Top 1200 Innocent Man Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Innocent Man quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The wise man sets bounds even to his innocent desires.
Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.
Cheery was aware that Commander Vimes didn't like the phrase 'The innocent have nothing to fear', believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'.
I am an innocent man, but I don't want to indulge in any controversy. — © Abdul Qadeer Khan
I am an innocent man, but I don't want to indulge in any controversy.
You must pursue this investigation of Watergate even if it leads to the president. I'm innocent. You've got to believe I'm innocent. If you don't, take my job.
I had not been married scarcely five minutes, and made one proclamation of the Gospel, before it was reported that I had seven wives.... I am innocent of all these charges.... What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one. I am the same man, and as innocent as I was fourteen years ago; and I can prove them all perjurers.
No government in the Middle East is innocent. Wars make the stock market go up, so no one in America is innocent either, nor anyone anywhere where capitalism reigns.
I derive no pleasure from prosecuting a man, even though I know he's guilty; do you think I could sleep at night or look at myself in the mirror in the morning if I hounded an innocent man?
You don't have many suspects who are innocent of a crime. That's contradictory. If a person is innocent of a crime, then he is not a suspect.
The Koran says the killing of an innocent, the taking of an innocent life, is tantamount to killing all of mankind.
What is so funny about us is precisely that we take ourselves too seriously. Laughter is the same and healthy response to the innocent foibles of men; and even to some which are not innocent.
Suspects who are innocent of a crime should. But the thing is, you don't have many suspects who are innocent of a crime. That's contradictory. If a person is innocent of a crime, then he is not a suspect.
He wasn’t a hero. He wasn’t the man who stepped forward and saved the innocent. He was lost himself. Shadows had invaded a long time ago and stolen his life. But he would give anything he had left to be the man who found a way to save Judith
Capital punishment? It makes no sense as a policy: It's not a deterrent, and economically it's a disaster. It's very clear that there are innocent people on death row. And if I put an innocent person to death, that's murder.
Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes. — © Daniel Defoe
Justice is always violent to the party offending, for every man is innocent in his own eyes.
My job as a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted and an innocent man is not.
You're lying through your fangs," Iggy accused. Fang tried to play innocent--but "innocent Fang" is an oxymoron, so it didn't work.
Man is more himself, man is more manlike, when joy is the fundamental thing in him, and grief the superficial. Melancholy should be an innocent interlude, a tender and fugitive frame of mind; praise should be the permanent pulsation of the soul.
These weren't encouraged in the city, since the heft and throw of a longbow's arrow could send it through an innocent bystander a hundred yards away instead of the innocent bystander at whom it was aimed.
SpongeBob is an innocent, and people respond to an innocent. I don't think it matters if you're young or old.
That's something that Francis [Ford Coppola] would always say. I remember when I was doing Tetro, he said, "Stay innocent. I'm 69 years old, and I'm still innocent."
I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat.
[This is] the basis of the Innocent Woman Defense the Innocent Woman Principle:;: Women are believed when they say they are innocent of violence and most easily doubted when they say they are guilty of violence.
No innocent man buys a gun, and no happy man writes his memoirs.
A guilty man is punished as an example for the mob; an innocent man convicted is the business of every honest citizen.
An innocent bird is not innocent from the insect's point of view! Only man can attain the rank of innocence through becoming a peaceful vegetarian!
It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one.
We are born one time only, we can never start a new life equipped with the experience we've gained from the previous one. We leave childhood without knowing what youth is, we marry without knowing what it is to be married, and even when we enter old age, we don't know what it is we're heading for: the old are innocent children innocent of thier old age. In that sense, man's world is the planet of inexperience.
Stay innocent. I'm 69 years old, and I'm still innocent.
The innocent one is he who does not explain, for whom life is both a mystery and a total light, one who does not complain... For innocence admits of neither regret nor dispute. The innocent one assumes all responsibility.
There is no client as scary as an innocent man.
In a society of criminals, the innocent man goes to jail.
They're spreading out. Look unaware and sweet and innocent. It's a little hard to look innocent when I'm as big as a house.
