Top 308 Israelis Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Israelis quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Most Israelis do want to keep Israel safe. The question is how do you do that.
Israelis are the total Jews.
Germany is the place where when Hitler was the prime minister and supreme commander, he burned over six million Jews. This is because Hitler and all German people knew that Israelis are not people who are working in the interest of the world and that is why they burned the Israelis alive with gas in the soil of Germany.
There are many Israelis who live abroad and love the country. — © Beny Steinmetz
There are many Israelis who live abroad and love the country.
I remember my days as a graduate student at Stanford, within any leading university, a very active Israeli support, for Israel, Jews fighting for the cause of Israel. Now you find Israelis, former Israelis, and Arabs, and Jews, fighting for the Palestinian cause. We are somehow losing the moral high ground, and I keep telling our people it's great to deal with propaganda, to activate many ways, to deploy PR firms all around the world.
Israelis keep teaching you your own business. God knows everything but the Israelis know everything better.
It's Israelis who are ready to abandon the hard work of peace.
I'm not making excuses for the missed opportunities of the Israelis, or the lack of generosity, the lack of empathy that I think goes hand-in-hand with the suspicion. So, yes, there is more that the Israelis need to do to really demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds, and they want to figure out, within the bounds of security and a Jewish democratic state, what can be accomplished.
For a good chunk of Israelis, it doesn't matter who is in power when it comes to dealing with the Palestinians. Their focus was more on economic issues.
Yet the wonder of it all is that, while engaged in a seemingly endless struggle, the Israelis have managed to turn a desert into a garden.
When something is presented as an existential threat, it is very easy to scare the Israelis.
The only resolution is for the aspirations of both sides to be met through two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security. ... Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.
My goal is to embrace the people, the 'natural resources' of Israel, and to build businesses with the creative Israelis.
First of all, I think the Saudis are deeply concerned about the collapse of negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the resumption of conflict. — © Brent Scowcroft
First of all, I think the Saudis are deeply concerned about the collapse of negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the resumption of conflict.
If we see to it that the Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians have jobs, we will actually be securing our own future.
I'm sure that there are many Israelis who dream of waking up one day to find the Palestinians gone. And there are many Palestinians who dream of going to bed at night and waking up the next morning to find the Israelis gone.
There are many Israelis who are not keen on Barack Obama - they did not want to see him elected.
It's necessary for Israelis and Palestinians to make the compromises that are required to get the direct talks back on track.
I'm not representing anyone - not Israelis, not Palestinians - I'm just a storyteller trying to raise more questions than give answers.
Now, the United States' response, the western response to this is a continuation of the appeasement that was started back in the '50s with Eisenhower when Iran seized western oil companies. The Americans, the British, and the Israelis, as I remember, launched an attack to try to reclaim it and - or at least the British and the Israelis did and Eisenhower vetoed it.
You know, it is very clear that the Israelis, they don't want this plan and they don't agree.
Based on every statement I’ve heard out of any Republican in the last two years, the Israelis are controlling our government.
The Israelis object to an imposed settlement I don't know what they mean by an imposed settlement. It's quite obvious, without the all out support by the United States in money and weapons and so on the Israelis couldn't do what they've been doing. So we bear a very great share of the responsibility for the continuation of this...of this state of warfare.
Arab Israelis don't have the same voice as Jewish Israelis. If you look at the numbers, we are not equal. There are many reasons for this, some have to do with the fact that we are a bit primitive in the way we do certain things, others have to do with the government not giving us the same opportunities as Jews.
The idea that all Israelis are villains is a childish idea. Israel is the most deeply divided, argumentative society. You'll never find two Israelis that agree with one another - it's hard to find even one who agrees with himself or herself.
If there was genuine desire on the Israeli side, even without a solution, it would be possible to solve a large percentage of the problems between Israelis and Palestinians by means of simple statements from the Israelis.
Jerusalem doesn't belong only to Israelis and Palestinians, Muslims and Jews, but to the world.
The [Israelis] believed - they were possessed of an absolute certainty and conviction - that 'terrorists' were in Chatila. How could I explain to them that the terrorists had left, that the terrorists had worn Israeli uniforms, that the terrorists had been sent into Chatila by Israeli officers, that the victims of the terrorists were not Israelis but Palestinians and Lebanese?
