Top 90 Inefficiency Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Inefficiency quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The big corporation is not in the least remarkable for efficiency; it is only too big to be blamed for its inefficiency.
For the skeptic there remains only one consolation: if there should be such a thing as superhuman law it is administered with subhuman inefficiency.
Grief is not productive. It simply represents an inefficiency in accepting change of status. — © Greg Bear
Grief is not productive. It simply represents an inefficiency in accepting change of status.
Snark from nerds is a leading indicator that I'm wasting their time and when I find it, I ask questions until I understand the inefficiency so I can change it or explain it.
Watch with awe and amazement at how quickly an engineer will become totally annoyed by inefficiency.
Anarchy [is] necessarily consequent to inefficiency.
We do not have to sit back and suffer the consequences of corrupt government deals and inefficiency, but unless a large number of people are convinced of this, nothing will change.
Automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
I wonder how many illegal migrants fanned out across the country while I and others were subjected to the stone-faced, suspicious inefficiency of the Border Force?
Stable markets, unstable world. Efficiency. Everybody hears about it. It's enough to make you want to be pro-inefficiency and pro-corruption.
It is the inefficiency and sham of ... our schools ... that save us from being dashed on the rocks of false doctrine instead of drifting down the midstream of mere ignorance.
There is an intrinsic linkage between socialism and economic inefficiency.
The pharmaceutical industry isn't the only place where there's waste and inefficiency and profiteering. That happens in much of the rest of the health care industry.
The reason societies with democratic governments are better places to live in than their alternatives isn't because of some goodness intrinsic to democracy, but because its hopeless inefficiency helps blunt the basic potential for evil.
It is a popular delusion that the government wastes vast amounts of money through inefficiency and sloth. Enormous effort and elaborate planning are required to waste this much money.
High-level corruption, inefficiency, non-governance, and policy paralysis have crippled the nation's economy. — © N. Chandrababu Naidu
High-level corruption, inefficiency, non-governance, and policy paralysis have crippled the nation's economy.
Watching the economies in various parts of the world, I believe that there is scope for improvement everywhere. There is some corruption and inefficiency everywhere.
The average man has a carefully cultivated ignorance about household matters - from what to do with the crumbs to the grocer's telephone number - a sort of cheerful inefficiency which protects him.
Junk, redundancy, and inefficiency characterize astrophysical signals. It seems they characterize cells and sea lions, too. These biological constructions have lots of superfluous and redundant parts, and are a long way from being optimally built or operated.
Only the schools’ inefficiency can account for creativity surviving after age 25.
The prize for ultimate inefficiency goes to America. We have built in so many checks and balances that our 'leaders' are the most thoroughly hogtied of any on Earth.
The most striking about modern industry is that it requires so much and accomplishes so little. Modern industry seems to be inefficient to a degree that surpasses one's ordinary powers of imagination. Its inefficiency therefore remains unnoticed.
Unless structure follows strategy, inefficiency results.
Every good cause is worth some inefficiency.
The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.
Governmental subsidy systems promote inefficiency in production and efficiency in coercion and subservience, while penalizing efficiency in production and inefficiency in predation.
There's a kind of slowness and inefficiency about rendering text in paint. We're in a world that's very fast, so things that slow you for a minute-give you pause-are good.
How many good books suffer neglect through the inefficiency of their beginnings!
It is time to cut out the mountains of waste and inefficiency and duplication in the federal government.
Life is as if you were traveling a ridge crest. You have the gulf of inefficiency on one side and the gulf of wickedness on the other, and it helps not to have avoided one gulf if you fall into the other.
As an economy measures performance in terms of the creation of money, people become a major source of inefficiency.
The folks who rock Uber value their time; they appreciate nice things with a taste of luxury and loathe inefficiency.
My own experience from a decade ago taught me I cannot trust the UN. But it is a world body and we have to live with it and tolerate it. But I can't hide my feelings about its inefficiency and its not being productive.
Deeper state intervention in an economy means that bureaucratic waste, inefficiency and corruption are more likely to hold back growth.
Modern industry seems to be inefficient to a degree that surpasses one's enduring powers of imagination. Its inefficiency therefore remains unnoticed.
When government - in pursuit of good intentions - tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.
Freud had a gene for inefficiency, and I think I have a gene for efficiency.
Distributed intelligence is the key to the advancement of human civilization. Dictatorships, communist countries, monarchies in the past all eventually collapsed because of their inefficiency in moving information.
Father expected a good deal of God. He didn't actually accuse God of inefficiency, but when he prayed his tone was loud and angry, like that of a dissatisfied guest in a carelessly managed hotel.
Even if your company’s financial condition can withstand the inefficiency of quality service, your brand likely won’t. — © Jim Blasingame
Even if your company’s financial condition can withstand the inefficiency of quality service, your brand likely won’t.
The social inefficiency of capitalism is going to clash at some point with the technological innovations capitalism engenders, and it is out of that contradiction that a more efficient way of organising production and distribution and culture will emerge.
You have no idea how much of the inefficiency of mankind comes from thinking about the wrong-doings of others, and of ourselves. There is nothing more miserable than to feel that by some mistake in life you have not amounted to what you might have, and that your misfortunes all hinge on that mistake.
Now technology gives you a chance to help organize. You don't have to wait for either the inefficiency or the corruption. You don't have to wait for government. You can actually self-organize and build institutions bottom up.
There is no remedy for the inefficiency of public management.
We cannot afford idleness, waste or inefficiency.
The only thing that saves us from bureaucracy is its inefficiency.
My mother's illness fitted into this protest against the treatment of the sick who could not pay, the inefficiency of commercialism, the waste, the extravagance, and the poverty.
The historical experience of socialist countries has sadly demonstrated that collectivism does not do away with alienation but rather increases it, adding to it a lack of basic necessities and economic inefficiency.
OLD, adj. In that stage of usefulness which is not inconsistent with general inefficiency, as an "old man". Discredited by lapse of time and offensive to the popular taste, as an "old" book.
I think health care is absolutely ripe. It's an $8 trillion industry, lots of inefficiency in it.
There are only two qualities in the world: efficiency and inefficiency; and only two sorts of people: the efficient and the inefficient. — © Josh Billings
There are only two qualities in the world: efficiency and inefficiency; and only two sorts of people: the efficient and the inefficient.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
The real case against socialism is not its economic inefficiency, though on all sides there is evidence of that. Much more fundamental is its basic immorality.
You know, 600,000 millionaires get a Social Security check every month. I think there's enough waste and inefficiency.
A vital function of the free market is to penalize inefficiency and misjudgment and to reward efficiency and good judgment. By distorting economic calculations and creating illusory profits, inflation will destroy this function.
Aimless extension of knowledge, however, which is what I think you really mean by the term curiosity, is merely inefficiency. I am designed to avoid inefficiency.” -R. Daneel Olivaw
Politics is involved when you don't tackle inefficiency and burden people with higher tariffs.
The inefficiency of political control of an economy has been demonstrated more often, in more places, and under more varied conditions, than almost anything outside the realm of pure science.
Instead of raising taxes as some would insist, we need to reduce waste and inefficiency in government.
An efficient and valuable man does what he can, whether the community pay him for it or not. The inefficient offer their inefficiency to the highest bidder, and are forever expecting to be put into office. One would suppose that they were rarely disappointed.
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