Top 1200 Investigative Journalism Quotes & Sayings - Page 14

Explore popular Investigative Journalism quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The lowest form of popular culture - lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives - has overrun real journalism.
Most of us entered journalism and joined 'news organizations' because we care about the greater good. We strive to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Anybody who's spent thirteen or fourteen years in print journalism has a lot of stories he thinks were inwardly satisfying as far as preparation, understanding, and diligence.
Amateurism has its place in government, in journalism and also on the tennis court, but lack of expertise means politicians routinely promise far more than they achieve.
Journalism, some huge percentage of it, should be devoted to putting pressure on power, on nonsense, on chicanery of all kinds and if that's going to invite a lawsuit, well, bring it on.
I said in 2008 the media is dead in America. Journalism's dead. — © Sean Hannity
I said in 2008 the media is dead in America. Journalism's dead.
I don't want to paint everybody with the same broad brush. But I do think that the majority of folks now in the briefing room, that are going into journalism - they're not there for the facts and the pursuit of the truth.
'Ugly Betty' has opened my eyes to the world of fashion journalism - I'm looking forward to going to college for that. Until then, I don't know. Will I appear on 'Glee?'
If the next thing I do is not necessarily filling the role of 'the future of journalism,' it'll probably be whatever is making me happiest, and that's enough for me.
I think the term 'fair reporting' is overused when it comes to journalism. I think saying they want to report evenly is more accurate.
I think that a failure of statistical thinking is the major intellectual shortcoming of our universities, journalism and intellectual culture.
I studied broadcast journalism at Pepperdine University. After a short career in television with MTV and later on at FX Network, I found my true calling in Eventbrite.
Language, journalism, food, sex. All is politics. Even innocent love stories are politics. ... There is no such thing as neutrality.
We don't consider ourselves equal opportunity anythings, because that's not - you know, that's the beauty of fake journalism. We don't have to - we travel in fake ethics.
I want to go to college to study journalism. I want to speak French fluently, to travel. My mom was a journalist and it's in my blood.
When I left Toronto and entered journalism in the late 1990s, I had many notions about the news business, nearly all of them wrong, as it turned out. — © Tom Rachman
When I left Toronto and entered journalism in the late 1990s, I had many notions about the news business, nearly all of them wrong, as it turned out.
I guess I went into journalism to save the world. I always felt through writing that I wanted to rotate the world slightly.
I started in journalism: my first magazine, I developed when I was 10. I sent it round to the neighbors. I also sent it to the Queen of England.
Confrontation is not a dirty word. Sometimes it's the best kind of journalism as long you don't confront people just for the sake of a confrontation.
I've been able to write at least one book a year for 20 years, and I don't think I would've had that kind of drive if I hadn't come out of the journalism business.
TV journalism is a much more collaborative, horizontal business than print reporting. It has to be, because of the logistics. Anchors are wholly dependent on producers to do all the hustling
And I really believe good journalism is good business.
Liberal humanists now seem to dominate the fields of art, journalism, and communication, which are powerful and uniquely able to spread anti-Christian thought.
What journalism is really about-it's to monitor power and the centres of power.
I'm not knocking the wholesale grocery business or any other, but there is a kind of romance in journalism which some people, the lucky ones, feel inside them all their lives.
There's so much information and journalism on television. We have too much to absorb.
The truth is, "What is a journalist?" is one of those questions for which there is no proper answer. The prehistory of modern journalism shows it has been a ragged and confusing trade all the way through.
We have lost the good old British spirit. Instead we have American journalism and black-shirted buffoons making a cheap imitation of ice-cream sellers.
The danger of the blogosphere is reading only those you agree with. While there are right-wing blogs that are entertaining freak shows, it's hard to find substantial journalism there.
The quality of democracy and the quality of journalism are deeply entwined.
TV journalism is a much more collaborative, horizontal business than print reporting. It has to be, because of the logistics. Anchors are wholly dependent on producers to do all the hustling.
I was raised by a formidable woman. She always pushed me to be competitive in a man's world. That's maybe one of the attractions to journalism in the beginning. It was a male profession, and I was comfortable in that.
It is one of the paradoxes of journalism: The more servile a reporter is toward his sources, the more authoritative he can appear in print.
The lowest form of popular culture - lack of information, misinformation, disinformation and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives - has overrun real journalism.
Certainly in my own body of reporting, I was very acutely aware of the risk of any mischaracterized journalism and the need for anything I put out to be absolutely bulletproof.
I'm fascinated by journalism. I put a keen eye, not a negative eye, on its role, particularly how it is changed by the times we're living in.
My master's degree was in journalism, but everything important I ever learned about being a journalist I learned on the job.
The secret of successful journalism is to make your readers so angry they will write half your paper for you.
Concussions is one of these pack journalism issues, frankly. There's no increase in concussions. The number is relatively small. The problem is, it is a journalist issue.
The biggest problem I have in journalism is being quoted or misquoted and then being asked to defend something I haven't said.
A mere chronicle of observed events will produce only journalism; combined with a sensitive memory, it can produce art. — © Hallie Burnett
A mere chronicle of observed events will produce only journalism; combined with a sensitive memory, it can produce art.
Journalism encourages haste ... and haste is the enemy of art.
There is no other industry that is more self-congratulatory and self-delusional than journalism. Well, maybe with the exception of Hollywood.
Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault.
Journalism will kill you, but it will keep you alive while you're at it.
If political cartoonists continue to rely on newspapers, we may be in serious trouble. It's a very transferable form of journalism, though - it works great on Web sites.
poetry has been able to function quite directly as human interpretation of the raw, loose universe. It is a mixture, if you will, of journalism and metaphysics, or of science and religion.
At the end of the day, there is still one function of journalism that cannot be computerized, and that is reporters. You're always going to need reporters.
I always thought writing was the foundation and the basis for journalism in the same way being able to draw is the foundation for art.
It would be easy to descend into despair, not only about the state of journalism, but the future of American democracy. But giving up is not an option. There is too much at stake.
We are trained to distinguish between journalism that's short and long, that's responsible and irresponsible, that stands for the right values and stands for the wrong.
In journalism it is simpler to sound off than it is to find out. It is more elegant to pontificate than it is to sweat. — © Harold Evans
In journalism it is simpler to sound off than it is to find out. It is more elegant to pontificate than it is to sweat.
Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalism at legacy publications.
I think it's always really important in broadcast to be able to get different views across and not just go down one route, because that's essentially journalism.
I don't really think of 'Frontline' as a strictly public affairs series; I think of it as a work of journalism that is constantly reinventing itself.
My love of sports and my love of journalism coincided. One fed the other.
Poetry, the best of it, is lunar and is concerned with the essential insanities. Journalism is solar (there are numerous newspapers named The Sun, none called The Moon) and is devoted to the inessential.
Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journalism and you know how reliable that is.
Most of us entered journalism and joined "news organizations" because we care about the greater good. We strive to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Do you have a year to tell you what I have been through as a woman working in journalism? I went through hell. A lot of discrimination, everything you can think of.
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