Top 269 Invaluable Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Invaluable quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Read books, listen to tapes, attend seminars-they are decades of wisdom reduced to invaluable hours.
Patients reported that their psychedelic sessions were an invaluable experiential training for dying.
I'm squandering invaluable gray matter by censoring myself. — © Faith Salie
I'm squandering invaluable gray matter by censoring myself.
A good reputation for yourself and your company is an invaluable asset not reflected in the balance sheets.
It is invaluable to have a friend who shares your interests and helps you stay motivated.
To have a director's direct feedback is invaluable.
A man who is available for lunch, has no wife, is interested in everything, and talks well is socially invaluable.
In presidential campaigns, experience as a candidate is an invaluable asset.
Science is not ... a perfect instrument, but it is a superb and invaluable tool that works harm only when taken as an end in itself.
The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards
I went to collect the few personal belongings which...I held to be invaluable: my cat, my resolve to travel, and my solitude.
China can and will be an invaluable trading partner to both the U.S. and the U.K.
With the Internet, you can get lots of info in advance, but a local person who knows how to work the system is invaluable. — © Peter Menzel
With the Internet, you can get lots of info in advance, but a local person who knows how to work the system is invaluable.
What is a diary as a rule? A document useful to the person who keeps it. Dull to the contemporary who reads it and invaluable to the student, centuries afterwards, who treasures it.
I already have it, but a good keyboard is invaluable when you spend a lot of time typing. My favorite one is the ancient IBM Model M I have at home.
Crowdsourcing is an invaluable resource for filmmakers, but be prepared for an enormous amount of work.
The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards.
Married life teaches one invaluable lesson: to think of things far enough ahead not to say them.
I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury, in order that I may be able to go down into the country whenever I choose.
I have found in my experience of war, that plans are useless, but planning is invaluable.
Polytechnique is a school whose multidisciplinary, very high scientific level curriculum is invaluable.
The advice I give is that, tempting as it is, getting the training you can get from law firm experience is really invaluable. It teaches you not just what you know but what you don't.
He missed an invaluable opportunity to hold his tongue.
My experience at the White House was invaluable.
As a research tool, the internet is invaluable.
Having an education is invaluable.
The experience I have is invaluable and being able to share my confidence and knowledge of the game is one of my biggest strengths.
I think of how much I've learned from doing television, and it is so invaluable.
Everyone's job is invaluable. Film and TV production is collaboration.
We must wait for the official history of the Chinese Revolution to record in greater detail the invaluable work of our Japanese friends.
You have a grand gift for silence, Watson. It makes you quite invaluable as a companion.
Just having more days of being the director on the ground, that's been invaluable.
Everything starts and ends with the song, and working with writers and really learning their process and craft was an invaluable experience.
The gift of giving and paying it forward has always been traits I consider to be invaluable.
Time is a resource, much like money or autonomy, which can be invaluable or can be squandered.
Remember that you are at an exceptional hour in a unique epoch, that you have this great happiness, this invaluable privilege, of being present at the birth of a new world.
Having a good network can be invaluable. It opens doors for you and allows you to enter into opportunities that are beneficial to your business.
I'm so grateful for all the experiences I've had; the life lessons I've learned along the way are just completely invaluable. — © Gretchen Bleiler
I'm so grateful for all the experiences I've had; the life lessons I've learned along the way are just completely invaluable.
What to do Before Your Book Launch is the new invaluable tool for writers. There is so much to know and now it’s all in one place.
It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds; and these invaluable communications are within the reach of all.
Optimism is invaluable for the meaningful life. With a firm belief in a positive future, you can throw yourself into the service of that which is larger than you are.
In what light soever we regard the Bible, whether with reference to revelation, to history, or to morality, it is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue.
While entrepreneurs spend a lot of effort trying to avoid failure, sometimes the lessons one learns from those missteps can be invaluable.
I think that life force is invaluable.
Plans are worthless, but planning is invaluable.
Practice is invaluable... honesty is indispensable.
A pioneering and invaluable work about what it really takes to build innovation capability in society.
Be sure to read a recipe all the way through before you cook. The time it saves you in the long run is invaluable. — © Tom Douglas
Be sure to read a recipe all the way through before you cook. The time it saves you in the long run is invaluable.
Failing can provide invaluable lessons and making mistakes and experiencing setbacks is part of the DNA of every successful entrepreneur.
the knowledge of personal failure ... is the invaluable predicate of all honest compassion.
The United States provides Israel with crucial security and economic aid and invaluable political backing in the international arena.
Polytechnique is a school whose multi disciplinary, very high scientific level curriculum is invaluable.
The use of proverbs is characteristic of an unlettered people. They are invaluable treasures to dunces with good memories.
There's just nothing to me so invaluable in my business, but in many businesses, as great mentors.
The most important and invaluable lesson I've learnt in the past 20 years of being in filmdom is to never look back.
Obviously, anytime you have family or friends or anybody who has been in the business you're in or been down the path, it's an invaluable asset, an invaluable centre for advice.
Self-discipline, as a virtue or an acquired asset, can be invaluable to anyone.
We all know that reading is an invaluable life skill. It is vital for children in their education and as they take their place in the grown-up world.
The time I've spent in professional Premiership club rugby has been invaluable.
To the medical man, astrology is invaluable in diagnosing diseases and prescribing a remedy, for it reveals the hidden cause of all ailments.
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