Top 1200 Keep Moving Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Keep Moving quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
The most important thing any broken individual can do is keep their chin up and keep moving forward.
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!
I don't move until an actor is happy, but it was very important to me as a so-called "first time director" to keep the machine moving. It was especially important to me to keep it moving and not be some kind of precious writer-director.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. — © Albert Einstein
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
When you turn 60, the key is to not stop moving. Once you start to stop moving, you rust. You got to just keep going.
We all just keep moving, September. We keep moving until we stop.
The big picture is the Trials and Olympics. I just have to keep focused for that, keep moving forward.
I walk fast. Keep moving. Always be a moving target. Marilyn Monroe taught me that.
I want to keep growing, keep moving towards being one of the best in the world, and there is no better place to grow than Real Madrid.
The spiritual journey involves going beyond hope and fear, stepping into unknown territory, continually moving forward. The most important aspect of being on the spiritual path may be just to keep moving.
No matter what happens I'll keep on moving. Until this life runs out of me I'll keep on walking (Allen Walker)
When people (talk trash) about you, you have to keep it moving, keep the records hot and keep your head up.
Don't turn around. Don't look back. Keep moving forward. Keep pushing. The pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow, not the beginning.
It's good to be challenged, to keep moving forward, and keep being inspired and scared. I feel like, if you're not afraid of something, you shouldn't do it. If you're just coasting through things, what's the point? You're not learning.
I'm learning along the way, and there's going to be some little bumps and bruises, but as long as I keep rolling with the punches, I will keep moving up. — © Ryan Garcia
I'm learning along the way, and there's going to be some little bumps and bruises, but as long as I keep rolling with the punches, I will keep moving up.
I have a really good at-home support system with my wife and the baby and even the dogs in that they all just keep me occupied, they keep me busy, they keep me moving, to keep my mind from drifting.
If our history can challenge the next wave of musicians to keep moving and changing, to keep spiritually hungry and horny, that's what it's all about.
If you're a writer, write. You just keep writing. And if you're a filmmaker, you keep doing what you can to keep telling your stories; you don't stay on the one. Keep moving forward and doing what you can to tell whatever story you can tell, be it via writing, be it via filming it.
In my office...I have a little sign and it says, 'Do it!' I suppose if I have learned anything in life, it is that we are to keep moving, keep trying-as long as we breathe! If we do, we will be surprised at how much more can still be done.
The way I deal with arthritis is to keep moving. As long as I can play hard tennis, as long as I can ski or ride a horse - all kinds of things can come your way. As long as you can, do it. People who retire die. My dad retired and died shortly after. Just keep moving.
Life is strange. You keep moving and keep growing. Before you know it, you look back and think, "What was that?"
I feel very, very fortunate to have the success that I've had. I want to keep working and keep moving forward. Acting is my dream job. I love it so much.
keep moving. It's hard for old age to hit a moving target.
Find the confidence in whatever way you can to just keep moving onto the next page. The only way you will finish projects and get better is to keep moving forward.
I want to be a jazzman until the day I die. To help keep that motion, momentum and movement going, for myself, for my students, for the people who hear me. Oh sure, some days you look around at this country and look at the evidence and think, Oh Lord, don't look good. But you keep moving. You gotta keep moving.
The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.
When you are injured you have to keep a positive mindset and keep moving forward.
I tell people, if you're thinking about suicide, all that stuff I've attempted and thought about it. If you think about it, life gets better. The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.
The secret for someone in my position is to keep it simple. Keep possession and keep the ball moving quickly so that you tire out your opponents; that's my method.
Just trying to make my music as good as possible and to keep performing and just keep moving.
I think you have every right to cherry-pick when it comes to moving your spirit and finding peace in God. You take whatever works from wherever you can find it, and you keep moving toward the light.
I like to keep things moving; when I say moving, I mean different. I like to keep things changing in my life all the time, so sometimes it might be drama; sometimes it might be drama. At some point, I might get the chance to do something musical.
If I feel like things are getting into a routine, I want them to be different. I need to keep improving and keep moving forward.
I want to keep things simple and keep my energy focused on moving forward.
People are like bicycles. They can keep their balance only as long as they keep moving.
As long as you have ideas, you can keep going. That's why writing fiction is so much fun: because you're moving people about, and making settings for them to move in, so there's always something there to keep working on.
I think quality will be increasingly important-we're moving away from a time of fast fashion. But really, the only constant in fashion is that you must keep moving forward, otherwise you'll be left behind.
My message is - keep moving. If you do, you'll keep arthritis at bay.
I have to keep moving and keep working hard. — © P. V. Sindhu
I have to keep moving and keep working hard.
I dance a lot and keep dancing and keep moving.
The key to my boxing is my lateral movement. I keep moving side to side and keep pumping my jab and right hand.
I get dissatisfied really easily, and I have to constantly keep moving; I have to constantly keep doing things. I find it very hard to switch off.
I think there is no mantra for success. One just has to be positive and keep doing good work. One must keep moving forward and not think much.
You just keep moving forward and doing what you do and hope that it resonates with people. And if it doesn't, you just keep moving on until you find a project that does.
You just keep moving forward and doing what you do, and hope that it resonates with people. And if it doesn't, you just keep moving on until you find a project that does.
I need to keep moving my game forward, because Test batsmen will keep moving their games forward.
"Be courageous and keep moving forward"... that's kind of the mantra that I've tried to keep.
I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving.
I'm addicted to food, so if you bring the cake and stuff to my house, I might walk by and take a swipe of icing and keep it moving. So what happens is I try to not keep it around.
It's hard to keep moving forward, keep working, and keep your head up, but that's what strong women do. Especially being a mom, I can't fall apart. — © Teresa Giudice
It's hard to keep moving forward, keep working, and keep your head up, but that's what strong women do. Especially being a mom, I can't fall apart.
There are two kinds of people. One kind, you can just tell by looking at them at what point they congealed into their final selves. It might be a very nice self, but you know you can expect no more surprises from it. Whereas, the other kind keep moving, changing... They are fluid. They keep moving forward and making new trysts with life, and the motion of it keeps them young. In my opinion, they are the only people who are still alive. You must be constantly on your guard against congealing.
I'm trying to keep it fresh for me. I'm just trying to not bore myself. And if I can do a detective novel, and if I can do a horror novel, then why do it again? To keep the work challenging I have to keep moving.
I just want to keep challenging myself. Keep moving the goalposts and raising my game.
Keep moving if you love life, and keep your troubles well behind you.
Real movement in the Kerry campaign now. His poll numbers are moving, donations are moving, endorsements are moving. The only thing not moving is his hair.
By nature, I keep moving, man. My theory is, be the shark. You've just got to keep moving. You can't stop.
I think the only way for you to grow and evolve is to keep listening, keep moving forward, keep jumping in and trying to experience.
Only those who keep walking get sweet returns... look at the sun's perseverance- dynamic & always on the move, never dormant... hence keep moving.
Everybody accuses me of moving fast when I direct a picture. I don't move fast, but I just keep moving.
You've got to keep moving, keep creating.
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