Top 1200 Keep An Open Mind Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Keep An Open Mind quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Meditation is a state of no-mind! You can not find meditation through the mind .. because mind will perpetuate itself! You can find meditation only by putting the mind aside, by being cool, indifferent, unidentified with the mind.
I enjoy all kinds of performances and take each role differently. I keep the audiences in mind.
You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered. — © Wayne Dyer
You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered.
I get bored quite easily, so I like to keep my mind entertained by challenging myself.
It's essential that the media is sober and intentional in everything they do, and that's something we should all keep top of mind.
It should be borne in mind that the target is always trying to shift responsibility to get out of being the target. There is a constant squirming and moving and strategy . . . on the part of the designated target. The forces for change must keep this in mind and pin that target down securely. If an organization permits responsibility to be diffused and distributed in a number of areas, attack becomes impossible.
There was nothing wrong with fire … as long as you didn’t stand too close. Something to keep in mind.
If I've got food and water, as long as I can exercise my mind and keep it nimble, then I'll be okay.
To get Congress working again, I'm dedicated to working with anyone who has an open mind, good ideas, and a willingness to work together.
For sure, when you don't have a fight, you don't have the pressure. Without the pressure, your mind is more open to learning. I learned a lot of good things.
I'm constantly trying to grow as a musician, so when I listen to different things, I'm like, 'That'd be cool to do something like that,' and I try to keep myself open-minded.
As an athlete, the body can fail you. I know. The mind and your education will be there to keep carrying you.
Pyramiding instructions appear on dollar bills. Add smaller and smaller amounts on the way up. Keep your eye open at the top. — © Ed Seykota
Pyramiding instructions appear on dollar bills. Add smaller and smaller amounts on the way up. Keep your eye open at the top.
We have two main instruments: the mind and the heart. The mind finds it difficult to be happy, precisely because the mind consciously enjoys the sense of separativity. It is always judging and doubting the reality in others. This is the human mind, the ordinary physical mind, the earth-bound mind. But we also have the aspiring heart, the loving heart. This loving heart is free from insecurity, for it has already established its oneness with the rest of the world.
The person of power uses their power to open up their mind to higher levels all the time, which creates tremendous happiness.
Keep in mind that books, like art museums, are not always geared to the desires of the reader.
I used to stay up, stupidly, to work, and I'd just eat to keep my eyes open. I wasn't even hungry - it was just a way to power through.
On the train: staring hypnotized at the blackness outside the window, feeling the incomparable rhythmic language of the wheels, clacking out nursery rhymes, summing up moments of the mind like the chant of a broken record: god is dead, god is dead. going, going, going. and the pure bliss of this, the erotic rocking of the coach. France splits open like a ripe fig in the mind; we are raping the land, we are not stopping.
The child's mind is not the type of mind we adults possess. If we call our type of mind the conscious type, that of the child is an unconscious mind. Now an unconscious mind does not mean an inferior mind. An unconscious mind can be full of intelligence. One will find this type of intelligence in every being, and every insect has it.
When mind and action are separate, zen is lost. We keep the two in sync by paying attention.
Silence allows you to watch your mind and become aware of the thoughts that you may be acting on unconsciously. When you see the thoughts, you can make a conscious choice to act on the thought or change your mind, instead of going along with the noise. I have seen people who don't want to look at themselves keep going until something happens that makes them stop — a sickness or an accident — but it gives them that reflective, quiet space where they can face what is difficult in their mind. We each have a unique purpose to fulfill in this life and inklings can come in those quiet moments.
When your mind is clear and your third eye is open, you can see and know things that are taking place thousands of miles away from you.
There is no reason and no way that a human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence machine by 2035.
The world is wide, full of happenings. Keep this in mind and never believe 'I'm the onlyone who knows.'
I always try to keep in mind the I do all that training for a reason, which is to compete to the best of my ability.
Know your lines; otherwise, have an open mind because you want to get lost in the moment. When you have talented actors and directors to work with, then it's pretty easy to do.
Charles Bernstein's pairs of jingles of 'public discourse' are 'simultaneous double narrative / the space between's the other narrative/as if they're opposite.' In the space between, outside representation but in the 'presence' of it, we are provoked to laugh. Bernstein alters our language to open a double range that's public and mind at once and inseparable, that is 'Poetry is patterned thought in search of unpatterned mind.' Girly Man is doing it.
Kindnesses are easily forgotten; but injuries! what worthy man does not keep those in mind?
