Top 236 Ingenious Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ingenious quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Many ingenious lovely things are gone / That seemed sheer miracle to the multitude.
Barometer, n.: An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having.
When everything around you is crazy, it is ingenious to stay calm. — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
When everything around you is crazy, it is ingenious to stay calm.
We must confess that at present the rich predominate, but the future will be for the virtuous and ingenious.
An ingenious mind feels in unmerited praise the bitterest reproof.
There's something very satisfying about old cameras because they're ingenious. I mean when you take them apart and actually see, 'Oh, this is how we make photographs,' it's an ingenious thing, but it feels like it's in a way a layman can appreciate, whereas a digital camera, I don't even begin to know what goes into making a digital camera.
With respect to ingenious subconsciousness, I think, philosophers might well rival poets.
Poetry is a kind of ingenious nonsense (Spence, Anecdotes
An ingenious web of probabilities is the surest screen a wise man can place between himself and the truth.
Computers are merely ingenious devices to fulfill unimportant functions. The computer revolution is an explosion of nonsense.
An important film that must be seen. Saving Lincoln is moving, ingenious, original and impressive.
Reading is sometimes an ingenious device for avoiding thought.
As if men did not die fast enough, they are ingenious at finding out ways to destroy one another. — © Matthew Henry
As if men did not die fast enough, they are ingenious at finding out ways to destroy one another.
We've all been inundated with so many ingenious, must-have, time-saving apps and tools that we really don't have a second left to spare.
It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic.
An innovation need not be especially ingenious, but it must be well worked out.
Literature is an avenue to glory, ever open for those ingenious men who are deprived of honours or of wealth.
Literature is an avenue to glory, ever open for those ingenious men who are deprived of honors or of wealth.
We are more successfully healed by the vis medicatrix naturae (healing power of nature) than by the most ingenious medical application.
The mind is ever ingenious in making its own distress.
Grief is, of all the passions, the one that is the most ingenious and indefatigable in finding food for its own subsistence.
Whenever I found something remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people be informed thereof.
Disability is an art - an ingenious way to live.
Companies are not ingenious, it's the people in them that are.
Man, an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.
To me, the main weakness of EDA is its failure to enquire why the data were collected in the first place and its consequent tendency to apply ingenious methods largely because they are so attractively ingenious.
Things grew and lived in constant adversity, ingenious in solving problems of existence.
He is the best physician who is the most ingenious inspirer of hope.
Debt, n. An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slavedriver.
We daily witness the beneficial effect produced to the community by the institution of premiums, held out to encourage the inventions of ingenious mechanics.
An authentic and ingenious account of the ingeniously counterfeit in art and in life.
Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility.
It is delightful some times to sit with an ingenious friend, He understands you before you having said anything.
To read of a detective's daring finesse or ingenious stratagem is a rare joy.
Love is jealous, and ingenious in self-torture in proportion as it is pure and intense.
Tell me, O Muse, of that ingenious hero who travelled far and wide after he had sacked the famous town of Troy.
To be humane, we must ever be ready to pronounce that wise, ingenious and modest statement 'I do not know'.
Yet he saw that in all places there was originality, resulting from the human efforts at decoration and ingenious methods of survival. — © Michael O'Brien
Yet he saw that in all places there was originality, resulting from the human efforts at decoration and ingenious methods of survival.
There is hardly anything that an ingenious mind cannot bring itself to doubt, granted sufficient industry and application.
The laws of physics ... seem to be the product of exceedingly ingenious design... The universe must have a purpose.
Hollywood is ten million dollars worth of intricate and high ingenious machinery functioning elaborately to put skin on baloney.
The great question in life is the suffering we cause, and the most ingenious metaphysics do not justify the man who has broken the heart that loved him.
Good writers will, indeed, do well to imitate the ingenious traveller. . .who always proportions his stay in any place.
I like ornament at the right time, but I don't want a poem to be made out of decoration ... When I read the poems that matter to me, it stuns me how much the presence of the heart-in all its forms-is endlessly available there. To experience ourselves in an important way just knocks me out. It puzzles me why people have given that up for cleverness. Some of them are ingenious, more ingenious than I am, but so many of them aren't any good at being alive.
Poetry is a kind of ingenious nonsense.
Truth - An ingenious compound of desirability and appearance.
This is what happens in prisons I think you're not giving the prisoners the credit for how ingenious they are.
The ingenious slogan that the public debt does not matter because 'we owe it to ourselves' is clearly absurd. — © Murray Rothbard
The ingenious slogan that the public debt does not matter because 'we owe it to ourselves' is clearly absurd.
The most ingenious men are now agreed, that [universities] are only nurseries of prejudice, corruption, barbarism, and pedantry.
A human being: an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.
Art is merely the refuge which the ingenious have invented, when they were supplied with food and women, to escape the tediousness of life.
Inventor: A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and believes it civilization.
Necessity, they say, is mother of invention, but fear, too, is not barren of ingenious suggestions.
Ingenious to their ruin, every age improves the art and instruments of rage.
There are, indeed, few kinds of composition from which an author, however learned or ingenious, can hope a long continuance of fame.
The analytical power should not be confounded with simple ingenuity; for while the analyst is necessarily ingenious, the ingenious man is often remarkably incapable of analysis.
Philosophy is an unusually ingenious attempt to think fallaciously.
Utterly ingenious! Tiffany Trent has more fine invention at her fingertips than a roomful of magical Leonardos!
It is impossible to design anything that is foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
If we would have anything of benefit, we must earn it, and earning it become shrewd, inventive, ingenious, active, enterprising.
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