Top 1200 Instrumental Music Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Instrumental Music quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
I wrote my first song, 'Conversion', to this little hip-hop instrumental. I went to an open-mic, plugged my iPod into the P.A., and sang over the beat.
The work I do with my physiotherapist has been instrumental in keeping me healthy, and it's a big reason why I'm able to continue to improve my game.
Everyone thought my first album would be instrumental, but I didn't want to do it - it took me eight months to make. — © Ry Cooder
Everyone thought my first album would be instrumental, but I didn't want to do it - it took me eight months to make.
Music has been so healing in my life, so the fact that my music could be that for someone else is the best gift of my whole career. People have told me that they got married to my music, divorced to my music, and played my music while they were having their baby.
To support the people we care about is intrinsic, it is not instrumental. It's not something we do because we're hoping to get some other outcome.
The traditional family has an intrinsic as well as an instrumental value, and that is the real reason so many conservatives defend it.
My body was so instrumental to how I took pictures: it was practically a dance. I used to use my legs a lot; now I'm a little more sedentary.
No matter where I go, I actually have a lot of couples coming and telling me that one of my songs was instrumental in strengthening their romance!
Being a purely instrumental album, it makes a musical statement, not a religious one, and I hope that people can feel the emotion of the great melodies, even without the words.
As far as I'm concerned, the essentials of jazz are: melodic improvisation, melodic invention, swing, and instrumental personality.
When I was growing up, music was music and there were no genres. We didn't look at it as country music. Popular music in Tuskegee was country music. So I didn't know it in categories. It was the radio.
It's a successful feeling when someone tells you that you were instrumental in helping them heal from a great wound in their life.
As a Harvard Ph.D. economist and U.C. Irvine professor, Dr. Navarro has been instrumental in challenging the prevailing Washington orthodoxy on so-called free trade.
I'm not sure if music got a future. We have all these electronic ways to download and steal music and get music, but there's no money in makin' music. — © Ice Cube
I'm not sure if music got a future. We have all these electronic ways to download and steal music and get music, but there's no money in makin' music.
In chess one cannot control everything. Sometimes a game takes an unexpected turn, in which beauty begins to emerge. Both players are always instrumental in this.
Millennials' tech and global savvy will make them instrumental in shaping our mobile future worldwide.
As a young boy, I had strange dreams of affecting people and somehow being instrumental in changing the makeup of Africa and helping to improve life there.
Hildegard von Bingen conveys spiritual ecstasy, if we're talking of Western music. What bothers me about Western music is that it doesn't have an esoteric dimension in the way the music of the East has, whether it be Byzantine chant, the music of the Sufis, or Hindu music.
I have never acknowledged the difference between serious music and light music. There is only good music and bad music.
Let's play with sound, forget all knowledge and instrumental skills, and just use instinct – the same way punk did.
In the Cleveland area, I have been instrumental in helping to save or create thousands of jobs. People know me there as a person who gets involved.
I'm from Louisiana, and that's where I got my start, in Cajun music. There's a huge music scene down there centered around our culture. Those are people that are not making music for a living. They are making music for the fun of it. And I think that's the best way I could have been introduced to music.
My mother has been really instrumental in raising a lot of money through the Boys & Girls Club in my hometown.
G.O.O.D. Music is on top because G.O.O.D. Music is the culture. When you think of, you know, just every aspect from music, influence, fashion, art level. If it's not G.O.O.D Music, then it's somebody who was influenced heavily by G.O.O.D. Music.
In particular, the film 'Excalibur' was definitely one of those films that was instrumental in me realizing that I wanted to become an actor.
Voices are like fingerprints, from Cagney to Bogart. They never lost it. My voice is instrumental in categorizing me.
I always felt that I would become somebody outstanding, whether it was in singing, instrumental playing, orchestra conducting, or anything involving feeling.
Jay Prince was instrumental in everything that came out of Rap-a-Lot, especially anything that had to do with the Geto Boys or Scarface.
Hugh Hefner was instrumental in my career, you know, by promoting the free-speech movement. People forget that about him.
I don't need a sensationalized headline to sell music or to bring attention to my music. It's the music and it's always been about the music.
