Top 1200 Irish Music Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Irish Music quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I kind of got into music in middle school, although at the time I didn't know it as punk music so much as just rock music.
Everything I do, I'm always playing music. When I wake up in the morning, I'm playing music. When I'm showering, I've got music playing. When I go to the field, music is playing.
The only other style of music that attempts to go to the deeper place of the silence that is music is New Age music. — © John Michael Talbot
The only other style of music that attempts to go to the deeper place of the silence that is music is New Age music.
Clearly, things are definitely changing in big ways as far as the way we consume music, listen to music, and what we expect from music.
Musicians do music for the girls. We do music for the money. We do music for the recognition, for the rock and roll history. But we also do it because it's fun.
I can't pretend that I don't subscribe to Internet music culture in that I discover new music and old music simultaneously.
Everyone loves to run with music in their ears, but when the music becomes adaptive, the music plays a more important role in the experience.
That's the thing with all of us music geeks - music is the soundtrack to the things that happen in our lives, and there's music that's unique to that movie.
I am such a music fiend. I go after so many different types of music. I'm on iTunes constantly just buying new music!
In ancient times music was the foundation of all the sciences. Education was begun with music with the persuasion that nothing could be expected of a man who was ignorant of music.
I see music in colours. I love music that's black, pink, purple or red - but I hate music that's green, yellow or brown.
I'll give up this sort of touring madness certainly, but music-everything is based on music. No, I'll never stop my music.
There's always been good and bad music. Many composers hide behind modern music in order to not make music. — © Pepe Romero
There's always been good and bad music. Many composers hide behind modern music in order to not make music.
I think I go with the Duke Ellington view on music. He said, 'There's two kinds of music - there's good music, and then there's the other kind.'
All those haters, they don't understand my music. It's very unique. And I don't blame them. Hate my music. But my real cult fanbase, they like the music.
The Indian music scene is completely dominated by Bollywood music. We need to create space for indi-pop music.
Real music is what I consider to be uncorporatized music, the music that just happens. I feel like that's not a very well-known thing.
The Clash were innovative, radical and helped drive a change in music that was ground-breaking. In comparison to some of the music today they sounded like they meant it. I still listen to their music today to remind myself what music made with commitment sounds like.
Most people have a passive relationship with music and clothes, with culture. But music was my first contact with anything creative. Music is it, as far as I'm concerned.
Radio... force-feeds us music... everywhere and all the time... sewage-water music in which music is dying.
Dabbling in music and being in music when I was young I had my own view of what I thought music was whether it was jazz, r&b, or hip hop.
I'm not sure if a grinning Irish guy who is speechless for 45 seconds is going to make good TV.
I think the music industry is something that's very separate from music. So, by always staying on the music side of it, I've found success.
Music is my religion. Music is the only thing that has never failed me. People let you down, music won't.
Poetry is music though, unfortunately, not all music is poetry. Because music has other carriers to take its message - beats, lyrics, singers, bass players - anyone in music can rise to make a major statement but in poetry there are only words to do the work. And they do sometimes have to sweat.
The 'music industry' is not a term I use. I tend to concentrate on music, and the music business is something different.
If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.
I'm a big fan of music, I'm a student of music, and I just wanna learn and keep enhancing my education about the music.
To me, music is not a stunt. Music is not a joke. I take every lick of music that I've ever played very serious.
Music is creation. In reggae the lyric, the music itself, arrangement, that vibe, such melody - everything within the music moves the people, understand?
I've been a big music guy for a long time and a lot of my books have music in them so I like music analogies.
I grew up listening to a lot of emo music, a lot of rock music, a lot of rap music, a lot of trap music, funk, everything.
Northeastern folk music influenced me from a very young age. Sachin Dev Burman is one of the inspirational musicians in Indian film music. The way he fused folk music with his signature style is amazing. So, I am aware of the beauty of northeast folk music.
I'm a very outgoing guy when it comes to music and I like all kinds of sounds of music and genres of music.
Music is my No. 1 passion. If you made me choose between music and food, it's definitely music.
Music gets inside you, music captures you. Music becomes your heartbeat. It’s a drug and makes you feel whatever the song’s about.
And of course, in my writing, there is the constant theme of music, love of, preoccupation with, music. Music is the single thread making my life into a coherency.
I very much enjoy working with talented filmmakers who have a good sense for music, who have a strong feel for music and for what music can do in a film. — © Johann Johannsson
I very much enjoy working with talented filmmakers who have a good sense for music, who have a strong feel for music and for what music can do in a film.
Americana Music is about all sorts of different music. It's very free and open: a world where people just like authentic music.
Pop music, disco music, and heavy metal music is about shutting out the tensions of life, putting it away.
[My parents] worked hard all week long, and the way they celebrated and rejoiced in life was by making music on weekends. And that music was Country Music.
I listen to everything from, you know, Buddha Bar groove music to international music, Italian music, like Eros. I like very sexy, funky music like Maxwell, Angie Stone, R&B...In my CD player, I've probably got Maxwell, Beyonce, Enrique Iglesias, and kid music...maybe some AC/DC. I mean a little bit of everything. It depends on what I'm doing.
Folk music has been our popular music... There is a myth that youngsters only like heavy metal or rock music, but that's not true.
I always write my novels with music (I don't listened to the music seriously.) Music seems to encourage me.
I'm still trying to do me and just make good music and quality music, music that you can feel.
I'm not as aware of categories in music as some people are. To me it's just music. I'm interested in all kinds of music.
I listen to music all the time. I need music and I love music and I appreciate it. It inspires me.
I've become kind of a haven for people who like pop music, but that's not the only thing they like. They also like music in general and want to be able to expand their own horizons. They haven't completely given up on music and are willing to have somebody mediate new things that are happening in music to them.
Maybe I'm genetically more inclined to music - but the music I make is so far removed from Indian classical music. I grew up in Texas! — © Norah Jones
Maybe I'm genetically more inclined to music - but the music I make is so far removed from Indian classical music. I grew up in Texas!
Music is my life, if I am without music or if I can't sing any more, I die, I'm nothing... because music is everything.
I don't listen to much music on the go because I tend either to be writing my own music or wanting a break from the music around me.
I hear music Mighty fine music, The murmur of a morning breeze up there The rattle of the milkman on the stair Sure that's music.
What is normally called religion is what I would tend to call music - participating in music, listening to music, making records and singing.
I think the music that speaks to me the most is music that is personal. And that's the music that I'm trying to make.
I always wanted to know what the music behind some music was, or where it came from, and that gave me a point of reference for understanding the music I was listening to.
To me, there's two kinds of music these days. There's ephemeral music, and there's music that has lasting power and depth.
You know a photo session is really a dance and making sure that they're comfortable and for me it's the music, the music, the music. That is everything.
My proposition is that music is at the heart of what 'The Magic Flute' means: that it's Mozart's music, not the words, we should be attending to. Music expresses what can't be expressed otherwise.
It is the responsibility of music composers to add some classical music elements into their songs to make the music genre popular.
Music always stimulates my imagination. When I'm writing I usually have some Baroque music on low in the background chamber music by Bach, Telemann, and the like.
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