Top 672 Integral Calculus Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Integral Calculus quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Pure politics is merely the calculus of combinations and of chances.
If you want to get an advance machine tool job today, you need to know calculus. We know a lot of people don't, we can't expect everyone to know calculus, what do we do? We created a huge bubble that created a huge number of jobs to build houses and to be in retail. You don't have to have a lot of skills to work in the new Gap store that opened, at the latest Starbucks branch, or to hammer a nail for a new house.
Even the simplest calculation in the purest mathematics can have terrible consequences. Without the invention of the infinitesimal calculus most of our technology would have been impossible. Should we say therefore that calculus is bad?
You burros have calculus in your blood. — © Jaime Escalante
You burros have calculus in your blood.
What's my philosophy? In a word, integral. And what on earth-or in heaven-do I mean by "integral"? The dictionary meaning is fairly simple: "comprehensive, balanced, inclusive, essential for completeness." Short definition, tall order.
I never failed in mathematics. Before I was fifteen I had mastered differential and integral calculus.
Calculus destroys self-esteem on contact.
When I was about thirteen, the library was going to get 'Calculus for the Practical Man.' By this time I knew, from reading the encyclopedia, that calculus was an important and interesting subject, and I ought to learn it.
There's a certain point in chemistry and in calculus where I reached the end of my abilities, and I realized, 'This is where I'm stupid.'
Stephen Sondheim is calculus for actors. The words are witty and brilliant and profound but complicated.
I was always very strong in math, physics and calculus.
The chief difficulty of modern theoretical physics resides not in the fact that it expresses itself almost exclusively in mathematical symbols, but in the psychological difficulty of supposing that complete nonsense can be seriously promulgated and transmitted by persons who have sufficient intelligence of some kind to perform operations in differential and integral calculus.
Hard to be a physics major at Rice University if you have flunked calculus.
The analytical geometry of Descartes and the calculus of Newton and Leibniz have expanded into the marvelous mathematical method — © Nicholas Murray Butler
The analytical geometry of Descartes and the calculus of Newton and Leibniz have expanded into the marvelous mathematical method
Calculus is one course you can come with to your parents and say, I am dropping it. And they'll understand.
The integral approach is committed to the full spectrum of consciousness as it manifests in all its extraordinary diversity. This allows the integral approach to recognize and honor the Great Holarchy of Being first elucidated by the perennial philosophy and the great wisdom traditions in general... The integral vision embodies an attempt to take the best of both worlds, ancient and modern. But that demands a critical stance willing to reject unflinchingly the worst of both as well.
...magic was ugly—-a hard bargain with the universe, a calculus of pain.
Calculus is the most powerful weapon of thought yet devised by the wit of man.
My first degree came years before my second. I had wanted to be a physicist, but I flunked calculus.
The change began with John Stuart Mill and the Utopians . When Mill pointed out that economics had no ultimate solution to the problem of distribution , that society might do with the fruits of its toil as it saw fit, he introduced into the mechanical calculus of the market a conflicting calculus of moral judgment.
In the calculus of good deeds you have the most to gain.
One good thing about teaching calculus is that you develop a hardened attitude towards repeating yourself.
The great trick of regarding small departures from the truth as the truth itself - on which is founded the entire integral calculus - is also the basis of our witty speculations, where the whole thing would often collapse if we considered the departures with philosophical rigour.
I'm very good at integral and differential calculus, I know the scientific names of beings animalculous; In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral, I am the very model of a modern Major-General.
After years of finding mathematics easy, I finally reached integral calculus and came up against a barrier. I realized that this was as far as I could go, and to this day I have never successfully gone beyond it in any but the most superficial way.
In my free time I do differential and integral calculus.
Calculus works by making visible the infinitesimally small.
The effects of heat are subject to constant laws which cannot be discovered without the aid of mathematical analysis. The object of the theory is to demonstrate these laws; it reduces all physical researches on the propagation of heat, to problems of the integral calculus, whose elements are given by experiment. No subject has more extensive relations with the progress of industry and the natural sciences; for the action of heat is always present, it influences the processes of the arts, and occurs in all the phenomena of the universe.
Foreshadowings of the principles and even of the language of [the infinitesimal] calculus can be found in the writings of Napier, Kepler, Cavalieri, Pascal, Fermat, Wallis, and Barrow. It was Newton's good luck to come at a time when everything was ripe for the discovery, and his ability enabled him to construct almost at once a complete calculus.
History was easy, but I don't know about the Calculus. It seemed like it was making sense, so that probably means I failed.
