Top 1200 Individual Work Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Individual Work quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
You work with each individual actor as you perceive their needs to be. It's something that you've figured out in the weeks of pre-production.
Individual experiences being limited and individual spontaneity feeble, we are strengthened and enriched by assimilating the experience of others.
An individual step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual. — © Robert Baden-Powell
An individual step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual.
I feel my work is made for one being, one individual. You could say that's me, but that's not really true. It's for an idealized viewer.
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
I think a lot of people have lost respect for the individual, you know, the individual, the person who doesn't conform.
It is difficult for the isolated individual to work himself out of the immaturity which has become almost natural for him.
What changes with fame is the perceptions of the individual rather than the individual.
If you could say of any one individual that the court as an institution is the length and shadow of that individual, surely it would be John Marshall.
I realize that labels are placed upon an individual to simplify him or her, but it is impossible to capture the essence of an individual by a few words.
Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
Everything is very individual for me in the way that I work; I don't just show a rotating rack of clothes.
Anybody that I ever dealt with knows that I'm a very focused individual, and when it comes to my work and what I do, you might have to play the back burner to that. — © Young Jeezy
Anybody that I ever dealt with knows that I'm a very focused individual, and when it comes to my work and what I do, you might have to play the back burner to that.
No other technique for the conduct of life attaches the individual so firmly to reality as laying emphasis on work; for his work at least gives him a secure place in a portion of reality, in the human community. The possibility it offers of displacing a large amount of libidinal components, whether narcissistic, aggressive or even erotic, on to professional work and on to the human relations connected with it lends it a value by no means second to what it enjoys as something indispensable to the preservation and justification of existence in society.
If the investor doesn't have enough time and skill to investigate individual stocks or enough money to diversify a portfolio, the right thing to do is to invest in exchange-traded funds that give you exposure to asset classes. It does make sense for the individual investor to think in terms of holding individual asset classes.
All the traditional westerns are about choice and the individual. When progress comes it's much more difficult to define the individual in that world.
[Kierkegaard] did not care for large public events because every crowd is in itself an untruth. The only way out is isolation, aloofness. Only the individual is a reality and only the individual is true. Maybe the process of isolation in an individual is one of the most important matters that exists. Is not the whole point of this world for people to separate and become individuals?
Individual freedom and individual equality cannot co-exist. I dare say no one since Thomas Jefferson has really believed it.
When you see a successful individual, a champion, you can be very sure that you are looking at an individual who pays great attention to the perfection of minor details.
Don't make the body fit into the clothes. It really is, it's really respecting an individual and trying to cater to that individual's needs. And I guess that's what really is important for each one of us, dealing with each other in society, is look at the person in front of you, look at the individual in front of you and treat that person as a unique individual being. And I think we get along better, not just fashion-wise, but in terms of just dealing with people day-to-day.
It really helps you grow as an individual and a ball player to realize that nothing comes easy in this league, and you have to work for everything.
By shifting the balance away from the individual we open the door for the individual. Because we make it obvious that anyone can do it given the right circumstance.
Individual responsibility, hard work, paying attention in school, faith, family all these things are important.
Though we work with rental agencies, a large part of our fleet comprises individual drivers.
Love, children, and work, are the great sources of fertilizing contact between the individual and the rest of the world.
No one may pride himself at being more than an individual, and no one despondently think that he is not an individual.
Poetry is the work of poets, not of peoples or communities; artistic creation can never be anything but the production of an individual mind.
If there's a common thread to my books, it is that each involves an individual's journey. The individual must stay true to themselves.
The West has given us the liberal miracle of individual rights, individual responsibility, merit, and human satisfaction.
When my wife's sister passed away, Bernie Madoff came to the funeral. That was the type of individual that we all thought he was - a very caring individual.
What's really important? That I'm an individual, I guess. I am an individual - a strong one, too. I'm Natalie Cole. I gotta be me.
You come to love not by discovering the ideal individual, yet by figuring out how to see a blemished individual flawlessly.
Mere connection with what is known as a superior race will not permanently carry an individual forward unless the individual has worth.
There are only individual people, different individual people, with their own individual lives. Using one of these people for the benefit of others uses him and benefits the others. Nothing more. What happens is that something is done to him for the sake of others. Talk of an overall social good covers this up.
