Top 117 Islamist Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Islamist quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I've lost count of the number of websites that try to 'out' every Muslim in public life as an extremist or Islamist of some shape or form.
America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization.
Remember, the Islamist view of democracy is: one man, one vote, one election, and that's it. — © John Fund
Remember, the Islamist view of democracy is: one man, one vote, one election, and that's it.
Choosing to arm and train the Islamist opposition against dictator Moammar Gadhafi unleashed its most ruthless terrorist elements.
One of the most significant threats to our national security was and is home-grown Islamist terrorism.
The Obama administration notoriously refuses to acknowledge that Islamists commit Islamist terror, so it logically follows that a Christian victim of Islamist violence should not address the issue lest it challenge accepted political orthodoxy.
Have you ever been called an Islamist? How about a jihadist or a terrorist? Extremist, maybe? Welcome to my world. It's pretty depressing.
We have to render Islamist extremism as unattractive as communism has become today.
Some Westerners […] have argued that the West does not have problems with Islam but only with violent Islamist extremists. Fourteen hundred years of history demonstrate otherwise.
Recently with IS and Islamist fanaticism, it has become easy for the Israeli government to simply push the Palestinian struggle for self-determination into the same ranks as these fundamentalist movements.
My mother began her political journey as a symbol of hope and resistance to the repressive, regressive, Islamist regime of General Ziaul Haq.
Now we have a generational threat struggle called Islamist extremism.
In Egypt, a civil state means a modern nationalist state that is compatible with Islamist provisions. — © Ali Gomaa
In Egypt, a civil state means a modern nationalist state that is compatible with Islamist provisions.
Financial globalisation and Islamist globalisation are helping each other out. Those two ideologies want to bring France to its knees.
The Islamist ideology took decades to incubate within our communities, and it will take decades to debunk.
When I returned to the United Kingdom, I found that I could no longer justify Islamist extremism as the antidote.
Radical Islamist terror is a crime against the entire free world, including against Israel.
The mainstream media and most of the political establishment are too quick to slander as 'nativist' the advocacy of barring of Islamist radicals from legal entry into the United States.
Elected president of the Republic, I would immediately, and with no hesitation, carry out the battle plan against Islamist terrorism and against judicial laxity.
I see no difference between a violent Islamist and a far-Right terrorist.
During my teenage years as an Islamist recruiter, I moved to live in self-contained communities in the London boroughs of Newham and Tower Hamlets.
Young people in particular need real options to find a decent job and to lift their lives. I'm not sure the new Islamist governments will be the best to promote prosperity and growth.
Chechnya is a pressure cooker of Islamist anger
The driving force behind today's terrorist threat is Islamist fundamentalism. The struggle we are engaged in is, at root, ideological. During the last century a strain of Islamist thinking has developed which, like other totalitarianisms, such as Nazism and Communism, offers its followers a form of redemption through violence.
Let's close all the Islamist mosques.
There were people who had sampled my voice from speeches when I was an Islamist and made them the chorus of pro-Islamist rap songs who then began talking about me as an apostate.
After much soul searching I was able to renounce my past Islamist ideology, challenging everything I was once prepared to die for.
You cannot stop an Islamist tsunami by building a small island somewhere in the ocean.
Virulent anti-Semitism is, of course, a staple of militant Islamist ideology.
I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state and evacuate territory gives territory away to radical Islamist attacks against Israel.
Islamist terrorism is a cancer on Islam, and Muslims themselves must fight it at our side.
Our own civilization has lost its way, and this makes us even more vulnerable to Islamist nihilism.
Islamist terrorism has declared war against us, against France, Europe, the entire world.
I was held in the Mazra Tora Prison for my role as leader of the pan-Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir in Alexandria.
The threat from the far right is as corrosive as the twisted Islamist ideologies so many Muslims have spoken out against.
Former Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi and the radical Islamist mullahs ruling Iran share many similarities, but honesty and negotiating in good faith are not among them.
The U.S. should prohibit perpetrators and supporters of Islamist brutality from entering the country while embracing advocates for religious freedom. End of story.
When actresses jump on the anti-Iraq bandwagon, they often combine down-home momism with an ignorance of Islamist intent which is truly awesome. — © Julie Burchill
When actresses jump on the anti-Iraq bandwagon, they often combine down-home momism with an ignorance of Islamist intent which is truly awesome.
Radical Islamist extremists surely hope that an attack on Iraq will kill many people and destroy much of the country, providing recruits for terrorist actions.
Nothing is more powerful than hearing from former members of the group that ISIS is not creating an Islamist utopia in the areas it controls, but a hell on earth.
I don't believe there is such a thing as a moderate Islamist party. The challenge with Islamists is that they seek to impose what they call Sharia on everybody, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
Unlike other Taliban groups, the Haqqanis' approach to mayhem was worldly and sophisticated: they recruited Arabs, Pakistanis, even Europeans, and they were influenced by the latest in radical Islamist thought.
The Egyptian military plays positive and negative roles in Egypt, but the most significant single thing it did under Mubarak was to guarantee an Islamist victory once he left the scene.
Whatever else their faults may be, they were not radical Islamist states - Iraq was not, Syria is not, Libya was not. The most radical fundamentalist Islamist state is, of course, your America's Saudi Arabia.
What we have seen with Islamist extremism, whether it is in Mali or Somalia or Afghanistan, is that the disease is not necessarily the individual country. The disease is the Islamist extremism, and that's what we have to fight; that's the narrative that we have to beat.
What we're seeing at the moment is people being radicalised or adopting Islamist, murderous Islamist ideology very, very quickly so that you have people that are not on the counterterrorism radar screen who then often, as a result of mental illness, will then attach themselves to this murderous ideology and then act very quickly.
We have entered a new phase in Islamist terror. Fifteen years after 9/11, our enemies have regained their momentum.
The overall feckless strategy against ISIS in Syria and Iraq enabled the Islamist organization to expand its domain and drive out more religious minorities. — © Pete Hoekstra
The overall feckless strategy against ISIS in Syria and Iraq enabled the Islamist organization to expand its domain and drive out more religious minorities.
President Erdogan is aiming Turkey at a Sharia nation. That’s where he wants to go. He is a Sharia law, full-fledged, one percent Islamist.
I will lead a fight against Islamist terrorism at every level.
In the radical Islamist jihad world, you're seeing more and more recruits going to ISIS rather than al-Qaida.
Today I want to puke when I hear the word 'radical' applied so slothfully and stupidly to Islamist murderers; the most plainly reactionary people in the world.
Islamist groups have gained influence at local and national level by playing the politics of identity and demanding for Muslims the 'right to be different.'
Strong Islamist trends make a fundamentalist Palestine more likely than a small state under a secular government.
The U.S. might have diminished al-Qaeda's capabilities in the border region of Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it has not diminished the threat from radical Islamist terrorists as a whole.
The key to tackling Islamist fundamentalism and terrorism from the Islamist community is in the hands of moderate Muslims.
We have to go into fundamentalist mosques; we have to stop foreign financing of Islamist groups.
If we can afford food stamps and housing subsidies, why not gun stamps to help urban citizens survive the next Islamist assault?
The greatest threat facing humanity is a radical Islamist regime meeting up with nuclear weapons.
The way to tackle Muslimphobia is to tackle prejudice against Muslims. What it is not is to pretend that Islamist extremism does not exist.
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