Geometric calculus consists in a system of operations analogous to those of algebraic calculus, but in which the entities on which the calculations are carried out, instead of being numbers, are geometric entities which we shall define.
Human beings are born and begin their evolution through the great spiral of consciousness, moving from archaic to magic to mythic to rational to perhaps integral, and from there perhaps into genuinely transpersonal domains. But for every person that moves into integral or higher, dozens are born into the archaic.
That is the great mystery of human evolution: how to account for calculus and Mozart.
There is nothing like Integral Dreaming in the literature. This is an ambitious undertaking and its readers will gain an in-depth understanding of dreams and dreaming that they will find nowhere else. The ‘five movements’ of Integral Dream Practice will encourage many readers to follow the steps outlined, and integrate dreamwork into their own lives. This book will be an instant classic in the field.
But just as much as it is easy to find the differential [derivative] of a given quantity, so it is difficult to find the integral of a given differential. Moreover, sometimes we cannot say with certainty whether the integral of a given quantity can be found or not.
The true Logic for this world is the Calculus of Probabilities, which takes account of the magnitude of the probability.
I don't have any sort of calculus in choosing film roles.
I was probably the worst calculus student in the history of my high school.
The English language is more complex than calculus because numbers don't have nuances. — © Andy Rooney
The English language is more complex than calculus because numbers don't have nuances.
I was more interested in skating and the girls and traveling than I was in calculus.
As you will find in multivariable calculus, there is often a number of solutions for any given problem.
Calculus is the outcome of a dramatic intellectual struggle which has lasted for twenty-five hundred years.
The calculus of utility aims at supplying the ordinary wants of man at the least cost of labour.
If one looks at the different problems of the integral calculus which arise naturally when one wishes to go deep into the different parts of physics, it is impossible not to be struck by the analogies existing.
Those interested in celestial navigation are advised to first obtain a rudimentary knowledge of integral calculus, phlebotomy, astral physics and related subjects. The use of liquor is strictly forbidden on interplanetary flights.
Every one who understands the subject will agree that even the basis on which the scientific explanation of nature rests is intelligible only to those who have learned at least the elements of the differential and integral calculus, as well as analytical geometry.
Perhaps the best place to begin with an integral approach to business is with.. oneself. In the Big Three of self, culture, and world, integral mastery starts with self. How do body and mind and spirit operate in me? How does that necessarily impact my role in the world of business? And how can I become more conscious of these already operating realities in myself and in others?
We can't exempt ourselves from the same moral calculus that we are willing to apply to others.
The whole apparatus of the calculus takes on an entirely different form when developed for the complex numbers. — © Keith Devlin
The whole apparatus of the calculus takes on an entirely different form when developed for the complex numbers.
With an absurd oversimplification, the 'invention' of the calculus is sometimes ascribed to two men, Newton and Leibniz. In reality, the calculus is the product of a long evolution that was neither initiated nor terminated by Newton and Leibniz, but in which both played a decisive part.
Cam was so much clearer, easier to figure out. Like he was algebra and Daniel was calculus.
I almost flunked pre-calculus back in high school.
... nets, grids, and other types of calculus.
If a nonnegative quantity was so small that it is smaller than any given one, then it certainly could not be anything but zero. To those who ask what the infinitely small quantity in mathematics is, we answer that it is actually zero. Hence there are not so many mysteries hidden in this concept as they are usually believed to be. These supposed mysteries have rendered the calculus of the infinitely small quite suspect to many people. Those doubts that remain we shall thoroughly remove in the following pages, where we shall explain this calculus.
Love can reach the same level of talent, and even genius, as the discovery of differential calculus.
Science is the Differential Calculus of the mind. Art the Integral Calculus; they may be beautiful when apart, but are greatest only when combined.
I see with much pleasure that you are working on a large work on the integral Calculus ... The reconciliation of the methods which you are planning to make, serves to clarify them mutually, and what they have in common contains very often their true metaphysics; this is why that metaphysics is almost the last thing that one discovers. The spirit arrives at the results as if by instinct; it is only on reflecting upon the route that it and others have followed that it succeeds in generalising the methods and in discovering its metaphysics.
Newton, of course, was the inventor of differential calculus so his place in the tale is quite special.
Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land -movie - Karate kid"What is the calculus of innovation?" "The calculus of innovation is really quite simple: knowledge drives innovation, innovation drives productivity, productivity drives our economic growth."
The calculus is the greatest aid we have to the application of physical truth in the broadest sense of the word.
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