Top 135 Keepers Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Keepers quotes.
Last updated on December 21, 2024.
It is nice when other keepers say, 'Well done for last summer.' Petr Cech said that. It is touching.
Nobody has ever given a reason why men should be their brother's keepers.
Sometimes keepers are looked at differently to outfield players. — © Brendan Rodgers
Sometimes keepers are looked at differently to outfield players.
Keepers of light carry invisible candles of hope, touching hearts and illuminating the souls of friends.
If they make it illegal to wear the veil at work, bee keepers are going to be furious.
The proposition that the people are the best keepers of their own liberties is not true. They are the worst conceivable, they are no keepers at all; they can neither judge, act, think, or will, as a political body.
I knew, as every peasant does, that land can never be truly owned. We are the keepers of the soil, the curators of trees.
Finders were keepers unless title was proven.
I have always been interested in finding new ways to play and have looked at handball keepers and ice hockey goal-minders. It helps me.
Rather than make 20 things and throw them at the wall and hope you get 6 that maybe feel like keepers, why not focus?
Death is a convention, a certification to the end of pain, something for the vital statistics book, not binding upon anyone but the keepers of graveyard records.
We are a nation of shop keepers.
Few things are better in the world than a room full of librarians. I consider them literary heroes. The keepers and defenders of the written word. — © Louise Penny
Few things are better in the world than a room full of librarians. I consider them literary heroes. The keepers and defenders of the written word.
There is no single individual greater than a mother. They are the great keepers of our society and heads of our households.
You see it more and more: managers asking their keepers to be the 11th field player.
In Celan's words a Jew is "a man with a little book under the shoulder." We are the keepers of tradition.
It is difficult for the American mind to adjust to the realization that the Rhetts and the Scarletts were as much monsters as the keepers of Buchenwald-they just dressed more attractively.
Far too many of our elected officials are chained to an ideology that is rooted in the past. They are keepers of normalcy who embrace things as they've always been.
Keepers of private notebooks are a different breed altogether, lonely and resistant rearrangers of things, anxious malcontents, children afflicted apparently at birth with some presentiment of loss.
Men are prisoners of their genitalia and women are the keepers of the keys to paradise.
I love my mother, my wife, my sisters very much. I honour and respect them. Women are the keepers of the family.
A republican form of government, without intelligence in the people, must be, on a vast scale, what a mad-house, without superintendent or keepers, would be on a small one.
I am wont to think that men are not so much the keepers of herds as herds are the keepers of men. The former are so much the freer.
I shuddered to think how completely the insane were in the power of their keepers, and how one could weep and plead for release, and all of no avail, if the keepers were so minded.
A writer just speaks from his heart, mind and soul. They are the conscience keepers of the society. They are the keepers of the soul of the society.
Keepers of books, keepers of print and paper on the shelves, librarians are keepers also of the records of the human spiritthe records of men's watch upon the world and on themselves.
Water keepers patrol local waterways and prosecute polluters. Essentially, they act as the community's coast guard.
I come from a long line of saloon keepers and proselytizers, and I draw from both sides.
I will try to show in every game that I am one of the best keepers in the world.
'Finders Keepers' is guaranteed to create a vibe. If I'm having a difficult show, then I know I've got that song at the end to turn it around, and the phones will come out.
We have many good keepers in Germany, and that's why you can never let your form dip.
I do feel we have several great keepers on this team. We just need to get them that experience.
Librarians are not just gatekeepers to knowledge, they are what the American Indians used to call their special sages who preserved the oral legends of a tribe: dream keepers.
There was a tradition of keepers at Anfield to play as a sweeper, going back to Tommy Lawrence under Bill Shankly.
Neuer is the world's No.1 keeper and can be used as a role model for all young keepers. He has everything a goalkeeper needs to have.
When the media goes state and becomes nothing more than an echo chamber for the government, the task of sharing truth falls to the original keepers of liberty: the American people.
In old times, not many keepers could play with their feet, but modern football requires those skills because it's changed.
Also not the kind of place to hide a server." "Is that another pun?" She asked. "No! I swear! I didn't mean that one." ~Shell Game, Kingdom Keepers #5 — © Ridley Pearson
Also not the kind of place to hide a server." "Is that another pun?" She asked. "No! I swear! I didn't mean that one." ~Shell Game, Kingdom Keepers #5
We've drifted away from being fishers of men to being keepers of the aquarium.
It is his absence that is part of me and has been for years. This is who I am, perhaps who we all are, keepers of the absent and the dead. It is the blessing and burden of being alive.
There's probably more history now preserved underwater than in all the museums of the world combined. And there's no law governing that history. It's finders keepers.
Duplicity in matters of religion is not confined to Pakistan, but it hurts the most in societies where debate on religion is asphyxiated and preachers of hate have become keepers of faith.
Southerners love a good tale. They are born reciters, great memory retainers, diary keepers, letter exchangers . . . great talkers.
My keepers, why keepers, I'm in no danger of stirring an inch, ah I see, it's to make me think I'm a prisoner, frantic with corporeality, rearing to get out and away.
We need to pay attention to each other. We are our brother's keepers. We are our sister's keepers.
It is never nice to see keepers make mistakes. All keepers talk about it, and we work very hard not to make those mistakes.
I rate Fabien Barthez and played with two great keepers in Alex Stepney and Harry Gregg.
Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo - obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other. — © Angela Davis
Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population into specimens in a zoo - obedient to our keepers, but dangerous to each other.
We have forgotten to be our brothers and sisters keepers. And we have forgotten that the Number 1 goal is to love one another.
Not many German keepers can say they've played in a Champions League final.
Even regular keepers miss stumping chances and miss catches. These things happen.
When Michelle and I decided that I would run for President, it was because of a shared belief in the power of community and connection, a commitment to the idea that we are our brothers' keepers.
I trained with some great keepers at college, alongside full-grown men, and it helped me 100%.
I respect all the keepers like Manuel Neuer, Gianluigi Buffon and Marc-Andre ter Stegen.
A man who goes to jail for his ideas is much freer than his keepers.
Ah, children, pity level-crossing keepers, pity lock-keepers - pity lighthouse-keepers - pity all the keepers of this world (pity even school teachers), caught between their conscience and the bleak horizon.
Artists are the gate keepers of truth. We are civilization’s radical voice.
Game-keepers on grouse moors control common predators such as foxes and crows and this gives wading birds a much greater chance of breeding successfully.
We children of schizophrenics are the great secret keepers, the ones who don't want you to think that anything is wrong.
Good keepers sniff out attacks whether with the feet or a throw out.
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