Top 1200 Innocent Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Innocent Man quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
We face a brutal enemy who will kill the innocent for one purpose and that is to gain control of the Middle East and to use the leverage of oil to bring down the West, and to attack us again.
Man, who thinks he knows everything. But what does man know...Man cares only for himself, in his fear and hate.
I have two young children with autism. What could they have ever done to deserve that? What kind of a God allows the innocent to suffer? It's a mystery. Yet still, I believe in God.
How many thousands ... earnestly seeking what they do not want, while they neglect the real blessings in their possession -- I mean the innocent gratification of their senses, which is all we can properly call our own.
Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. — © Francis Bacon
Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
I don't think Julia Roberts is as innocent as her image suggests. You have to be a really smart cookie to create an image as clean and pure and on-the-money as hers.
Having a little fun at my work does not make me any less of an artist and people who appreciate truly beautiful and original creations in pottery are not frightened by innocent tomfoolery!
The first step towards vice is to shroud innocent actions in mystery, and whoever likes to conceal something sooner or later has reason to conceal it.
All innocent mechanisms are muddied up with experience. Children become less and less translucent. Layers of guile and suspicion grow. It's the law of paternal disenchantments.
I see the Jedi mission as giving up a normal life in exchange for protecting the innocent. It's a life of sacrifice. There are rewards, but also a certain degree of sterility.
After the pleasure of possessing books there is hardly anything more pleasant than that of speaking of them, and of communicating to the public the innocent richness of thought which we have acquired by the culture of letters.
There was no military reason to drop atomic bombs on Japan. They were used as terrorist weapons - killing innocent people to influence other people.
I have learned that a man has the right and obligation to look down at another man, only when that man needs help to get up from the ground.
But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.
The fundament of a superhero is the guy in tights saving innocent people from bad things. It's amazing how infrequently that seems to happen in superhero comics these days.
Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.
Government defines the physical aspects of man by means of The Printed Form, so that for every man in the flesh there is an exactly corresponding man on paper. — © Jean Giraudoux
Government defines the physical aspects of man by means of The Printed Form, so that for every man in the flesh there is an exactly corresponding man on paper.
When 'Romeo and Juliet' came along, I fell in love with the way that it was written and how innocent and vulnerable it was and how different it was from 'True Grit.' I really liked that.
Remember that all financial markets are filled with good but not necessarily innocent people looking after their own self-interests before they look after yours.
The more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be.
Magnus shrugged. "He also made inappropriate amorous advances to a startled grandmotherly sort selling flowers, an Irish wolfhound, and innocent hat stand in a dwelling he broke into, and myself.
The man for whom the law exists - the man of forms, the conservative - is a tame man.
I didn't want to write a grown-up account of Gallipoli. I wanted to find out what would happen if I looked at Gallipoli through the eyes of an innocent.
History is not a web woven with innocent hands. Among all the causes which degrade and demoralize men, power is the most constant and most active.
Only the old are innocent. That is what the Victorians understood, and the Christians. Original sin is a property of the young. The old grow beyond corruption very quickly.
That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.
Demanding that all of us presume every defendant innocent outside of a courtroom is to demand that we stop evaluating facts, thereby suffocating independent thought and opinion. There is nothing 'reasonable' about that.
There isn't a tree to hang a man, water to drown a man nor soil to bury a man
I aspire to be like Paul Newman. He was a man's man, a lady's man, and the epitome of a philanthropist.
God is the Man, and there's another Man, Stan 'The Man' Musial in St. Louis.
God has given a great deal to man, but man would like something from man.
Remember that every man is a variation of yourself. No man's guilt is not yours, nor is any man's innocence a thing apart.
A boy gets to be a man when a man is needed. Remember this thing. I have known boys forty years old because there was no need for a man.
The government considers the aborting of innocent unborn children a natural right. Yet, there is widespread debate still about whether the death penalty for convicted murderers is "cruel and unusual punishment."
The State of Israel has faced obstacles and challenges to its very survival, with conventional military attacks leading the way to suicide bombers who have killed innocent Israeli men, women, and children.
The Syrian regime is helping the insurgency in Iraq and allowing all kinds of militants to come in and out, and go to Iraq to attack random soldiers and innocent people.
When you are being interviewed by Jeremy Paxman, you are the prisoner in the dock: assumed guilty unless proved innocent, under intense pressure, on the defensive. There are very few people who can look relaxed in that position.
Whether our task is fighting poverty, stemming the spread of disease or saving innocent lives from mass murder, we have seen that we cannot succeed without the leadership of the strong and the engagement of all.
We deserved it. I mean, if you get a pummeling, you deserved it. But isn't it wonderful to remember a time that America was once so innocent that all we had to worry about was the next 'Batman' movie?
It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars, otherwise combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash.
Speaking as a New Yorker, I found it (9/11 event] a shocking and terrifying event, particularly the scale of it. At bottom, it was an implacable desire to do harm to innocent people.
I figured I could do 'It's A Man's Man's Man's World', because I believe it's the truth. — © Etta James
I figured I could do 'It's A Man's Man's Man's World', because I believe it's the truth.
I love 'I'm British But...' It's such a sweet, innocent, open-hearted film, and it has the sort of openness that I still aspire to with everything I do. It wears its heart, head, everything on its sleeve.
In today's world, when many of yesterday's fashionable habits are today's misdemeanors, we should rejoice that a chocolate dessert can bring so much innocent pleasure.
I believe that people want to be free. And that we face an enemy that murders innocent people to try to shake our psychology to get us to leave.
I'm about to read Scott Turow's 'Innocent.' I've been hungry for this book since he first told me it was in the works. I'm a serious Turow fan.
Black Widow' is a metaphor for this innocent young girl who gets infected with life, traumas, experiences, and the balance of light and darkness. She becomes this poised and powerful creature. That's the album.
The philosophy behind much advertising is based on the old observation that every man is really two men - the man he is and the man he wants to be.
As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.
A God made by man undoubtedly has need of man to make himself known to man.
Make no mistake: conversion therapy is not about 'praying away the gay.' It's an emotional torture against our most innocent citizens: our children.
When I was growing up in the early noughties, I remember the time being very serene, peaceful and innocent. But actually there was Tony Blair's oil wars going on halfway across the world.
However we may pity the mother whose health and even life is imperiled by the performance of her natural duty, there yet remains no sufficient reason for condoning the direct murder of the innocent.
Corn syrup and added fats have been outed as major ingredients in fast food, but they hide out in packaged foods too, even presumed-innocent ones like crackers. — © Barbara Kingsolver
Corn syrup and added fats have been outed as major ingredients in fast food, but they hide out in packaged foods too, even presumed-innocent ones like crackers.
I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself.
We always see the innocent victims in the stories, and I am a little bored with that. I am much more interested in the price paid by the people who can fly.
The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to be shot.
Savyasachi' is an action romantic film and I'm getting to work with some very nice people. I play the role of a simple girl who's very innocent and independent.
I'm a hard man to fight and an easy man to please... A Rock n' Roll Outlaw on a Sweet Romance.. I Want To Be Your Man.
SpongeBob is a complete innocent - not an idiot. SpongeBob never fully realizes how stupid Patrick is. They're whipping themselves up into situations - that's always where the humor comes from.
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