Top 1200 Kept Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Kept quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
You thought you had the choice to stay still or move forward, but your didn't. As long as your heart kept pumping an your blood kept blowing and your lungs kept filling, you didn't. The pang she felt for Tibby carried something like envy. You couldn't stand still for anything short of death, and God knew she had tried.
A lamp kept on mound illumines the area; if kept in a pit, it is as if it were not. A virtue that is practised is a lamp that shines for all; good thoughts and good deeds have a way of influencing others. The gems of wisdom, the light of intuitive experience should not be kept away from fellow - men. They have to be shared, even at the cost od one's life. That was the lesson Jesus taught and symbolised.
People kept asking me, 'When are you singing again?' so I kept doing it. It was that simple. — © Harry Dean Stanton
People kept asking me, 'When are you singing again?' so I kept doing it. It was that simple.
I'm glad . . . that Edison didn't give up on the light bulb. That Luther refused to back down. That Michelangelo kept painting. That Lindbergh kept flying.
I've kept up my fitness and thanks to the odd Forza T5 Super Strength pill here and there I've kept the snacking at bay.
We never gave up. We didn't get lost in a sea of despair. We kept the faith. We kept pushing and pulling. We kept marching. And we made some progress.
I was in Iowa one time, and I kept trying to fire up the crowd, and I kept saying, 'How's Ohio doing?' For some reason, they just weren't coming around!
I've had a lot of bumps in the road, but I kept my head down and kept working.
As Agatha Swanburne once said, 'To be kept waiting is unfortunate, but to be kept waiting with nothing interesting to read is a tragedy of Greek proportions.
I kept my culture. I kept the music of my roots. Through my music I became this voice and image of Africa and the people without even realising.
Guantanamo Bay is a first-rate detention facility that's kept terrorists off the battlefield and kept America safe. It's critical role in our national security cannot be overstated.
I started in dance classes when I was, like, seven years old. And the arts in general, it kept me not only off the street, I grew up in South Central Los Angeles, so it kept my mind focused. It kept me passionate about something. So I wasn't easily distracted.
It is an essential feature of the just state that the wealthy be kept away from political power and that the politically powerful be kept away from wealth. — © Rebecca Goldstein
It is an essential feature of the just state that the wealthy be kept away from political power and that the politically powerful be kept away from wealth.
Kids chase the love that eludes them, and for me, that was my father's love. He kept it tucked away, like papers in a briefcase. And I kept trying to get in there.
I can be a traditionalist but also play with Luke Bryan and get the crowd to go crazy. I think that mix is a lot of what has kept me going and kept people fired up about the music.
I have always kept notes and have kept letters from my friends and mother, which is rather depressing, as it takes you to the past.
Everyone kept telling me, Just be yourself. Be yourself. I kept thinking, there's got to be more to it than that!
The bow kept taut will quickly break, kept loosely strung, it will serve you when you need it.
But even at the height of these scandals, even at the time when our finances were at their worst, the NAACP branches - the grassroots - kept plugging away. They kept doing what they do, and they do it well.
I can't take anything back. I've just kept grinding and kept working.
Verne's all about what you can do versus what you can't do. He just kept saying yes and his part kept growing. I would love to work with him in every movie.
I didn't come from a wealthy family. I had no money. Maybe it goes back to naivete which is your greatest asset when you're young. If I was starting in comedy today and if it didn't work the first time, I'd probably quit. But I kept at it, kept at it.
I kept listening, kept going to see people, kept sitting in with people, kept listening to records. If I wanted to learn somebody's stuff, like with Clapton, when I wanted to learn how he was getting some of his sounds - which were real neat - I learned how to make the sounds with my mouth and then copied that with my guitar.
In the public debate, while commentators and critics have targeted immigrants with blame and bullying, our nation's immigrants have simply kept on working, kept on contributing, and kept on hoping for a solution.
A promise kept is trust coming to life. A promise kept is more powerful than a good intention, a thought or any material comfort. A promise kept tells the other person they are valued, respected and loved.
The Jewish people have been in exile for 2,000 years; they have lived in hundreds of countries, spoken hundreds of languages and still they kept their old language, Hebrew. They kept their Aramaic, later their Yiddish; they kept their books; they kept their faith.