If I doubt whether a track works, I'm just going to play the instrumental version in my set and judge where the crowd takes it.
How strange that something so simple could have been instrumental in my decision to ruin one of my most relationships and friendships, and damage another.
My influences are jazz, blues, European classical music; they are rock music and pop music. So many kinds of music. World music from different countries like India and China. I think that would be a shame not to take advantage and do something... not unique, because I don't have this pretension.
I love instrumental guitar records, but I also understand that, as a listener, it can be difficult to get through a whole album of just that one thing.
In Honduras, in particular, Hillary Clinton as Obama's secretary of state was instrumental in legitimizing the coup's subsequent death-squad regime.
That's the kind of music I want SoulBird to represent: music with intelligence and heart, music that moves people in their souls and their bodies. Music with wings.
America owes most of its social prejudices to the exaggerated religious opinions of the different sects which were so instrumental in establishing the colonies.
To me music is music. A person of faith, a person that calls themselves a Christian, they are the Christian and they make music. Some music has more to do about God than other music, but in reality what makes the difference between "secular" and "Christian" music is simply a marketing channel.
America is new to instrumental dance tracks on the radio, we were all so surprised "Animals" did so well on the radio. — © Martin Garrix
America is new to instrumental dance tracks on the radio, we were all so surprised "Animals" did so well on the radio.
I would argue that Asean has been instrumental in driving both economic growth and political development, and that there can be no clearer example than its relations with Myanmar.
I keep my music heartfelt and stick to making real music. I wouldn't even say it's hip-hop music. My music is 'reality rap.'
I have always loved the process of making the music, reading the letters from the fans who get married to my music, have children to my music and play my music at their funerals.
I love pop music just as much as I like rap music, or ill-ass hip-hop music, or rock music.
I've studied the lives of the 20th century's great businessmen and concluded self-confidence was instrumental in all their success.
I have been instrumental in banning bottled water on the set. It hasn't gone that well with the crew... so I replaced it with tequila.
My solo albums will be instrumental, but I would be open to working with a vocalist if the right project came along.
Intense study with Indian musicians such as Gaurav Majumdar and Zakir Hussain has inspired me to rethink my view of instrumental sound.
Music means communication to me. I say 'listen you people out there, listen to my music, let's be one.' Music is a friend to me when I am lonely, when I am blue. You can't define music 'cause music is cosmos and it knows no barrier or definition. You have to feel music to dig it.
readiness,' far far from assuring peace, has at all times and in all countries been instrumental in precipitating armed conflicts. — © Emma Goldman
readiness,' far far from assuring peace, has at all times and in all countries been instrumental in precipitating armed conflicts.
I've always had creative freedom. Instrumental rock wasn't really a genre, but the success of 'Surfing With the Alien' legitimized my approach.
There's music in the sighing of a reed; There's music in the gushing of a rill; There's music in all things, if men had ears; The earth is but the music of the spheres.
'Beyond The Pole's Facebook page has been incredibly instrumental in introducing us to new people and to making connections with journalists, cinemas everything.
I don't know why people have to categorize things in music under music. It's music and it's music and it's music. When you start putting genres on things, I think it's completely ridiculous, and I hate that.
Antiliberals endlessly berate their enemies for instrumental thinking. But they do not clearly explain the evil of producing better goods at a lower cost.
And this is the origin of pop music: it's a professional music which draws upon both folk music and fine arts music as well.
Bob Rondeau - he'll never know this - but he was so instrumental. He is a legend to me and had a major impact in my life.
The first song we ever performed, actually, was an instrumental, which says a lot about how shy we are.
I am interested in the study of music and the discipline of music and the experience of music and music as a esoteric mechanism to continue my real intentions.
That's always attractive to me, to work with music whose form is a big question mark. Even many of my favorite bands growing up, when I was just a kid learning to play drums and guitar and everything, were bands like Pink Floyd, where the arrangement, the number of bars in each section is unconventional and often lopsided, and there will be small little instrumental interludes and that sort of thing. So those odd forms, as well as dark content, are the things that I think are continuous through all the type of projects that I've been attracted to.
I can't bring myself to release an instrumental album because I feel like I want some meat on the bone. Something to chew on, lyrically and content-wise.
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