Top 1200 Joys Of Childhood Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Joys Of Childhood quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
One of the great joys of my job is that you spend a huge amount of time investigating different areas of literature.
One of the most perfect and unfailing joys of life is planting. It is the creative joy felt by God.
Thanks be to God, not--only for 'rivers of endless joys above, but for 'rills of comfort here below.' — © Adoniram Judson
Thanks be to God, not--only for 'rivers of endless joys above, but for 'rills of comfort here below.'
One of the joys of being in love is that it clarifies your priorities. Complication arises from not knowing what you want.
The reading of tourist prospectuses is one of the joys of the world -- it is like operetta in prose -- all so flowery and heavenlike.
I think trauma gets a reductive treatment. We tend to think only violence or molestation or total abandonment qualify as "childhood trauma," but there are so many ruptures and disturbances in childhood that imprint themselves on us. Attachment begets trauma, in that broader sense, and so if we've ever been dependent on anyone, I think there is an Imago blueprint in us somewhere.
Honor, riches, marriage-blessing Long continuance, and increasing, Hourly joys be still upon you!
Troubles loom up big when they're ahead, And joys seem always sweeter when they're past.
One of the great joys of falling in love is the feeling that the most extraordinary person in the entire world has chosen you.
One of the great joys of my job is having the privilege of meeting people from all across the country and hearing their stories.
The bride and groom-May their joys be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.
One of the joys of being a grandparent is getting to see the world again through the eyes of a child.
Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words,-health, peace, and competence. — © Alexander Pope
Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words,-health, peace, and competence.
Beauty should be shared for it enhances our joys. To explore its mystery is to venture towards the sublime.
I learnt, for the first time, the joys of substituting hard, disciplined study for the indulgence of day-dreaming.
A test of what is real is that it is hard and rough. Joys are found in it, not pleasure. What is pleasant belongs to dreams.
I was assailed by memories of a life that wasn't mine anymore, but one in which I'd found the simplest and most lasting joys.
Eating good food is, to me, one of life's greatest joys, and I will never punish myself for it.
If there is any realm where distinction is especially difficult, it is the realm of childhood memories, the realm of beloved images harbored in memory since childhood. These memories which live by the image and in virtue of the image become, at certain times of our lives and particularly during the quiet age, the origin and matter of a complex reverie: the memory dreams, and reverie remembers.
Happiness is the moment when you cease to make an inventory of joys; it is a glow, a brightness - never a list.
I spent my entire childhood in the same town, in Kent. I went to grade school there. There was a boarding school that my mother taught at, called - appropriately enough - Kent School, that I went to. Yeah, pretty much my entire childhood was spent in that town.
Go forth into the busy world and love it. Interest yourself in its life, mingle kindly with its joys and sorrows.
Every promise of the soul has innumerable fulfillments; each of its joys ripens into a new want.
I have never - I have never let go of my childhood contacts. My best friends from childhood are still my best friends.
With so many thousand joys, is it not black ingratitude to call the world a place of sorrow and torment?
A wise Providence consoles our present afflictions by joys borrowed from the future.
I am fairly certain that my independent, high-spirited grandmother must have had a childhood similar to Betsy Ray'sAs I read about the School Entertainment and ice cream socials, about ladies leaving calling cards and the milkman with his horse-drawn wagon, I felt that I was having an unexpected and welcome peek into Granny's childhood-a gift to me from Maud Hart Lovelace
One of the very best reasons for having children is to be reminded of the incomparable joys of a snow day.
Real music is not for wealth, not for honours or even the joys of the mind... but as a path for realisation and salvation.
My childhood was very difficult. I had every childhood disease and then some, but my parents didn't mollycoddle me. They left me to fight those battles on my own. I guess that was very Canadian, very stoic. But it's good. I had to become a warrior. I had to give up hope and find a substitute for hope that would be far more stable.
The man from whom the joys of life have departed is living no more, but should be counted with the dead.
Present joys are more to flesh and blood Than a dull prospect of a distant good.
The future is merely a shadow which blocks out the joys of the present and emphasizes the miseries of the past.
I've been quite a late developer on the clothes front, but I've suddenly realised it is one of life's joys.
I cannot see that art is anything less than a way of making joys perpetual.
I thought, "Well, I'm writing about early childhood, so maybe it would make sense to write about late childhood as well, early adulthood." Those were my thoughts, and this was how this crazy book [Winter Journal] was composed. I've never seen a book with pictures like at the end, pictures related to things you've read before.
We need to recognize that we can't allow people that are aberrations of nature to take away the joys and freedoms that we enjoy.
All the joys - animal and human - of a free life are mine. I have escaped everything that is artificial, conventional, customary. — © Paul Gauguin
All the joys - animal and human - of a free life are mine. I have escaped everything that is artificial, conventional, customary.
These are true felicities. No joy beyond these joys. Love is the only ecstasy, everything else weeps
The greatest joys of life are happy memories. Your job is to create as many of them as possible.
Most people live dejectedly in worldly joys or sorrows. They sit on the sidelines and do not join the dance.
While it is February one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch.
As we try to change, we will discover within us a fierce struggle between our loyalty to that battle-scarred victim of his own childhood, our father, and the father we want to be. We must meet our childhood father at close range: get to know him, learn to forgive him, and somehow, go beyond him.
We're taught to find the antecedents to our adult failures in childhood traumas, and so we spend our lives looking bacwards and pointing fingers, rather than bucking up and forging ahead. But what if your childhood was all a big misunderstanding? An elaborate ruse? What does that say about failure? Better yet, what does that say about potential?
We remember childhood as the fabulous years of our lives, and nations remember their childhood as fabulous years.
... social environment in childhood affects achieved adult height, life chances, and ultimately mortality rates in adult life. (...) ... social circumstances acting in childhood do have a persisting effect on adult disease rates, in addition to influences acting in adulthood.
Being in a hotel room and watching 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' is one of my great joys.
Geometry alone is not enough to portray human desires, expressions, aspirations, joys. We need more. — © Akira Yoshizawa
Geometry alone is not enough to portray human desires, expressions, aspirations, joys. We need more.
The joys of friendship inert the heart and fizzy home bouncing jubilantly with laughter-buttered love.
To hear the Treorchy Male Choir in full throat is one of the great joys of choral music.
We age inevitably: The old joys fade and are gone: And at last comes equanimity and the flame burning clear.
Hatred is a heavy burden. It sinks the heart deep in the breast, and lies like a tombstone on all joys.
Of all the joys that lighten suffering earth, what joy is welcomed like a new born child?
The joys of my life are my granddaughters. They are beautiful. You don't have to believe me. You can ask my wife. She'll tell you.
Creativity starts with humanity when were being human we feel - joys, sadness, when we're sick, when we're nervous
Wisdom views with an indifferent eye all finite joys, all blessings born to die.
All my joys resemble more a momentary intoxication than the real gold of happiness. It was all but an illusion.
I just want to say, creating music with Childish Gambino has been one of the greatest joys of my life.
A great thing shall I make hereof in Heaven of endless worship and everlasting joys.
For many of us, lavender's deep colour and its unforgettable fragrance encapsulate the heady joys of Provence.
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