Top 1200 Innocent Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Innocent Man quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Terms like that, 'Humane Society,' are devised with people like me in mind, who don't care to dwell on what happens to the innocent.
Erotica: the depiction of naked men. Depictions of naked women are far less innocent and are known as "pornography."
I've always tried to have a rule that you shouldn't make fun of innocent people who can't defend themselves. I find that a little unseemly and distasteful. But nothing's really sacred to me.
If our supreme value is the development of the Western tradition - of a man for whom the highest thing in life is man, for whom love for man, respect for man, and the dignity of man, are supreme values - then we cannot ask the question that says, "if it is better for our survival, might we drop these values?"
Tomorrow at 7, I shall be shot; but I am innocent of the crime of rebellion. I am going to die with a tranquil conscience. — © Jose Rizal
Tomorrow at 7, I shall be shot; but I am innocent of the crime of rebellion. I am going to die with a tranquil conscience.
I apologize for the insensitivity of my remarks with respect to the mayor or his family, however I think it is important to note that this decision involves potential risk to innocent people.
I was born in Tyrone, 1956, for something I didn't do. I was innocent. But they gave me life. I still remember the midwife who extradited me.
If those who are the enemies of innocent amusements had the direction of the world, they would take away the spring, and youth, the former from the year, the latter from human life.
No one who's white thinks he's innocent. No one who's black thinks he's guilty.
I have a voice, and I'm trying to use it to be the voice for all the innocent people who don't have one.
I enjoy hitting tennis balls. I haven't lost any of the innocent parts of tennis. I just do it in front of less people.
Pleasure, no matter how desirable, is never innocent: it's always presupposing and assuming a certain kind of social order, one usually shot through structures of domination.
A presentation copy, reader,-if haply you are yet innocent of such favours-is a copy of a book which does not sell, sent you by the author.
For my own part I think no innocent species of wit or pleasantry should be suppressed: and that a good pun may be admitted among the smaller excellencies of lively conversation.
I want to get out of here means I want to be innocent. — © Kathy Acker
I want to get out of here means I want to be innocent.
I ask you, is it the fig tree's fault that it's not the season for figs? What kind of thing is that to do to an innocent tree, wither it instantly?
The death penalty would be even more effective, as a deterrent, if we executed a few innocent people more often.
To remain innocent may also be. to remain ignorant.
Toy Story 3 is so besotted with brand names and product-placement that it stops being about the innocent pleasures of imagination -- the usefulness of toys -- and strictly celebrates consumerism.
People do see me as sweet and innocent. Not to say that I am not those things. But I have other sides to me.
I was certainly naïve about the judicial system in America. There's a lot of people who are in prison who are innocent. The system is very flawed.
What feeling in all the world is so nice as that of a child's hand in yours? It is soft. It is small and warm. It is as innocent and guileless as a rabbit or a puppy or a kitten huddling in the shelter of your clasp.
No one is safe from nature's savagery,not even the innocent. Only beauty is consistent. Gabrielle envisions a time when the Savage Garden will overtake civilizations and destroy it.
I wonder if these death penalty proponents would still hold that it's worth some risk of error if it were their loved one who was murdered by the state, though innocent.
When I signed on to letting the death penalty back in, I thought the procedural protections against executing an innocent person were stronger than they turned out to be.
Dissimulation, even the most innocent in its nature, is ever productive of embarrassment; whether the design is evil or not artifice is always dangerous and almost inevitably disgraceful.
Ladies and gentlemen, Im going to prove to you not only that Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not being guilty
Language, journalism, food, sex. All is politics. Even innocent love stories are politics. ... There is no such thing as neutrality.
Faith can be very very dangerous, and deliberately to implant it into the vulnerable mind of an innocent child is a grievous wrong.
Our enemy of international terrorism respects no laws of warfare or morality, and its individual members take innocent lives, just to create chaos for news cameras.
Asymmetrical warfare is a euphemism for terrorism, just like collateral damage is a euphemism for killing innocent civilians.