Your mother all but accused me of something that is, among my kind, the highest crime a man can commit. There is no trial, only punishment, because it is considered better to let an innocent man die than let a guilty one live." (Page 79.)
No man is ever innocent when his opponent is the judge.
The ones who look the most suspicious are likely innocent. It's the ones who look innocent I need to beware.
If you hung him for being a good singer, you'd be hanging an innocent man!
Some people read for instruction, which is praiseworthy, and some for pleasure, which is innocent, but not a few read from habit, and I suppose that this is neither innocent or praiseworthy. Of that lamentable company am I. Conversation after a time bores me, games tire me and my own thoughts, which we are told are the unfailing resource of a sensible man, have a tendency to run dry. Then I fly to my book as the opium-smoker to his pipe.
Recognition should come to the reporter who uncovers public cheating or proves a convicted man innocent. — © Phil Donahue
Recognition should come to the reporter who uncovers public cheating or proves a convicted man innocent.
It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison 1 innocent man.
An innocent man is a sin before God. Inhuman and therefore untrustworthy. No man should live without absorbing the sins of his kind, the foul air of his innocence, even if it did wilt rows of angel trumpets and cause them to fall from their vines.
As in my other works of fiction: All persons living and dead are purely coincidental, and should not be construed. No names have been changed to protect the innocent. Angels protect the innocent as a matter of Heavenly routine.
No human being is innocent, but there is a class of innocent human actions called Games.
Innocence is something to be appreciated, to be understood, to be enjoyed. Like you see animals, they're innocent; you see children, they're innocent; flowers, they're innocent. Divert your attention to all these things.
Jesus Christ was innocent too,' said Svejk, 'and all the same they crucified him. No one anywhere has ever worried about a man being innocent. Maul halten und weiter dienen ['Grin and bear it and get on with the job'] - as they used to tell us in the army. That's the best and finest thing of all.
It's not about whether you are innocent or guilty. It's about whether or not you can prove you're innocent. If you can't prove you're innocent, then you're considered guilty. It's been flipped: Now it's guilty until proven innocent.
What is the most innocent place in any country? Is it not the insane asylum? These people drift through life truly innocent, unable to see into themselves at all.
I have ever had the single aim of justice in view. No judge who is influenced by any other consideration is fit for the bench. 'Do equal and exact justice,' is my motto, and I have often said to the grand jury, 'Permit no innocent man to be punished, but let no guilty man escape.
The punishment of a criminal is an example to the rabble; but every decent man is concerned if an innocent person is condemned.
There are no innocent civilians, so it doesn't bother me so much to be killing innocent bystanders. — © Curtis LeMay
There are no innocent civilians, so it doesn't bother me so much to be killing innocent bystanders.
I call wise man who, while he is innocent , endures insults and blows with a patience equal to its strength.
Whether a man is guilty or innocent, we have to find that out by due process of law.
I am an American, Chicago born – Chicago, that somber city – and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the record in my own way: first to knock, first admitted; sometimes an innocent knock, sometimes a not so innocent. But a man's character is his fate, says Heraclitus, and in the end there isn't any way to disguise the nature of the knocks by acoustical work on the door or gloving the knuckles.
As the innocent infant relies upon the mother for sustenance, so the innocent wanderer, following his native compassion and bliss, relies upon the natural intelligence of life to sustain him. There are various Ways. There is the Way of salvation by the law of Buddha, the Way of Confucius governing the Way of learning, the Way of healing as a doctor, as a poet teaching the Way of Waka, tea, archery, and many arts and skills. Each man practices as he feels inclined.
Do not be merciful, but be just, for mercy is bestowed upon the guilty criminal, while Justice is all that the innocent man requires.
An innocent man, if accused, can be acquitted; a guilty man, unless accused, cannot be condemned. It is, however, more advantageous to absolve an innocent than not to prosecute a guilty man.
I come from the liberal side of thinking: Better one guilty man should walk free than one innocent man found guilty.
That disapproving look was back in her eyes. Her teacher face. The one that could make you squirm from ten paces, even if you were innocent. And I hadn't been innocent for years.
It takes balls to execute an innocent man.
Justice is always Violence to the Party offending, for every Man is Innocent in his own Eyes.
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