Top 1200 Interest Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Interest quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
If you ask questions that interest you, you'll get answers that interest your audience.
Each pursues his private interest and only his private interest; and thereby serves the private interests of all, the general interest, without willing it or knowing it. The real point is not that each individual's pursuit of his private interest promotes the totality of private interests, the general interest. One could just as well deduce from this abstract phrase that each individual reciprocally blocks the assertion of the others' interests, so that, instead of a general affirmation, this war of all against all produces a general negation.
When they so-called 'target the interest rate', what they're doing is controlling the money supply via the interest rate. The interest rate is only an intermediary instrument.
Politicians pay more attention to interest groups than to the public interest. — © Alice Rivlin
Politicians pay more attention to interest groups than to the public interest.
The interest which lay behind Federalism was that of well-to-do citizens in a stable political and social order, and this interest aroused them to favor and to seek some form of political organization which was capable of protecting their property and promoting its interest.
You're working not for the corporate interest, not for the government interest, not for your own self-interest. You have a higher calling.
A man's interest in the world is only an overflow from his interest in himself.
Obviously, people feeling that their government is responsive to them is in the best interest of the United States. It's in the best interest of the U.K., it's in the best interest of countries all over the world.
People are worried about the degree to which corporate interest is starting to threaten human interest.
In that sense, what a great way to live, if you could always do things that interest you, and do them with people who interest you.
It's not in baseball's interest or the players' interest to be taking this stance. It's the people's game.
Creative capitalism takes this interest in the fortunes of others and ties it to our interest in our own fortunes in ways that help advance both. This hybrid engine of self-interest and concern for others can serve a much wider circle of people than can be reached by self-interest or caring alone.
My interest in foreign policy is above the average voter's interest. That doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it.
Those laws, being forged for universal application, are in perpetual conflict with personal interest, just as personal interest is always in contradiction with the general interest. Good for society, our laws are very bad for the individuals whereof it is composed; for, if they one time protect the individual, they hinder, trouble, fetter him for three quarters of his life.
We should have an inclusive growth model in India. Agro-interest is also as important as industrial interest. — © Baba Kalyani
We should have an inclusive growth model in India. Agro-interest is also as important as industrial interest.
Asset values and earning power are the dominant factors affecting the valuation of a controlling interest in a business. Market price, which governs valuation of minority interest positions, is of little or no importance in valuing a controlling interest.
It's not in our interest, nor in the interest of other countries in the region, for terrorists to regroup again.
A comprehensive approach to a two-state solution is not just, we believe, in Israel's interest. It's in our interest.
The full life depends, not on the range of experience but on the intensity of the interest, the emotion involved, and on its being a personal interest.
Yes, people do come across the street to say hi, but as they approach and get near, my perception of space begins to dissolve, and a new interest takes over that is primarily emotional, and with it comes a desire to touch, which may be a human interest, but not the interest of my work.
My interest in India began with my interest in Indian painting and music and that grew.
Business and the state have a common interest; not an adversarial interest.
The Jewish usurers are fast-rooted even in the smallest villages, and if they lend five gulden they require a security of six times as much. They charge interest, upon interest, and upon this again interest, so that the poor man loses everything that he owns.
Indifference looks like detachment, but it is not; indifference is simply no interest. Detachment is not absence of interest - detachment is absolute interest, tremendous interest, but still with the capacity of non-clinging. Enjoy the moment while it is there and when the moment starts disappearing, as everything is bound to disappear, let it go. That is detachment.
The real challenge was to model all the interest rates simultaneously, so you could value something that depended not only on the three-month interest rate, but on other interest rates as well.
There is no self-interest completely unrelated to others' interests. Due to the fundamental interconnectedness which lies at the heart of reality, your interest is also my interest. From this it becomes clear that "my" interest and "your" interest are intimately connected. In a deep sense, they converge.
There's a big difference between showing interest and really taking interest.
I don't think of my books as being biographies. I never had any interest in doing a book just to write the life of a great man. I had zero interest in that. My interest is in power. How power works.
An individual, in promoting his own interest, may injure the public interest; a nation, in promoting the general welfare, may check the interest of a part of its members.