Coincident with the right of individual property under the provisions of our Government is the right of individual property. . . . When once the right of the individual to liberty and equality is admitted, there is no escape from the conclusion that he alone is entitled to the rewards of his own industry. Any other conclusion would necessarily imply either privilege or servitude.
People think they're making individual decisions for themselves and their family not to get vaccinated. It's not just an individual choice - you're a hazard to society.
I'm just an individual who doesn't feel that I need to have somebody qualify my work in any particular way. I'm working for me.
When you don't work together you can't emerge as a force. It becomes what some call a "lonely struggle" and individual self-destruction. — © Haile Gerima
When you don't work together you can't emerge as a force. It becomes what some call a "lonely struggle" and individual self-destruction.
We have to bring back the individual. Management has smothered the individual.
Grace Slick was a total trip to work with. Lots of jokes and opinions. A strident individual and super talented!
Our efforts to counter hatred, intolerance, and indifference must continue simultaneously at individual and structural levels. We must try to influence for good the minds and hearts of individual people through dialogue and confidence building. These efforts must be reinforced by our efforts to create just structures in society to support the ongoing work of negotiations in the human community. Only then will we have a chance to negate the terrible consequences of the tremendous conflicts facing humankind today.
I do consider the individual things individual, in a way because that is what I do I guess, try to find out what is special about each medium.
The proper role of government is exactly what John Stuart Mill said in the middle of the 19th century in "On Liberty." The proper role of government is to prevent other people from harming an individual. Government, he said, never has any right to interfere with an individual for that individual's own good.
Enlightenment values of individual freedom are manifested best in individual acts of criticism and defiance.
It is possible that an individual may be successful, largely because he conserves all his powers for individual achievement and does not put any of his energy into the training which will give him the ability to act with others. The individual acts promptly, and we are dazzled by his success while only dimly conscious of the inadequacy of his code.
Art has definitely influenced how I think of design, both as individual items and as a body of work.
The individual cannot think and communicate his thought, the governor and legislator cannot act effectively or frame his laws without words, and the solidity and validity of these words is in the care of the damned and despised litterati...when their very medium, the very essence of their work, the application of word to thing goes rotten, i.e. becomes slushy and inexact, or excessive or bloated, the whole machinery of social and of individual thought and order goes to pot.
The self is not the individual body or mind, but rather that aspect deep inside each individual person that knows the truth. — © Vishnudevananda Saraswati
The self is not the individual body or mind, but rather that aspect deep inside each individual person that knows the truth.
Each individual is as individual as their fingerprints, and I think that's extraordinary.
The basis of artistic creation is not what is, but what might be; not the real, but the possible. Artists create according to the same principles as nature, but they apply them to individual entities, while nature, to use a Goethean expression, thinks nothing of individual things. She is always building and destroying, because she wants to achieve perfection, not in the individual thing, but in the whole.
I hope I'm an individual. I suppose an eccentric is a super individual.
The aim of poetry and the poet is finally to be of service, to ply the effort of the individual into the larger work of the community as a whole.
The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork.
There is the great, silent, continuous struggle: the struggle between the State and the Individual; between the State which demands and the individual who attempts to evade such demands. Because the individual, left to himself, unless he be a saint or hero, always refuses to pay taxes, obey laws, or go to war.
In the course of evolution nature has gone to endless trouble to see that every individual is unlike every other individual....Physically and mentally, each one of us is unique. Any culture which, in the interests of efficiency or in the name of some political or religious dogma, seeks to standardize the human individual, commits an outrage against man's biological nature.
In God's world the individual counts. Therefore, Christian art should deal with the individual.
I believe if an individual wants to join organized labor and work under a union contract, they should have the legal right to do so. At the same token, a person who does not want to work under organized labor and wants to work should have the ability to do so without the threat of having to join and having to pay dues to organized labor.
Years of concentration solely on work and individual success meant that in his retirement [Lyndon Johnson] could find no solace in family, in recreation, in sports or in hobbies. It was almost as if the hole in his heart was so large that even the love of a family, without work, could not fill it.
Research shows that the climate of an organization influences an individual's contribution far more than the individual himself.
The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.
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