Top 1200 Islamic Faith Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Islamic Faith quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
I have been an atheist my entire adult life. I do not proselytize, however. Nor do I question the faith of others. I just don't want to be obliged to accept someone else's faith as a factor in my government.
If there is one thing French Muslims want, it is to be rid of the daily pressures imposed on them by Islamic fundamentalists.
For Pakistan, Kashmir represents the infeasibility of secular nationalism and underscores the need for an Islamic theocracy in the subcontinent. — © Nyla Ali Khan
For Pakistan, Kashmir represents the infeasibility of secular nationalism and underscores the need for an Islamic theocracy in the subcontinent.
Crossing the starting line may be an act of courage, but crossing the finish line is an act of faith. Faith is what kepes us going when nothing else will. Faith is the emotion that will give you victory over your past, the demons in your soul, & all of those voices that tell you what you can & cannot do & can & cannot be.
Certainly there are various trans-Islamic political movements, which try to appeal to Muslims in all societies.
My faith is in my colleagues. And when I meet other writers, journalists, who've been doing this for a long time, trying to make us aware of what it is that we're living in, I put my faith in those people.
Ethics must be reintroduced to public service to restore people's faith in government. Without such faith, democracy cannot flourish. Your ambitious agenda is filling a desperate need.
Israel is the vanguard of the free world against the Islamic terrorism of ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran.
I don't feel God is what people have said He is throughout generations. For me it's a faith. People sometimes lose the concept of faith.
Take your faith out of the lies! Free your faith, and you will see how powerful you become.
The spontaneous expansion of the Church reduced to its elements is a very simple thing...What is necessary is faith. What is needed is the kind of faith which uniting a man to Christ, sets him on fire.
In the Islamic world, the U.S. is seen in two quite different ways. One view recognizes what an extraordinary country the U.S. is.
You discover your true faith when you start flowing with your conscience. After lessons, visions, and theories validate themselves to you, you build faith in that hypothesis/ feeling/ idea that originated from your own heart and mind - not that of others. Before you submit to any one religion, create your own and find which one out there resonates closest with the one already in your heart. This is the way to choose your faith.
How in the world could you ever imagine a life of faith that does not require risk? Faith and risk are inseparable. — © Erwin McManus
How in the world could you ever imagine a life of faith that does not require risk? Faith and risk are inseparable.
In our faith we follow in someone's steps. In our faith we leave footprints to guide others. It's the principle of discipleship
The city of Tehran is a very modern metropolis, and there's an emphasis in the Islamic republic on science and advancement and technology.
The most important element in human life is faith; if God were to take away all his blessings-health, physical fitness, wealth, intelligence-and leave me with but one gift I would ask him for faith. For with faith in him and his goodness, mercy and love for me, and belief in everlasting life, I believe I could suffer the loss of all my other gifts and still be happy.
I have total faith in my abilities, total faith in what I can do on the pitch, and I just have to focus on that, on my game, and help the team be successful, and I have no worries.
My faith falters at times. But I have a very, very strong faith in work ethic, for lack of a better way of putting it.
Islamic extremism is the prime enemy of civil society and social peace, both in Italy and in Israel.
You have to know evolution to understand the natural world. And that cannot be a threat to people of faith. There's a serious problem if you are forced by your faith to reject the most well-supported theory in all of science.
If you're going to vote for somebody because you think they have a great faith in God, you'd better be sure that God has faith in them.
The fight against radical Islamic terrorists and ISIS has been called the war of our time.
We call on all members of America's religious communities, as a testament of our common faith, to join Faithful Security, and to take action immediately to break faith with nuclear weapons.
Why should we be willing to go by faith? We do all things in this world by faith in the word of others. By faith only we know our position in the world, our circumstances, our rights and privileges, our fortunes, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our age, our mortality. Why should Religion be an exception?
Nothing is more dangerous to one's own faith than the work of an apologist. No doctrine of that faith seems to me so spectral, so unreal as one that I have just successfully defended in a public debate.
In your intercourse with sects, the sublime and abstruse doctrines of Christian belief belong to the Church; but the faith of the individual, centred in his heart, is, or may be, collateral to them. Faith is subjective.