It [piano lessons] wasn't a priority, but it was an interest and through that I became acquainted with classical music, which was a main interest at the time.
Donald Trump has shown no interest in working toward increasing the minimum wage, no interest in doing anything but immigrant baiting, no interest in doing anything but filling the swamp with a band of billionaires who are simply trying to help the wealthy.
My interest as a writer is not in reflecting actual human speech, which, of course, does not occur in sentences and is totally undiagrammable. My interest is in trying to reflect the reality of experience - how we feel when we talk to each other, how we feel when we're engaging with questions that interest us.
For me, I've got no interest in being a celebrity, and I have no interest in doing photographs, going to this party or that.
[T]he most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property. Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society. Those who are creditors, and those who are debtors, fall under a like discrimination. A landed interest, a manufacturing interest, a mercantile interest, a moneyed interest, with many lesser interests, grow up of necessity in civilized nations, and divide them into different classes, actuated by different sentiments and views.
Surely the test of a novel's characters is that you feel a strong interest in them and their affairs the good to be successful, the bad to suffer failure. Well, in John Ward, you feel no divided interest, no discriminating interest you want them all to land in hell together, and right away.
Complete free trade is not politically feasible. Why? Because it's only in the general interest and in no one's special interest.
It is vain to talk of the interest of the community, without understanding what is the interest of the individual
All interest in disease and death is only another expression of interest in life.
I try to persuade people to act in ways that are not only in their own interest, but in the interest of society at large. — © Eric Schlosser
I try to persuade people to act in ways that are not only in their own interest, but in the interest of society at large.
I have no technical psychological interest; it is drama, speech,and events that interest me.
We don't have a rooting interest. We have an interest in watching people excel and then coming up with creative ways to describe it.
When I was very young, I took no interest in party politics. My line of interest was how can you be part of an influence to the society that you live in.
Germany has to put the broader European interest on the same level as its own national interest, or the euro is toast.
What governments and people don't realise is that sometimes the collective interest - the international interest - is also the national interest.
The appointment of the next Supreme Court justice must be made in the people's interest and in the nation's interest, not in the interest of any partisan faction.
I have an expression I use as I've gone around the world through my career: 'You never tell another man or woman what's in their interest. They know their interest better than you know their interest.'
The genius of capitalism lies in its ability to make self-interest serve the wider interest. The potential of a big financial return for innovation unleashes a broad set of talented people in pursuit of many different discoveries. This system, driven by self-interest, is responsible for the incredible innovations that have improved so many lives.
It is in the interest of the government and also the interest of the nation that things are done properly and that there is due process and that we are not unfair.
I have no interest in art. Let me clarify — I have no interest in non-nude images.
Politics now is really only about self-interest, which means it has violence built into it because your self-interest is going to collide with the self-interest of the rest of the world. That's inevitable.
You must place interest in principle above interest on principal. — © Julian Bond
You must place interest in principle above interest on principal.
It is vain to talk of the interest of the community, without understanding what is the interest of the individual.
Interest is the most important thing in life; happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous.
Fighting the terrorists in Syria is not only in the interest of Syria or the Syrian people; in the interest of the Middle East, of Europe itself - something that many officials in the West don't see or don't realize or don't acknowledge - and in the interest of the Russian people, because they have been facing terrorists for decades now.
No, I'm not interested in politics. I have zero interest. I have interest in hope and people.
The human interest, and the natural interest, and the spiritual interest of this planet need to begin to take a priority over the corporate interest, the military interest, and the materialistic interests.
If you are given a public responsibility, you have to listen, weigh up all the issues, but ultimately you have to form a view of what you genuinely think is in the public interest... put the public interest above the vested interest.
If surface water can be compared with interest income, and non-renewable groundwater with capital, then much of the West was living mainly on interest income. California was milking interest and capital in about equal proportion. The plains states, however, were devouring capital as a gang of spendthrift heirs might squander a great capitalist's fortune.
Public interest criteria does not mean criteria that the public decides are in its interest. It means that the elite - via various appointed bodies - decide what the public's interest is for them.
The most important, what I believe myself to do, is what is the interest of Lebanon, what is the interest of my country and my nation? And I'm going to do it fully.
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