Top 157 Interval Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Interval quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
There's no use in comparing one's feelings between one day and the next; you must allow a reasonable interval, for the direction of change to show itself.
No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation.
If ever I do a mean action, it must be in some interval betwixt one passion and another. — © Laurence Sterne
If ever I do a mean action, it must be in some interval betwixt one passion and another.
Art comes into being in that abstract interval between a thought and reality, and no one - not even the artist who created it - can remeasure the influences that caused it.
Reading a book you are not enjoying is a torture not to be undertaken without a reward. I leave plays at the interval, too!
Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness.
Will our souls, hurrying on in diverse paths, unite once more, as if the interval had been a dream?
There is usually a long interval between important scientific discoveries and impact on human health.
My favorite thing do is HITT workouts, or high interval intensity workouts. like to do that because I'm not really a cardio person.
We would willingly, and without remorse, sacrifice not only the present moment, but all the interval (no matter how long) that separates us from any favorite object.
If I don't do high-intensity interval training classes for an hour every morning and yoga a few days a week, I get depressed.
The manager could not even talk to us at the interval. He said we were bad.
I still do intense interval training. I like miles and quarters best. In races I can set my mind, and I believe I could break 2:20 again. — © Catherine Ndereba
I still do intense interval training. I like miles and quarters best. In races I can set my mind, and I believe I could break 2:20 again.
Besides surfing, I play tennis, volleyball, I swim, I run hills, or I do high-intensity, high-interval workouts. I'm up at 5 A.M. every day.
It has been strange to me to return to life and to feel that I have any sympathy with human beings, after the long interval of quiet and indifference which succeeded my marriage.
It is the hour of pearl—the interval between day and night when time stops and examines itself.
I can sleep anywhere! I can come off stage during the interval of a play, lie down for four minutes then wake up feeling better.
Ideas in modern Russia are machine-cut blocks coming in solid colors; the nuance is outlawed, the interval walled up, the curve grossly stepped.
If I liken the Pacific War to a football match, I can say to you that the first half is over, we have kicked off after the interval, and we are going to carry the ball into enemy territory for a smashing victory.
I do interval training, high intensity dance, and yoga. I do run a lot, but more for speed.
And the only thing to do with a sin is to confess, do penance and then, after some kind of decent interval, ask for forgiveness.
There was nothing for it but to pace through just behind or ahead of the spooling present that was never there, caught in the nonexistent interval between the nonexistent past and the nonexistent future.
He came after Homer and before Gertrude Stein, a difficult interval for a poet.
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
An interval of meditation, serious and grateful, was the best corrective of everything dangerous.
There is a frightful interval between the seed and the timber.
The yearning for an afterlife is the opposite of selfish: it is love and praise for the world that we are privileged, in this complex interval of light, to witness and experience.
Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain - grief is an interval between two moments of joy.
To leave no interval between the sentence and the fulfillment of it doth beseem God only, the Immutable!
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. The dark background which death supplies brings out the tender colours of life in all their purity.
We have long passed the Victorian Era when asterisks were followed after a certain interval by a baby.
When I'm not on the ice, I do interval work on the bike or the elliptical, trying to mimic a four-minute routine. But it doesn't come close.
My central quest was to have a piece played on the saxophone sound like more than one instrument, exploiting different registers and wide interval leaps.
After an interval of two and a half centuries, the tradition of mystic illumination renewed itself in Italy and Germany.
Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.
It was the noise Of ancient trees falling while all was still Before the storm, in the long interval Between the gathering clouds and that light breeze Which Germans call the Wind's bride.
America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.
That is the remarkable thing about drinking: it brings people together so quickly, but between night and morning it sets an interval again of years. — © Erich Maria Remarque
That is the remarkable thing about drinking: it brings people together so quickly, but between night and morning it sets an interval again of years.
My workouts are mostly interval-based, so I'm never running at a constant speed. I'm always switching it up because I don't want my body getting used to one thing in particular.
He actually listened, rather than pretending to listen while waiting a suitable interval before it was his time to talk again.
Constantinople was the principal seat and fortress of Arianism; and, in a long interval of forty years, the faith of the princes and prelates who reigned in the capital of the East was rejected in the purer schools of Rome and Alexandria.
But the time has come; the revelation has already occurred, and the guardian seers have seen the lightning strike the darkness we call reality. And now we sleep in the brief interval between the lightning and the thunder.
The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the new constitutes a period of transition which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism.
Civilizaton is the interval between Ice Ages.
Cents are the most universally used interval measure.
Platonic friendship-the interval between the introduction and the first kiss.
Shakespeare has way too many lines. My ideal theatre piece is about 40 minutes long with no interval.
I have my turbo bike at home, so I can do high cadence stuff and interval sessions on there, and then I get out on the road once a week to do a 50km ride. — © Kadeena Cox
I have my turbo bike at home, so I can do high cadence stuff and interval sessions on there, and then I get out on the road once a week to do a 50km ride.
Seeing a murder on television can help us unload the feelings of hate themselves. If you do not have feelings of hatred, may be obtained in the advertising interval.
I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.
In love longing I listen to the monk's bell. I will never forget you even for an interval short as those between the bell notes.
Once I went to watch 'Hatari' with my Mama and there was a rhino attack scene where I cried so much that they had to take me back home at interval.
[The child receives impressions like] a photographic exposure that can be developed after any interval of time and transformed into a picture.
Your life on earth will be, as always, the interval between two significant glances in a mundane mirror.
He said that few people had intellectual resources sufficient to forgo the pleasures of wine. They could not otherwise contrive how to fill the interval between dinner and supper.
Darkness is to space what silence is to sound, i.e., the interval.
Interface, of the resonant interval as 'where the action is', whether chemical, psychic or social, involves touch.
The bond between friends cannot be broken by chance; no interval of time or space can destroy it. Not even death itself can part true friends.
CHILDHOOD: The rapidly shrinking interval between infancy and first arrest on a drug or weapons charge.
My calculations - allowing for a 12 percent margin of error, based on the radius of the corresponding confidence interval and the surgeon general's warning - concluded that they probably didn't stay behind for the tacos.
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