I don't know what idiocies drove me in those days, but they were naive, innocent idiocies in many ways.
Simplicity is cosmic, because it places our life on the same scale as all life, of innocent Nature herself, who is all-powerful.
The gods should certainly be revered, but kept at a distance... . The way is not beyond man; he who creates a way outside of man cannot make it a true way. A good man is content with changing man, and that is enough for him.
Aristotle described the Crow as chaste. In some departments of knowledge, Aristotle was too innocent for his own good.
Holding people presumed to be innocent in jail pre-trial simply because they cannot afford to pay their bail extracts huge human and financial costs.
Die to everything of yesterday so that your mind is always fresh, always young, innocent, full of vigor and passion.
Because we're not as serious about terrorism as we can be, people all across the globe feel like they can just murder innocent people.
People are innocent till proven otherwise. All people are.
If pimps and thieves everywhere were always punished, honest people would all believe themselves always to be innocent. — © Albert Camus
If pimps and thieves everywhere were always punished, honest people would all believe themselves always to be innocent.
Tell the innocent visitor from another world that two people were killed at Serajevo, and that the best that Europe could do about it was to kill eleven million more.
We don't dwell on the business of Korra restoring everyone's bending in 'Book 2,' but we figured she got around to helping the innocent people who lost it in the months between the seasons.
As you become aware of what has robbed you of the purity of an innocent mind, a clear heart and a strong body, you will be deeply served by letting go of those familiar limitations.
It may be romantic to search for the salves of society's ills in slow-moving rustic surroundings, or among innocent, unspoiled provincials, if such exist, but it is a waste of time.
Any allegiance to a deity or concept or universal principal which put obedience above decent behavior toward an innocent human being evil.
I'll tell you that when an innocent person is killed, we never go about asking or inquiring whether they were Jewish or Christian or Muslim. That's not our way or creed.
Christianity is the gayest religion, you know. Its core commandment to men is to form a deep lifelong partnership with ANOTHER MAN. It demands real man-on-man, man-on-Jesus love action, no holds barred. It's the most homophilic religion in the universe.
What a moron I was to think you were sweet and innocent, when it turns out you were actually college-educated the whole time!
The most innocent heart is generally the most credulous.
Our primary objective must be to prevent wars, and when we fail in this, we must protect and assist the innocent victims. — © Felipe VI of Spain
Our primary objective must be to prevent wars, and when we fail in this, we must protect and assist the innocent victims.
Man is completely out of phase with nature. Nature is woman. Man is the intruder. The man who re-attunes himself with nature is the man who de-mans himself or eliminates himself as man.
There is no moral difference between a stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. Both kill innocent people for political reasons.
Mind you, I have had in my sojourn on earth as good a time of it as any man, so I can speak with some knowledge. A writer in the Manchester Guardian who is unknown to me lately described me as "the richest man in the world." That sounds a pretty big order, but when I come to think it out I believe he is not far wrong. A rich man is not necessarily a man with a whole pot of money but a man who is really happy. And I am that.
When one is innocent of pain, of the havoc it can wreak, one is never cruel. Cruelty is born of pain, of a need to hurt in turn.
A man's a man for a' that. . . . . A prince can mak a belted knight, A marquis, duke, and a' that; But an honest man's aboon his might, Guid faith he mauna fa' that! . . . Then let us pray that come it may, As come it will for a' that, That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree and a' that. For a' that, and a' that, It's comin' yet, for a' that, When man to man, the world o'er, Shall brithers be for a' that.
You cannot lay remorse upon the innocent nor lift it from the heart of the guilty. Unbidden shall it call in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.
In our criminal justice system, we say it's better for 10 guilty people to go free than for even one innocent person to be wrongly convicted.
Tarzan is such a great character in that he's very innocent and wide-eyed about the world, yet he's so powerful and capable. It's fun to play those qualities simultaneously in the same person.
Unfortunately the innocent are always involved in any conflict. Always, everywhere, there is some voice crying from a tower.
She wasn't as naive and innocent as she was in the first season.
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