Top 1200 Innocent Man Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Innocent Man quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Dogs are us, only innocent.
Life swarms with innocent monsters.
The artificial is always innocent. — © Frank O'Hara
The artificial is always innocent.
The innocent mansion of a panther's heart!
One threatens the innocent who spares the guilty.
We killed an innocent girl
Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.
I don't attack innocent people.
It is unacceptable, it is forbidden, to harm the innocent.
Innocent and infinite are the pleasures of observation.
No day is without its innocent hope.
Encourage innocent amusement.
God made all pleasures innocent. — © Caroline Norton
God made all pleasures innocent.
There are no innocent bystanders ... what are they doing there in the first place?
Innocent, unbiased observation is a myth.
Killing is not so easy as the innocent believe.
Indifference is dangerous, whether innocent or not.
The killing of innocent people is a sin.
We have no choice but to be guilty. God is unthinkable if we are innocent.
...language is never innocent.
The innocent are punished. That's the world we live in.
The killing of innocent people is always wrong.
Who you are is not where you've been... You're still an innocent.
I didn't kill innocent people.
I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm innocent!
To the children and the innocent it's all the same.
I think when you are 17 you are very innocent.
Shaq is not the man. He's the man because the NBA wants him to be the man, but before you can be the man, you've got to be the man.
There seem to be but three ways for a nation to acquire wealth. The first is by war, as the Romans did, in plundering their conquered neighbors. This is robbery. The second by commerce, which is generally cheating. The third by agriculture, the only honest way, wherein man receives a real increase of the seed thrown into the ground, in a kind of continual miracle, wrought by the hand of God in his favor, as a reward for his innocent life and his virtuous industry.
Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.
I'm masquerading as an innocent pop star.
Men are as innocent as the morning to the unsuspicious.
I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood
No innocent person ever has an alibi.
God has joined the innocent with the guilty.
No cause justifies the deaths of innocent people.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
I was too much of an innocent when I went to university. — © Naomie Harris
I was too much of an innocent when I went to university.
To spare the guilty is to injure the innocent.
A person who is innocent is extremely humble.
Thoughts are just what is. They appear. They're innocent. They're not personal.
We investigate in secret so that we don't smear innocent people.
A king who’s innocent of the things of which he’s guilty?
An innocent bureaucratic snafu.
We become innocent when we are unfortunate.
He who is penitent is almost innocent.
There is no such thing as an innocent purchaser of stocks.
He is as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove. — © Paulo Coelho
He is as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove.
You're innocent until proven guilty.
I, the man of color, want only this: That the tool never possess the man. That the enslavement of man by man cease forever. That is, of one by another. That it be possible for me to discover and to love man, wherever he may be.
The Quest of the Holy Grail, the Search for the Stone of the Philosophers - by whatever name we choose to call the Great Work - is therefore endless. Success only opens up new avenues of brilliant possibility. Yea, verily, and Amen! the task is tireless and its joys without bounds; for the whole Universe, and all that in it is, what is it but the infinite playground of the Crowned and Conquering Child, of the insatiable, the innocent, the ever-rejoicing Heir of Space and Eternity, whose name is MAN?
The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time.
Be innocent, wise and ninety-five.
There are many innocent people in prison.
The chaste severity of the fathers in whatever related to the commerce of the two sexes flowed from the same principle -- their abhorrence of every enjoyment which might gratify the sensual and degrade the spiritual nature of man. It was their favourite opinion, that if Adam had preserved his obedience to the Creator, he would have lived for ever in a state of virgin purity, and that some harmless mode of vegetation might have peopled paradise with a race of innocent and immortal beings.
I did some reading to prep for Expelled. I read one book cover to cover, From Darwin to Hitler , and that was a very interesting book - one of these rare books I wish had been even longer. It's about how Darwin 's theory - supposedly concocted by this mild-mannered saintly man, with a flowing white beard like Santa Claus - led to the murder of millions of innocent people.
Vulgarity is innocent; urbanity is not.
Hypocrites always wanna play innocent
There are no innocent people in a guilty nation.
The innocent is the person who explains nothing
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