Top 1200 Keep Busy Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Keep Busy quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
And it can keep you as busy as anything else, and happier.
I've always liked to keep myself busy so I don't get sucked in by temptations and that was part of the reason why I set up my BMO brand - to keep me occupied during my career, but also for when I finish football.
Even if there were two of me, I still couldn't do all that has to be done. No matter what, though, I keep up my running. Running every day is a kind of lifeline for me, so I'm not going to lay off or quit just because I'm busy. If I used being busy as an excuse not to run, I'd never run again. I have only a few reasons to keep on running, and a truckload of them to quit. All I can do is keep those few reasons nicely polished.
George Bernard Shaw was right. He summed it all up when he said: "The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not." So don't bother to think about it! Spit on your hands and get busy. Your blood will start circulating; your mind will start ticking-and pretty soon this whole positive upsurge of life in your body will drive worry from your mind. Get busy. Keep busy. It's the cheapest kind of medicine there is on this earth-and one of the best.
The best thing you can do is just keep busy, keep working hard, so you're not dwelling on it all the time. Work is the best antidote for sorrow. — © Gordon B. Hinckley
The best thing you can do is just keep busy, keep working hard, so you're not dwelling on it all the time. Work is the best antidote for sorrow.
Ministers are tempted to join the ranks of those who consider it their primary task to keep other people busy … But our task is the opposite of distraction … how to keep them from being so busy that they can no longer hear the voice of God who speaks in silence.
I have to keep myself busy all the time.
I try and keep busy with something, but I also give myself permission to be busy with something that is creative and rewarding, not just the errands to the dry cleaner.
I'd make my promises now if I wasn't so busy arranging to keep them.
I like to keep busy, because otherwise I'd be languishing by myself.
There are lots of things that keep me busy.
Being busy and being productive are not necessarily the same. Many people keep busy to avoid taking action on things they're afraid to pursue.
Gardening and my culinary skills keep me busy.
I try and keep busy and lift some weights and do cardio as much as I can.
After giving up rugby, I wanted to keep busy. — © Gareth Thomas
After giving up rugby, I wanted to keep busy.
I seemed busy, busy, busy, but I suppose, if pressed, I might have admitted that, for all my frenzy, I was very much alone.
I always find something to keep me busy.
When I'm on vacation here in the States, I can do all kinds of stuff; I can train and keep busy.
I love to keep busy. But I never forget it's the countdown that made it all possible.
Schools learned long ago that the way to keep children from thinking is to keep them busy.
I like to keep myself busy.
Keep a demon busy, I thought. Right. Maybe he fancies a game of Tiddlywinks.
I have a really good at-home support system with my wife and the baby and even the dogs in that they all just keep me occupied, they keep me busy, they keep me moving, to keep my mind from drifting.
I was so busy fighting and so busy trying to keep everything above water that I didn't realize I was spiraling downward with nowhere to go.
It's important to keep up momentum, when I'm home alone I get stagnant, I go crazy and have to see my therapist. Being on the road keeps me busy. I'm okay when I'm busy.
If you ever hope to get ahead as an entrepreneur, the answer is not becoming an effective juggler, but in understanding and designing the systems to keep your team, not you, busy, busy, busy.
I told her tea bags were just a convenience for people with busy lives and she said no one is so busy they can't take time to make a decent cup of tea and if you are that busy you don't deserve a decent cup of tea for what is it all about anyway? Are we put into this world to be busy or to chat over a nice cup of tea?
Make a plan now to keep a daily appointment with God. The enemy is going to tell you to set it aside, but you must carve out the time. If you're too busy to meet with the Lord, friend, then you are simply too busy
I keep busy. That was my nickname in college, 'Iron to the Fire.' I like to keep several things going at once.
I'm someone who likes to keep busy, especially with projects that I find meaningful and fulfilling.
Elisha Cook was a darling, and full of the devil. A wired - up little fellow who was always busy, busy, busy.
I've been busy and not busy, and busy is better. I've been busy, but I went through a lot of periods where it was lean for a lot of times.
Being my own boss and working inside an industry that's not really an industry, I need to keep busy and keep working. The only way to make money in music - unless you're managing someone - is to tour, and even that depends on where you are at.
I'd been busy, busy, so busy, preparing for life, while life floated by me, quiet and swift as a regatta.
As a busy, grown ass woman, I don't have the time. What I do is I keep myself and my hair hydrated - I drink lots of water and wet my hair frequently. I also keep it highly moisturized.
I always like to keep busy, otherwise my brain starts ticking.
I always manage to keep myself busy.
The more shows that there are, the better it is for the industry. The writers are busy, if the writers are busy, the actors are busy.
Solitude. It is way underrated in our world of writing. We stay busy. We act busy. We thrive on busy. The truth is there is a lot of beauty that lives in the solitude. Quiet is not the enemy. Quiet is necessary for brains to not self-destruct.
Keep busy while you are waiting for something to happen. — © Robert Genn
Keep busy while you are waiting for something to happen.
The ego is like a kid in the basement: It's best to keep him busy.
I learned to knit in hospital. They give you stuff to do to keep you busy because you're so ill.
You have to keep busy. After all, no dog's ever pissed on a moving car.
Keep busy at something: a busy person never has time to be unhappy.
I'm too busy to be nostalgic, which is one of the reasons to keep busy. I'm not a very sentimental person.
Success doesn't have a downside for me. I'm busy, but I've always been busy whatever job I've had. My very first job working in a furniture factory was bloody busy! That's just modern life. It's not a downside, you just have to be organised and keep things in perspective.
I like to keep busy.
I keep myself busy. Time goes faster that way.
MIA stands for 'missing in action,' which is the way others can experience you when you're too busy multi-tasking, being pulled at by the world and by everything that's going on in your head, and, essentially, when you're too busy being busy.
The secret of salvation is this: keep sweet, be useful, and keep busy. — © Elbert Hubbard
The secret of salvation is this: keep sweet, be useful, and keep busy.
Are you too busy for improvement? Frequently, I am rebuffed by people who say they are too busy and have no time for such activities. I make it a point to respond by telling people, look, you’ll stop being busy either when you die or when the company goes bankrupt.
I am reasonably happy, providing I keep busy.
I'm a worker. I need to keep busy.
It's not going to be that hard to be in Heaven, or the Heavenly City or the Millennium, but you're going to have something to do and something to keep you busy, and you'd be unhappy if you didn't. Wouldn't it be ridiculous after being so busy here if you wound up in Heaven with nothing to do but sit on a cloud playing a harp for a thousand years?-Much less all eternity! I think you'd really get bored.
Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best.
Keep me preoccupied Keep me busy, busy, busy So I won't have to think I don't want to think Because it only brings me pain I just keep running away from My problems Keep me busy Give me a million things to do So I can keep running away from myself.
We hurt people by being too busy. Too busy to notice their needs. Too busy to drop that note of comfort or encouragement or assurance of love. Too busy to listen when someone needs to talk. Too busy to care.
I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets
You owe it to yourself to keep fit. No matter how busy or how involved you are, you should have some type of physical program to keep the body in tune.
I keep saying this - and I keep putting it off because I get busy - but I keep saying one year I'm gonna tape our Thanksgiving dinner or, like, our Christmas dinner and maybe put it on my website just for people to see how funny it really is, how much fun it really, really is.
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