Top 1200 Intellectual Dishonesty Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Intellectual Dishonesty quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
I suppose one has a greater sense of intellectual degradation after an interview with a doctor than from any human experience.
Examples of selling of ideas are portrayed in consulting or paid advice, as the pricing of intellectual property is market driven.
Postmodernism entices us with the siren call of liberation and creativity, but it may be an invitation to intellectual and moral suicide. — © Gertrude Himmelfarb
Postmodernism entices us with the siren call of liberation and creativity, but it may be an invitation to intellectual and moral suicide.
Intellectual food is like any other; it is pleasanter and more beneficial to take it with a spoon than a shovel.
Protocol may be defined as the code of etiquette which protects royalty from the competition of intellectual and social superiors.
Anybody doing philanthropy has to find something that appeals to them from their own personal background or from intellectual curiosity.
At the outstart of discussions of women's intellectual attainments, it is well to remember how few are the men of the first rank.
I don't really know where my ideas come from. I start with a time and a place. That's what I need to get started, and an intellectual question.
I don't read enough books, so I guess I'm pretty shallow. I'm a lot into the physical. With me, first attraction is never intellectual.
The idea that creative endeavor and mind-altering substances are entwined is one of the great pop-intellectual myths of our time.
Trump is, in part, a reaction to the intellectual corruption of the Republican Party. That ought to be obvious to his critics, yet somehow it isn't.
The delusions of self-love cannot be prevented, but intellectual misconceptions as to the means of achieving success may be corrected.
Intellectual discourse and investigation is admittedly great fun but only truly meaningful when conducted in the service of others. — © Sergio De La Pava
Intellectual discourse and investigation is admittedly great fun but only truly meaningful when conducted in the service of others.
Greed probably figures in my intellectual life as well, as I attempt to absorb a massive amount of information with consequent mental indigestion.
My emotional and intellectual response to Hiroshima was that the question of the social responsibility of a journalist was posed with greater urgency than ever.
The backwardness of our religious and social developments is undoubtedly holding back the development of the intellectual and political levels.
Intellectual controversies tend to be like dog fights without the teeth, in which the barking not the biting does the damage.
I derided Christians as anti-intellectual bigots who were too weak to face the reality that there is no rhyme or reason to the world.
It is a lie to write in such way as to be rewarded by fame offered you by some snobbish quasi-literary groups in the intellectual gazettes.
A longer time perspective is needed because we face a daunting task both in an intellectual and practical sense.
I want to prove to other people that I have something in my mind and intellectual qualities, not just the ability to play football.
I wanted to do something far from my intellectual and physical home, so I went to live in Beijing for eight months and took Mandarin Chinese.
The intellectual is different from the ordinary man, but only in certain sections of his personality, and even then not all the time.
Trying to be a sort of intellectual in the public arena is very irritating to people. They think, 'Why is this bugger on television?'
Beethoven, Schubert, Schoenberg, Berg imply a type of pianist who is intellectual. That's not always associated with female soloists.
'The Book of Air and Shadows' was born during a conference with an intellectual property lawyer on a particular afternoon in November of 2003.
And what, then, is belief? It is the demi-cadence which closes a musical phrase in the symphony of our intellectual life.
In companies whose wealth is intellectual capital, networks, rather than hierarchies, are the right organizational design.
From my earliest days, reading was my passion, and at Cambridge, where I studied English literature, my intellectual life deepened and grew.
Ever since Kant divorced reason from reality, his intellectual descendants have been diligently widening the breach.
All of us were slowly losing that intellectual light that allows you always to tell the similar from the identical, the metaphorical from the real.
People align with movements they can believe in, and it is the human, intellectual, and financial investment in genuine content that defines experiences.
Ninety percent of the difficulty in your intellectual life would never have happened if you just had better taste.
The intellectual property situation is bad and getting worse. To be a programmer, it requires that you understand as much law as you do technology.
In its artless cruelty, Dallas is superior to any "intelligent" critique that can be made of it. That is why intellectual snobberymeets its match here.
Collectivism, as an intellectual power and a moral ideal, is dead. But freedom and individualism, and their political expression, capitalism, have not yet been discovered.
In their field they [mathematicians] do what we ought to be doing in ours. Therein lies the significant lesson ... of their existence. They are an analogy for the intellectual of the future.
We can license our intellectual property to new customers and expand agreements with existing ones over time and more. — © Rajeev Suri
We can license our intellectual property to new customers and expand agreements with existing ones over time and more.
These esoteric, intellectual debates-I want them to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation.
Agitation is that part of our intellectual life where vitality results; there ideas are born, breed and bring forth.
Hip-hop is my vehicle for scientific enlightenment. It wasn't until my music career matured where I was exposed to science as an intellectual pursuit.
Where execution is dominant, as it is in the individual events of a war whether great or small, then intellectual factors are reduced to a minimum.
The questions of today's average young person, who is the product of America's intellectual bastions, have been virtually unaddressed by the church.
The intellectual evolution of the race consists in an increase in the number, delicacy, complexity, permanence and speed of formation of such associations.
When "reality" is sought for at large, it is without intellectual import; at most the term carries the connotation of an agreeableemotional state.
It is always the task of the intellectual to "think otherwise." This is not just a perverse idiosyncrasy. It is an absolutely essential feature of a society.
I'm really only interested in building this intellectual movement. The I.D.W. has bigger goals than anyone's buzz or celebrity.
Of metaphors, those generally conduce most to energy or vivacity of style which illustrate an intellectual by a sensible object. — © Richard Whately
Of metaphors, those generally conduce most to energy or vivacity of style which illustrate an intellectual by a sensible object.
We didn't have a television, so I grew up with books. This isn't to suggest I'm an intellectual, but I do read a lot because part of acting is an exploration of literature.
I tried to be all intellectual and erudite and with others I'd just swear and curse and be an idiot. And suddenly, when they're all in one space, I don't know who I am.
The common stock of intellectual enjoyment should not be difficult of access because of the economic position of him who would approach it.
An intellectual may be defined as a man who speaks with general authority about a subject on which he has no particular competence.
I am naturally prone to fun or to be funny, but when I talk about myself in interviews, then it's an intellectual exercise.
For me this is the vital litmus test: no intellectual society can flourish where a Jew feels even slightly uneasy.
To criticize is to appreciate, to appropriate, to take intellectual possession, to establish in fine a relation with the criticized thing and to make it one's own.
You have to become that infinite formless creation, which is life, to know it. It cannot be known in an intellectual sense. That is enlightenment.
[On Cantor's work:] The finest product of mathematical genius and one of the supreme achievements of purely intellectual human activity.
Science is an integral part of culture. It's not this foreign thing, done by an arcane priesthood. It's one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition.
Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved.
Yoga is more than physical. It is cellular, mental, intellectual and spiritual-it involves man in his entire being
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