Viewing Israelis and Palestinians from a psychological perspective, they would both be seen as victims of abuse; that is how they both understandably feel, and it's how they both understandably behave. The Jewish psyche is in victimized reaction to the Holocaust, and the Palestinian psyche is in victimized reaction to the Israelis.
I am always hearing from Israelis, 'Oh, CNN is anti-Israel,' or 'BBC is against us.' But no, they are reporting facts.
If there is any Arab problem we can solve it inside the Arab League. But we are going to deal with the other side, with the Israelis.... It is not me who will decide who will invite, to speak frankly. It is not me, it is not the Arab side, it is not the Israelis who will decide who will invite.
Israelis are displaying buds of xenophobia.
We must become Icelanders in soccer, Israelis in defending our land, Japanese in technology.
All Israelis think Arabs steal cars.
One cannot forsake the security of Israelis.
The Palestinians have tried everything, and by God, it's Israel's governments that taught us that the only thing the Israelis appreciate is force.
The Israelis haven't done anything to the Palestinians. They treated them with flowers and roses.
Israelis do not need to be lectured about the importance of peace by foreign leaders.
When you say to Israelis, 'European boycott,' they think it means that this year they won't get Camembert cheese on time... That is not the case. — © Yair Lapid
When you say to Israelis, 'European boycott,' they think it means that this year they won't get Camembert cheese on time... That is not the case.
All the people who live in the West Bank are Israelis, they're not Palestinians. There is no 'Palestinian.' This is Israeli land.
I feel that we don't have the luxury of asking whether or not the Palestinians and Israelis can achieve peace. I think we have to just ask the question of when and how.
Many of the Israelis begin to understand and discover the realities and the facts. They can't demolish five million Palestinians. They can't annihilate them.
I think the Israelis are beginning to realize more that they are moving toward a one-state solution, which would be a catastrophe for Israel.
Are you an Israeli? I don't debate with Israelis. I have been misled, sorry. I don't recognise Israel and I don't debate with Israelis.
I am personally committed to helping Israelis and Palestinians achieve a peace agreement. With determination, compromise, and the belief that peace is possible, Israelis and Palestinians can make a deal.
No one wants to abandon the Israelis. But I think the perception is, and I think it's probably an accurate perception, that the tail is leading the dog - that we are giving the Israelis carte blanche ability to exercise whatever they want to do in their area.
There are so many talented Israelis - musicians and actors and everything.
I'm hopeful that Israelis can go to Ramallah whenever they want and see how the people are living.
Today, especially, it's a really unclear situation in terms of where the Israelis are at, and where the Palestinians are at, the world is kind of changing around us. — © Eran Riklis
Today, especially, it's a really unclear situation in terms of where the Israelis are at, and where the Palestinians are at, the world is kind of changing around us.
The right course is for the Palestinians and the Israelis to sit down at the table together. The Palestinians need to recognize that the course to the two-state solution is not through the United Nations or through the United States or through anyone else, but through a face to face series of negotiations with the Israelis.
Many Israelis are educating their kids in a very nationalist, powerful identity, since kindergarten - and the Arabs as well.
Israelis would mostly breathe a sigh of relief if Palestinians were to disappear.
We know that 99.9% of Arab-Israelis are loyal to Israel.
Israelis must be encouraged to defeat the Palestinians.
It's called peaceful coexistence, Santangelo. You should try it and if it works we may sell the idea to the Israelis and Palestinians
The settlers do not have a problem with the leftists but, rather, with Israelis who like settlers: Israelis who are unconcerned by the fact that national-religious youngsters are overtaking our elite units. Such Israelis actually appreciate the settlers for that.
I think most Israelis prefer not to know. So for them, texts about the occupation are like something that's been written in a foreign language that they can't understand. If they want, you can translate it to them. But it is their choice. In general, though, I think Israelis don't want to know. Very few do. Basically, I write to the converted.
Our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of Israelis while the world turns the other cheek.
Jerusalem is a holy site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Israelis and Palestinians both lay claim to it as their capital. Jerusalem is the most sensitive of all the issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. But Donald Trump determined an important aspect of the United States' position towards Jerusalem before any agreement. Most of the rest of the world feels that it ought not to be dealt with first, that it ought not to be dealt with separately, and that it ought not to be dealt with unilaterally.
Most Arab Israelis speak Hebrew, but not the other way around. It's about time that changed.
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