Top 1200 Individual Style Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Individual Style quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
I really have no preference between TV and film. I think that each individual project is its own thing and has a very different style. I have worked on big movies and small movies and network TV. I have had amazing experiences in each environment, and awful ones - more good than bad, though.
If two parties, instead of being a bank and an individual, were an individual and an individual, they could not inflate the circulating medium by a loan transaction, for the simple reason that the lender could not lend what he didn't have, as banks can do. Only commercial banks and trust companies can lend money that they manufacture by lending it.
Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way. Style is one of the most important methods of self-expression. — © Liu Wen
Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way. Style is one of the most important methods of self-expression.
Fund consultants like to require style boxes such as "long-short," "macro," "international equities." At Berkshire our only style box is "smart."
One does not consider style, because style is.
Placing the burden on the individual to break down doors in finding better education for a child is attractive to conservatives because it reaffirms their faith in individual ambition and autonomy. But to ask an individual to break down doors that we have chained and bolted in advance of his arrival is unfair.
Whether *****s's feel me or not regardless style heartless foul Spit in front of the hardest crowds If They start booing I'm sticking fans Artest style
I see other black women imitate my style, which is no style at all, but just letting our hair be itself. They call it the Afro Look.
I think that Lethal Weapon-style dialogue is overused, it's a necessary aspect of high action films where you have to have the smart retort. You have to say "I'll be back baby" and stuff. It's not my style.
I think I had a really hard-working and authentic wrestling style, so people liked the way I was - that I was a 'no-quit' kind of wrestler - and I was very realistic and credible in my style.
This whole society, up to now, has been very violent with the individual. It does not believe in the individual; it is against the individual. It tries in every possible way to destroy you for its own purposes. It needs clerks, it needs stationmasters, deputy-collectors, policemen, magistrates, it needs soldiers. It does not need human beings.
I believe the more you come to Europe, it makes you a better player, and it gives them an advantage because the African style is different from the European style.
Capitalism is based on individual rights - not on the sacrifice of the individual to the 'public good' of the collective.
There can be no progress-real, moral prgress-except in the individual and by the individual himself.
I think my style is definitely urban chic. I love mixing street style with the high-end luxury brands, like Gucci, for example. Quite fun. — © Lewis Hamilton
I think my style is definitely urban chic. I love mixing street style with the high-end luxury brands, like Gucci, for example. Quite fun.
My style in Italian is very old-style.
Our targeted methods change depending on who you are as an individual, not a model representation of an individual.
I still totally believe in individual rights and individual responsibility and in choosing to do good.
In God's world the individual counts. Therefore, Christian art should deal with the individual.
When a man confines an animal in a cage, he assumes ownership of that animal. But an animal is an individual; it cannot be owned. When a man tries to own an individual, whether that individual be another man, an animal or even a tree, he suffers the psychic consequences of an unnatural act.
With the time, as I was growing up and I got taller and my arms were longer, I developed this aggressive style because I think it was better for me, for my style of game.
An individual step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual.
Where there is no style, there is in effect no point of view. There is, essentially, no anger, no conviction, no self. Style is opinion, hung washing, the caliber of a bullet, teething beads.
An individual can march for peace or vote for peace and can have, perhaps, some small influence on global concerns. But the same individual is a giant in the eyes of a child at home. If peace is to be built, it must start with the individual. It is built brick by brick.
Whenever you write script without a director, you put in things that point toward a style in which the story will be told, a subjective style.
You can ask yourself, if a film makes a claim, is the claim true or false? Having said that, a style of presenting material doesn't guarantee truth. There's this crazy idea that somehow you pick a style, and by virtue of picking the style, you've provided something that is more truthful. It's as if you imagine that changing the font on a sentence you write makes it more truthful.
I think as far as any kind of pressure on a football team or on an individual in professional sports really depends not only on that individual but the leadership they have on the team and the leadership they have on the coaching staff. A lot of times, they can divert some of those pressures off of the individual and off of the team.
Good style, to me, is unseen style.
My style suits Barcelona's style of play.
The proof that the state is a creation of nature and prior to the individual is that the individual, when isolated, is not self-sufficing.