The only catalogue of this world's goods that really counts is that which we keep in the silence of the mind.
Ko Un's poems evoke the open creativity and fluidity of nature, and funny turns and twists of Mind. Mind is sometimes registered in Buddhist terms - Buddhist practice being part of Ko Un's background. Ko Un writes spare, short-line lyrics direct to the point, but often intricate in both wit and meaning. Ko Un has now traveled worldwide and is not only a major spokesman for all Korean culture, but a voice for Planet Earth Watershed as well.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.
I try to be consistent, so I practice yoga and Pilates to help keep my body and mind balanced.
Keep honoring God with your life, stay in peace, trust His timing and God will open doors that no man can shut.
Keep in mind that imagination is at the heart of all innovation. Crush or constrain it and the fun will vanish.
You will resemble, tomorrow, the DOMINATING THOUGHTS that you keep alive in your mind today!
Take a good look at your mind. Examine it closely. The first thing you will come to know is that the mind has become the master - not you and not your soul! The mind says: Do this! And you do it! If you don't the mind creates problems. It become sad, and the sadness of the mind becomes your sadness. If you do as it says you get nowhere, for the mind is blind. Where can you reach by obeying the mind! The is unconsciousness. If you listen to it you reach nowhere.
I keep my eyes open. I pay attention to how different types of people express their personal style, how they put their clothes together.
I've got a hold of something that won't move. It's a willingness to keep walking into the next day, open to whatever may turn out to be true that day. — © Barbara Brown Taylor
I've got a hold of something that won't move. It's a willingness to keep walking into the next day, open to whatever may turn out to be true that day.
Believe in yourself, not only in swimming, but in life itself. You always have to have fun. You have to have an open mind. If you're not enjoying it, don't do it. Life's too short.
I might like to be an actor, but there are loads of other things I'm interested in as well, like music and writing and sports. I want to keep my options open.
The fact is that the mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The mind is fattened by new thoughts rising up. Therefore it is foolish to attempt to kill the mind by means of the mind. The only way of doing it is to find its source and hold on to it. The mind will then fade away of its own accord.
I think it is incredibly important to be open and accessible and treat people fairly and look them in the eye and tell them what is on your mind.
We listen, we watch, we learn. We open our hearts and we open our minds, open our souls.
I did so many open mics. I would write jokes on Twitter constantly, and then slowly, over time, open mics turned into shows. If you can get a joke to work at an open mic, it's a good joke.
There are people in the world who 1,000% will love you just the way you are. So no matter what, keep that in mind.
Keep your mind centered on that which leads to light, intensively. Accept no substitute.
Keep in mind that life produces no maestros, only students of varying shades of ineptitude.
You just have to believe in yourself when you've got something, and just keep pounding on the door, because if you pound long enough, somebody is going to open it. — © Cynthia Weil
You just have to believe in yourself when you've got something, and just keep pounding on the door, because if you pound long enough, somebody is going to open it.
We're guys that like to make fun music, music that people like. And I think, for us, it's just important to always keep your mind in the right place and always keep your heart in the place of making music that you love.
I think the thing you always got to keep in mind, you know, hockey is a game of one-on-one battles.
In trusting, we let ourselves go. We know that all kinds of unexpected events may come our way. Our tension eases, our mind and our hearts open spontaneously to be possibilities. It is an ever new state of mind, in the present moment, because we have detached from all we know. But it is also a feeling as old as can be, because, before all betrayals and all disappointments, there was a time in which trusting another was the very substance of our life.
Don't try to steer the boat. Don't open shop for yourself. Listen. Keep silent. You are not God's mouthpiece. Try to be an ear, And if you do speak, ask for explanations.
Hey, Vader, keep your Jedi mind tricks to yourself. That hurt! (Jesse)
Keep your mind focused on what you want and act accordingly. You will achieve success!
Life is a house with millions of doors. Here is a good strategy of life: Open the doors, open as much as you can, open as much as possible, open the doors!
I think having an open mind about these things is probably the most important thing, because even though I've never had an experience of the supernatural, something I couldn't explain.
The only way for you to keep your mind straight is to run from those who would confuse you.
Although the tech industry is very open to change, many people still have a closed-off mentality where, in the interest of protecting their ideas, they keep them hidden in dark caves.
I don't dispute Scientology can help people; I think that is a very important fact to keep in mind.
Keeping your mind open in the face of uncertainty is the single most powerful secret of unleashing your creative potential.
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