As I read the Qur'an and prayed the Islamic prayers, a door to my heart was unsealed and I was immersed in an overwhelming tenderness.
We must recognize that we cannot allow the Islamic State to continue to present an existential threat to America.
I have faith in all mankind. Well,not faith really, more like hopeful suspicion. And not "all" but 5 people. Mankind meaning computers.
Islamic State is not a threat for any particular country but for the entire world. India is alert about IS.
According to Islamic principles, when a man is accused of heresy, he is given the choice between repentance and punishment.
My faith is central to everything I do. My faith position is a Good Samaritan position of trying to watch out for the other person.
Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would "lief" or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, on the other hand, is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown. Belief clings, but faith lets go.
If I'm elected president, I am going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of America.
It is poor faith that needs fair weather for standing firm. That alone is true faith that stands the foulest weather.
Faith is the commitment of one's consciousness to beliefs for which one has no sensory evidence or rational proof. A mystic is a man who treats his feelings as tools of cognition. Faith is the equation of feeling with knowledge.
Faith does not imply a closed, but an open mind. Quite the opposite of blindness, faith appreciates the vast spiritual realities that materialists overlook by getting trapped in the purely physical.
The division between faith and reason is a half-measure, till it is frankly admitted that faith has to do with fiction, and reason with fact. — © Leslie Stephen
The division between faith and reason is a half-measure, till it is frankly admitted that faith has to do with fiction, and reason with fact.
Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith.
Maybe the reason faith is called faith is because seeing doesn't lead to belief, but belief transforms the way we see.
A natural faith is sufficient for trusting a human object; but a supernatural faith is required to trust savingly in a Divine object.
For faith, as well intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction - faith in fiction is a damnable false hope.
The most pressing question on the problem of faith is whether a man as a civilized being can believe in the divinity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, for therein rests the whole of our faith.
One must be thrust out of a finished cycle in life, and that leap is the most difficult to make - to part with one's faith, one's love, when one would prefer to renew the faith and recreate the passion.
Be thankful that sometimes God lets you struggle for a long time before that answer comes. Your character will grow; your faith will increase. There is a relationship between these two: the greater your faith, the stronger your character, and increased character enhances your ability to exercise even greater faith.
Jesus moved in a very poor world. People were seeking their own solutions. Many were helped - not that Jesus was helping - they were helped. And Jesus says again and again: "It is your faith that has healed you." When you have faith, compassion can pour into you. When you have faith, you are open to compassion.
Every time you love someone, you put not just your faith in them, but your faith in everything to the test.
If my house has collapsed at one blow, that is because it was a house of cards. The faith which 'took these things into account' was not faith but imagination. — © C. S. Lewis
If my house has collapsed at one blow, that is because it was a house of cards. The faith which 'took these things into account' was not faith but imagination.
To militant Islamists, the expulsion of the Soviets was just the prelude to purging the entire Islamic world of infidels.
The problem is that people think faith is something to be admired. In fact, faith means you believe in something for which you have no evidence.
The faith of a church or of a nation is an adequate faith only when it inspires and enables people to give of their time and energy to shape the various institutions - social, economic, and political - of the common life.
Through my Faith-Based and Community Initiative, my Administration continues to encourage the essential work of faith-based and community organizations. Governments can and should support effective social services, including those provided by religious people and organizations. When government gives that support, it is important that faith-based institutions not be forced to change their religious character.
I have absolutely no doubt that if you are a praying Christian, your faith in God is what is carrying you, through both the good times and the hard times. However, if you are not a praying person, you are carrying your faith - you are trying to make your faith work for you apart from your source of power - and trying to carry the infinite is very exhausting.
The most important thing in a person's life is his faith and how he translates his faith into practical deeds.
Sufering is only intolerable when nobody cares. One continually sees that faith in God and his care is made infinitely easier by faith in someone who has shown kindness and sympathy.
The self-proclaimed Islamic State cannot tolerate diversity, which is why we must celebrate it.
Men accept without questioning that this world is real and important and worthwhile. This is faith. Philosophy is the ongoing questioning of this faith.
We're facing an enemy today in the Islamic State that knows no national boundaries. It doesn't have a moral code of conduct.
The faith by which we live shall never vary in any age . . . for one is the faith which sanctifies the Just of all ages.
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