My style is ever evolving. My style is tomorrow.
It is not the style but the quality and emotional impact of work that makes it marketable. Unless we make art that connects with people, we won't sell much, no matter what the style or subject.
Life asks of every individual a contribution, and it is up to that individual to discover what it should be
Hollywood is a land of style, a world where how you present yourself matters. Many of the people working here are so dramatically good-looking - that is their style. That's not me, and I know that.
The newspaper is, in fact, very bad for one's prose style. That's why I gravitated towards feature stories where you get a little more leeway in the writing style.
Enlightenment values of individual freedom are manifested best in individual acts of criticism and defiance.
Our society tends to regard as a sickness any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system and this is plausible because when an individual doesn't fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a cure for a sickness and therefore as good.
Just as there is no such thing as a collective or racial mind, so there is no such thing as a collective or racial achievement. There are only individual minds and individual achievements-an d a culture is not the anonymous product of undifferentiate d masses, but the sum of the intellectual achievements of individual men.
A cultivated style would be like a mask. Everybody knows it's a mask, and sooner or later you must show yourself -- or at least, you show yourself as someone who could not afford to show himself, and so created something to hide behind. You do not create a style. You work, and develop yourself; your style is an emanation from your own being.
I try to deign golf courses that are individual in character and individual in their own standing. — © Arnold Palmer
I try to deign golf courses that are individual in character and individual in their own standing.
I think a lot of people have lost respect for the individual, you know, the individual, the person who doesn't conform.
It is possible that an individual may be successful, largely because he conserves all his powers for individual achievement and does not put any of his energy into the training which will give him the ability to act with others. The individual acts promptly, and we are dazzled by his success while only dimly conscious of the inadequacy of his code.
No one may pride himself at being more than an individual, and no one despondently think that he is not an individual.
'Death Sentence' really is a throwback to the '70s style revenge drama with moments of action. It's like a contemporary 'Death Wish' with a much more thriller style storyline, but the action scenes I shot very much in the style of '70s films like 'The French Connection.'
Style is the answer to everything. A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing. To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it. To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art.
One ironic thing is that although (the Soviet Union) was one of the most oppressive systems, with no respect for the individual, it somehow produced the freest hockey on the planet. These guys, when they got on the ice, it was like watching jazz. They could do anything. I find that a paradox. It's interesting because I think the North American style was a lot less free. It was not encouraged to be creative.
Giving someone their style or bumping up their sense of style to be a better version of what it is, is part of the fun of what I do, and I actually approached Al Sharpton. They didn't come to me.
I believe the highest aspiration of man should be individual freedom and the development of the individual.
No individual has a vested right to a job when that individual fails to perform adequately.
Style without content is bad style. — © Louis MacNeice
Style without content is bad style.
For the Absolute, as we now know, all life is individual, but is individual as expressing a meaning.
From my own experience, there are so many people who believe that the individual can change. The individual doesn't have to be LGBT.
I am really not of the school of naturalism. I like style, and you can use more style in theater than in film roles. I love to sink my teeth into a part.
The reason I put make-up on or wear the costume is to try and find my own style. It's like my guitar style - I'm just trying to be an original artist.
You have to go the rounds from individual to individual in order to gather the totality of the race.
To be fair to Pete, I had just come off a very difficult owner relationship with my then head coach and I was looking for a different style. So I didn't give Pete all the power he should have had. I don't think there's any exact formula for how it's done. It's really what fits each individual system.
I've come up with another formulation about style: that it's essentially a manifestation of a certain habitual set of limitations. It's what a composer does NOT do that defines a style.
Unless you know the individual, it's very difficult to advise that individual as to what he needs to do.
In Paris style is everything. That is traditionally understood. Every street, every structure, every shopgirl has style. The style of Parisian architecture has been proved and refined by at least three centuries of academic dictates and highly developed taste. There are few violations of this taste, and there is exemplary architectural consistency. Paris has defined the aesthetics of a sophisticated urban culture.
My style when I was younger was still unique to me. I didn't necessarily dress by the trends, but I was always aware of what was trendy at the time and how I could apply it to my own sense of style.
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