Top 1200 Influencing People Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Influencing People quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I'm not influencing the youth in no bad way. I'm doing can drives at my shows.
Influencing voters is the crux of all poll campaigns.
Leadership: The skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good. — © James Hunter
Leadership: The skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good.
I don't think we are changing the world here, but we might be influencing a perspective.
Democracy means the power of the people and the possibility of influencing the governing parties. Russia had had enough experience with a one-party-system - we will not go back there.
I don't think there's any such thing as teaching people photography, other than influencing them a little. People have to be their own learners. They have to have a certain talent.
I'll read tweets that people will tweet at me from time to time, but I try not to read too much about it, because you just never know what's going to end up influencing you.
Can you imagine writers influencing things in America? Can you imagine a writer in England influencing? Absolutely not. And in France? It used to be, but no more - absolutely not. France used to, at least, have writers as diplomats, but not any more.
By the choices we make, by the attitudes we exhibit, we are influencing lives every day in positive or negative ways.
When you hide behind a veil of your financial business you never know who you're influencing, where your priorities lie. But I think it's important that the American people have some glimpse or some understanding of the financial standing of their commander-In-chief.
Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.
People writing about me have said that I've influenced a lot of people, and there are some artists who have credited me with influencing them.
Movies can be effective in influencing people to think in ways they might not otherwise be exposed to. Social commentary in films is most effective when you're not aware of a soapbox. Making the point without force-feeding the audience is the most desirable approach.
I don't necessarily believe in the ideology of cinema verité. I think by the very fact that you have a camera there you are affecting the story and you are influencing it. — © David Shapiro
I don't necessarily believe in the ideology of cinema verité. I think by the very fact that you have a camera there you are affecting the story and you are influencing it.
Laughter is a release of tension. When influencing, make the other person laugh; you'll gain rapport instantly.
I think an artist's true worth comes through an inter-generational thing - when you go beyond your own time, and start influencing people in a greater way than just what surrounds you.
Picasso is still influencing me. Of course, I haven't got that kind of energy, or skill.
We best serve our Father in Heaven by righteously influencing others and serving them.
I'm concerned when certain movements or countries have been isolated from the international dialogue because then you have no way of influencing them.
The more credible you are, the more confidence people place in you, thereby allowing you the privilege of influencing their lives.
Everybody influences everybody else, in my opinion. There are different trends in music all the time. No matter who starts them, if it's a true trend in the music, it ends up influencing other people as well.
The key to overcoming resistance to change is to frame your actions and continually adjust them as you move forward to so that those who might be affected by any changes see them as useful and beneficial for them. This isn't as hard as it sounds. You just have to be vigilant in paying attention to how you're influencing the lives of people who matter.
To be effective at selling ideas, at being a lobbyist, influencing other people, you have to be very sure of yourself.
The essence of leadership is relationship; influencing people to achieve things together that can't be achieved alone.
I think there's so many amazing LGBTQ artists, ranging from commercial to underground, that are influencing people at large.
Everyone is influencing the people around them one way or another.
Facebook is made up of people you've met, but not necessarily who are similar to you. I have 850 'friends,' and a lot are acquaintances, not friends. I don't really know them. If I've met someone one time, how should they be influencing my feed?
When you're trying to persuade people, more often than not, they feel you're being pushy. When you focus on influencing them, they're much less defensive and open to hearing what you have to say.
Influencing people is dangerous. Their acts and thoughts become your illegitimate children. You can't get away from them and Heaven knows what they mayn't grow up into.
India and Egypt have been strongly influencing each other's culture, arts and architecture since ancient times.
Leadership is the activity of influencing people to cooperate towards some goal which they come to find desirable and which motivates them over the long haul.
Leadership is influencing a community to follow Jesus.
Coaches around the country are influencing the next generation of men in a positive way.
Race and temperament go for much in influencing opinion.
I don't believe I am influencing anybody but myself.
Fashion doesn't boost my confidence - rather, it provides a canvas to express or reflect it and whatever is influencing me in my life at the moment.
I realized that there is something else that is influencing people to behave like that, and that's the taking of the souls away from God. If you get people to sin, they get pushed further away from God and eventually God doesn't really own the soul anymore. The Devil owns the soul and that's where the danger comes in. Because in the end, there's no do-overs.
North Korea has a very striking mythology there. It is influencing the whole nation. — © Werner Herzog
North Korea has a very striking mythology there. It is influencing the whole nation.
An important factor influencing intergenerational mobility and trends in inequality over time is economic opportunity.
If God gives you a platform where you're influencing others, you need to steward it well.
The core of the concept of a bribe is an inducement improperly influencing the performance of a public function meant to be gratuitously exercised.
You would be surprised how effective, at least for influencing low-information voters, negative propaganda about me is.
I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.
As social animals, we are extremely susceptible to the moods of other people. This gives us the power to subtly infuse into people the appropriate mood for influencing them.
I'm against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections. But as long as it's doable I'm going to do it.
I was all about touching people and influencing people, I always been that type of person. I was the one teaching people things, I just always had a way with my words and I always spoke with substance.
Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change.
A manager can never accept somebody at the top influencing his decisions about the team.
Two forces are succesfully influencing the education of a cultivated man: art and science. Both are united in the book. — © Maxim Gorky
Two forces are succesfully influencing the education of a cultivated man: art and science. Both are united in the book.
I just hope that my success is in some way influencing other outlets to really be much more purposeful in promoting, advancing and recruiting people of color.
The key to social engineering is influencing a person to do something that allows the hacker to gain access to information or your network.
I left influencing the media to other members of my family, like my Mum.
Hormones influencing the sensitivity of the person to environmental stimuli.
When you watch CNN and they're giving you news based on tweets that people are sending out, you realize that society is really changing. The collective public have a really big voice that they didn't previously have, and they're influencing the trajectory of how we are socially with one another.
Here in Maine, we know that the system of special interests influencing elections runs contrary to our democratic values.
How am I influencing so many people on this stage rather than influencing the ones that I have back home?
I'm trying to be like the old Roc- A-Fella and Bad Boy, influencing people culturally but having hits at the same time.
The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly.
If I didn't positive have people influencing my life in a positive way, I don't know where I'd be right now. So if I can do that just in one person's life, it's all worth it to me.
Humanity is in the highest degree irrational, so that there is no prospect of influencing it by reasonable arguments. Against prejudice one can do nothing.
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