don't have a Fairness Doctrine, and because we have further media consolidation, and because we have a craptastic corporate media, WE DON'T HAVE NEWS! We don't have an informed populous and we don't have a democracy... Everyone in the world knows that America, (in its current state, because of right-wingers) that the right wing arm of this country (that speaks for this country unfortunately) has no credibility when it comes to human rights or independent media.
The country shall be independent, and we will be satisfied with nothing short of it.
My office in Milan is in an old factory. I have all my companies here, including Italia Independent and Independent Ideas.
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