I kept thinking I was always going to meet the right man, but I never did. Kept waiting for this knight in shining armour. 'When's he coming? He's taking a long time, isn't he?'
Go to sleep now and rest. Our job is done. You kept your promise, and I kept mine.
I kept hearing about my 54-hole record and I kept telling myself that records are made to be broken.
They took my 30s, my 40s, my 50s, but what they couldn't take was my joy. I couldn't do nothing about the years, but I could control my joy... I kept a smile on my face; I kept love in my heart.
Oh, I love Cornwall, it's so special. We bought the house when I was with Plymouth Argyle and we've just kept that on and kept modernising things.
I think the notion that we are different just because of skin color, and that we should be kept apart or kept from interbreeding, is very hurtful.
It kept him alive, he was certain; even more, it kept his darkest of his demons at bay.
I had this strange belief, perhaps naively, that somehow, if I kept working hard, and I kept doing it with integrity, that I would get my chance.
We played a lot of live shows, we just kept plugging away and playing music and people kept coming back.
There is no power on earth which can be kept long confined within a narrow limit. It cannot be kept compressed too long to allow of expansion at a subsequent period.
This campaign was special because we always kept the challenger mentality we had from the start. We managed to keep the against-all-odds, can-do spirit that kept us going when no one thought we could win.
I went to a high school for the performing arts and I lived and breathed music. It kept me focused; it kept me sane. — © Beyonce Knowles
I went to a high school for the performing arts and I lived and breathed music. It kept me focused; it kept me sane.
Originally, when I was introduced to yoga, I kept resisting. I kept saying that I wouldn't be caught dead doing yoga.
Association with my pupils has kept me young in my work. Criticism of their work has kept my own point of view clear.
Whatever you could do with your hands was important because it kept you in a motion of being able to produce something, and producing something kept you balanced in a way.
I know what it feels like to hit financial turmoil, to be hit with the threat of losing your home. I kept working, I kept looking for resources to improve my situation.
If I kept saying it; if I kept reaching out. My accident really taught me just one thing: the only way to go on is to go on. To say 'I can do this' even when you know you can't.
I didn't marry. I didn't have children. I followed the food supply for jobs. I kept writing at night. And that kept me moving. It kept my life disruptive. It broke up many relationships. Was it worth it? Yes.
There were good and bad times, but through all of the times I just kept working, and kept being in the gym, and kept believing in myself. And it all paid off.
We kept moving forward, kept pretty particular about certain things. Don Handfield is really great with story, so we kept working on it from that angle and developed a lot of IP over the years, which we became very proud of.
Big Ben just kept building up. It ended up coming off the field. It kept taking over. Superman kept taking over Clark Kent and you just never saw who Ben Roethlisberger was any more.
When the land is cultivated entirely by the spade and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land. — © John Stuart Mill
When the land is cultivated entirely by the spade and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land.
Sports kept me off the streets. It kept me from getting into what was going on, the bad stuff.
I kept trying to write these books that were sort of outside of my realm, and I kept failing.
She kept up her compliments, and I kept up my determination to deserve them or die.
I have kept a reading diary since I was 18. I am jealous of my friend who has kept hers since she was ten.
My own habit had always been to write about the things that ticked me off in a given day. If I kept a journal at all, I kept it to vent.
I wanted to play running back, but they would never put me at running back. I started loving receiver and as I kept growing older, we kept throwing the ball more and I kept liking it more and more. It's something I've played all my life. It's something I've gotten better at each year.
My wife kept looking at the Jack Paar show and telling me that's what I should be doing on television. But I kept telling her she was wrong.
But we believed if we kept on working, if we kept on marching, if we kept on voting, if we kept on believing, we would make America beautiful for everybody.
In God I trust, so I'm kept going and kept training to follow my dream.
Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor - with the cry of grave national emergency.
We just kept going down the road, we kept trying to make the next record, the right choices to get there.
I've always dreamed of becoming a mother. I thought I would get married and do it all the traditional way, but life kept going on, my career kept me busy - and I had not stopped to become a mommy.
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