An innovation will get traction only if it helps people get something that they're already doing in their lives done better.
You have to combine both things: invention and innovation focus, plus the company that can commercialize things and get them to people.
Bitcoin and the whole discussion around it shows how big a need there is for innovation about what money is and how it is stored.
The innovation of our workplace is key to the development of innovative solutions that address the evolving complex challenges of our clients.
We don't have a free market in health care. We need to connect customers up with the cost of care. And to drive innovation that way.
I said from the very beginning, 'Yahoo should position itself as a technology innovation company, not as a media company.'
I don't think you need a certificate to truly legitimize you or authenticate you as a designer. I think real innovation and creativity can come from everywhere.
Changes that are being enhanced by technological innovation (social media being a case in point) are happening at an increasing rate.
The Janus-like nature of innovation - its responsible use and so on - was evident at the very birth of human ingenuity, when humankind first discovered how to make fire on demand.
The video game industry is constantly evolving. The sheer creativity matched with cutting-edge technologies gives me the comfort that innovation is alive and well in America.
If failure is not an option, neither is success. Innovation is just repeated failure till you come up with something that works.
Renewal is not just innovation and change. It is also the process of bringing the results of change into line with our purposes.
Microsoft is not about greed. It's about innovation and fairness.
We're in a period of uncertainty about [Donald Trump] administration policies and the range of what might happen is particularly higher. I don't think that these R&D and innovation budgets will be substantially reduced.
Innovation by American energy companies has led to a glut of the lighter forms of crude oil found in U.S. shale basins such as Eagle Ford, Barnett and Permian Basin.
Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity... and these in turn rely on the education of our people.
Display companies, many of them that we've spoken to, are really excited about virtual reality because they're actually running out of innovation opportunities in other markets.
But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration - because it's a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks.
Even though effective competition is the best tool to strengthen innovation and competitiveness in Europe, state aid can also play a very useful supporting role.
There is music out there that is commercially driven, whether you like it or not. That's a peculiarly American innovation. We innovated the commercial music business.
Innovation keeps me ahead of my competition. It means that my foes must adapt to me, not the other way around.
Only the general manager can mold the resources, processes, and values that affect innovation , into a coherent capability to develop and launch superior new products and services repeatedly.
You can't allow tradition to get in the way of innovation. There's a need to respect the past, but it's a mistake to revere your past.
If the whole U.S. was like Silicon Valley, we'd be in good shape. But now, the entire U.S. is not driven by technology, is not driven by innovation.
There is competition, .. Can any Microsoft endure future competition without innovation? The answer is no. We've got to keep changing.
Starting and growing a business is as much about the innovation, drive and determination of the people who do it as it is about the product they sell.
If you bet on Microsoft, you are not going to ask anymore, 'Hey, where is the innovation?' The challenge going forward is how do we keep up with it.
London, a city where creativity and innovation have always flourished, provides a significant home for Starbucks and a significant gateway into Europe.
Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.
We knew we could put the company on the right side of history by decisive transformative action and by redefining our purpose to improving people's lives through innovation.
From the beginning, we have fostered a culture that embraces our entrepreneurial spirit and values innovation that puts our customers first.
We support an open Internet and having rules - the right kind of rules that are legally enforceable and allow for investment and innovation.
The Internet had a core innovation that made it valuable: The ability to disseminate data over a distributed network in a way that was significantly cheaper than the prior methods.
Legal immigrants have been an engine of economic growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship on this continent for longer than we have been a nation.
There is no one, right way to design or develop anything. To a large degree, it needs to reflect the culture? - ?especially the innovation culture? - ?of a company.
Innovation requires resources to invest, and you can see many companies pulling back and going into an intense protective mode in a major extended period of financial distress.
A brand strategy can enable, sometimes crucially, the potential of an innovation to be realised. There are times when you literally need to brand it or lose it.
I want to help bring tech jobs to middle America and help us create more innovation clusters.
Technological innovation has dramatically lowered the cost of computing, making it possible for large numbers of consumers to own powerful new technologies at reasonably low prices.
Without cunning, there is no innovation. Without ambition, there is no accomplishment.
We are very excited about launching Ola in Australia and see immense potential for the ride-sharing ecosystem in a country which embraces new technology and innovation.
Public opinion rarely considers the needs of the next generation or the history of the last. It is frequently hampered by myths and misinformation, by stereotypes and shibboleths, and by an inate resistance to innovation.
Rapid population growth and technological innovation, combined with our lack of understanding about how the natural systems of which we are a part work, have created a mess.
From the first moment of independence, the United States has been dedicated to innovation as a way of government and a way of life.
The more angels we have in Silicon Valley, the better. We are funding innovation. We are funding the next Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
The poor are an especially important resource for innovation when they have the bravery and pluck to get out of the poor places in which they're living.
Innovation is usually the result of connections of past experiences. But if you have the same experiences as everyone else, you are unlikely to look in a different direction.
If someone thinks of something, some new innovation that benefits us all, and the market works properly, they get richly rewarded for that, and that's just terrific, and that creates inequality.
I'm a great believer in the competitive system, and think that competition will bring us greater innovation and put American industry in information ahead of everyone also.
When there is no possibility of retreat, we will find the innovation that only the liminal situation can bring. In short, we find the faith of leap.
Government should create the environment and incentives to stimulate investment in sustainable innovation, take away barriers, and accelerate adoption, even in turbulent economic times.
Innovation, creativity, and lunacy goes hand in hand.
Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service.
There's innovation in Linux. There are some really good technical features that I'm proud of. There are capabilities in Linux that aren't in other operating systems.
When I was growing up, my father helped kindle my passion for innovation and technology. He was a high-ranking executive at AT&T and used our family dinner table as a focus group.
We ought to open up energy innovation across the board and - and remove the barriers to every form of energy.
What is often lacking is not creativity in the idea-creating sense but innovation in the action-producing sense, i.e. putting ideas to work.
Obamacare has eliminated choices for millions of families, suffocated patient-centered medical innovation, and moved the United States closer to European-style centralized planning.
Small Data defines this space, identifies the imbalances we all have and thus the gap these imbalances represents for your new innovation.
Glass and wearable technology is an example of another step in consumer-facing innovation that will change how we share the music experience with our fans in the future.
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